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Lithium Play Galaxy Hits 8-year High On Q3 Numbers


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Shares lithium producer Galaxy Resources surged and sagged yesterday in the wake of the release what was on the whole an encouraging production report for the three months to September.

The shares surged more than 3% to an eight year high (intraday) of $3.72 before they slid in afternoon trading to end down 1.4% $3.49, confirming again that it is one of the more volatile emerging miners.

With the company reporting an earnings before interest, tax and depreciation and amortisation figure for the September quarter, Galaxy could be in danger of losing its speculative appeal and becoming humdrum normal.

Galaxy Resources said production of lithium concentrate from its Mt Cattlin operations n WA for the three months to 30 September jumped 43% quarter on quarter to 47,075 dry metric tonnes. Sales of lithium concentrate grew 39% compared to the previous quarter.

Demand for lithium, the raw material used to make batteries, has risen on higher demand from electric vehicles, particularly from China.

Chinese automaker Great Wall Motor last month took said it will take a 3.5% stake in Australia’s Pilbara Minerals to secure a supply of the key material.

Galaxy Resources said in its production report yesterday ( average production cash costs (excluding royalties and marketing fees) of $US320 ($A405) per dry metric tone (dmt), a reduction of 18% from the June quarter of 2017 . the average realised selling price before royalties and marketing fees was $US843 (A$1,062) per dmt sold, an increase of 17% over the June quarter. That generated earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation of $21.6 million for the quarter.

“Demand trends in lithium ion battery applications continued their positive trajectories throughout 3Q CY2017, and further act to support an extremely robust outlook for demand within the sector. Galaxy said yesterday.

“Structural changes in the electrification of transport and the transition to a greater penetration of renewable energy generation in both developed and developing economies continues to propagate as evolving government policy and regulation support the acceleration of these technologies."

Cash on hand at 30 September 2017 was $A57.4 million and the net cash position was $A48.9 million after deducting the BNP debt of $A8.5 million.

Quarterly Activities ReportMt Marion Lithium Operation

Production ramp up continued during the quarter with 91,917t of concentrate produced, including, 47,196t 6% Li2O concentrate and 44,721t 4% Li2O concentrate.

Shipments totalled 84,636t with another shipment due to depart in early July due to port capacity constraints.

Lithium Hydroxide Project

Completed site selection study and commenced vendor testwork as part of the evaluation of producing Lithium Hydroxide in WA.

Lithium Brine Processing Technology Project

Successful completion of ‘Proof of Concept’ testwork of process to selectively recover lithium and potassium via adsorption onto a titanate based adsorbent.

Lithium Battery Recycling Project

Process flowsheet development continued and pilot plant procurement phase started at the facilities in Canada to recover Cobalt and other metals from Lithium Ion Batteries from consumer electronic devices and electric vehicles.

Lithium Titanate Research Project

Successfully produced lithium titanate (“LTO”) with superior performance characteristics based on cycle testing in the US. LTO is a leading anode material, which is superior to graphite.

Barrambie Titanium Project

Practical completion of update to PFS for construction of Titanium Hydrolysate (+99% TiO2) as intermediate product for direct supply into Titanium Pigment Production.


Cash and restricted access term deposits $46.1 million.

Net receivables and listed securities $16.5 million
Up 5,8%

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Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY) James Bay Project Notice Submitted and Further High Grade Drilling Results

Company Overview

Perth, Oct 19, 2017 AEST (ABN Newswire) - Galaxy Resources Limited ("Galaxy" or the "Company") (ASX:GXY) (OTCMKTS:GALXF) is pleased to advise that it has now submitted a Project Notice for the James Bay Lithium Project ("James Bay" or the "Project") to the Government of Quebec, and the Federal Government of Canada, together with local stakeholders. The Project Notice submission marks the start of the regulatory process aimed at securing the necessary mining and infrastructure licenses. It also advises the Government of the proposed scale, scope and timeline of the James Bay Project so that it may set the appropriate levels of regulatory assessment.

The preparation and submission of this project description is the initial step in the environmental impact assessment process, where Galaxy advises in writing, the relevant Quebec ministry (Ministere du Developpement durable, de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, or "MDDELCC") and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency ("CEAA"), of its intention to undertake the project. The project description also allows the relevant government agencies involved to determine the type of environmental study to be conducted and to issue a formal notice indicating the nature, area and scope of the study expected from the project promoter.

The Project Notice outlines the general characteristics of the project. The Project is situated in the Nord-du-Quebec administrative region of Quebec, where Galaxy is planning to develop an open-pit lithium mine that would be located along the James Bay Road.

Aside from the pit, the mining facility will include an ore concentrator, tailings/waste rock/ore/overburden storage areas, as well as accompanying infrastructure. The concentrated ore will be trucked to a transfer site, where it will be transported by train south, to the proposed conversion facility to be processed into lithium chemicals.

The Company is also pleased to announce further assays from its 2017 drilling campaign at James Bay. The aim of this drilling was to support a mineral resource upgrade to be incorporated into the ongoing Project feasibility study work.

In March 2017, the James Bay team commenced a ~33,000m diamond drilling campaign to extend and develop the existing James Bay resource. This drilling program has now been completed. All remaining assays are expected to be received by the end of October 2017. Results from a further 16 holes for an aggregate 3,879m drilled can now be reported.

All intercepts below are reported downhole.

Highlights from this round of drilling and assay are:

- 88.7m @1.63% Li2O from 150.3m to 239.0m (drill hole JBL17-107)

- 28.7m @ 1.54% Li2O from 28.5m to 57.2m (drill hole JBL17-108)

- 66.0m @ 1.71 % Li2O from 144.33m to 210.3m (drill hole JBL17-128)

- 102.8m @ 1.56% Li2O from 79.7m to 182.5m (drill hole JBL17-129)

- 37.7m @ 1.43% Li2O from 82.16m to 119.7m (drill hole JBL17-147)

Managing Director and CEO, Anthony Tse, commented "We expect to receive the last assays from this drilling program this month. The updated resource estimate work has been awarded to SRK Canada. Galaxy has now established its office in Montreal and engaged Primero Group to deliver engineering input into the James Bay feasibility study. With the Project Notice now submitted, we will advance our work on the feasibility study, including engaging with local stakeholders, the Cree First Nation and the Quebec Government in advancing the development of this world class hard rock lithium resource. "

Final assay results will be released as they are received over the coming weeks. All results are listed in Table 2 (see link below).


The James Bay pegmatite swarm is located 10km south of the Eastmain River and 100km east of James Bay. The property is accessible by paved road from the James Bay Road which cuts through the property close to the 381km road marker on the highway Route/109 from Val d'Or, Quebec, Canada. Val d'Or is approximately 526km westward from Montreal, Quebec. A large multi-service truck stop is located at marker 381. Discovered in the 1960's and then known as the Cyr property the site consists of a swarm of 35 pegmatite dykes that belong to the rare-element 'class', the LCT (Li-Cs- Ta) 'family' and the albite-spodumene 'type' per the classification by Cerny (1991).

To view tables and figures, please visit:

About Galaxy Resources Limited

Galaxy Resources Limited (ASX:GXY) (OTCMKTS:GALXF) is an international S&P / ASX 200 Index company with lithium production facilities, hard rock mines and brine assets in Australia, Canada and Argentina. It wholly owns and operates the Mt Cattlin mine in Ravensthorpe Western Australia, which is currently producing spodumene and tantalum concentrate, and the James Bay lithium pegmatite project in Quebec, Canada.

Galaxy is advancing plans to develop the Sal de Vida lithium and potash brine project in Argentina situated in the lithium triangle (where Chile, Argentina and Bolivia meet), which is currently the source of 60% of global lithium production. Sal de Vida has excellent potential as a low cost brine-based lithium carbonate production facility.

Lithium compounds are used in the manufacture of ceramics, glass, and consumer electronics and are an essential cathode material for long life lithium-ion batteries used in hybrid and electric vehicles, as well as mass energy storage systems. Galaxy is bullish about the global lithium demand outlook and is aiming to become a major producer of lithium products