Mark All Forums Read - Invalid Link


Legendary member
Anyone finding it impossible to do the above? Keep getting an invalid link message. Several days now. |I'm tired of wading through screenfulls of old threads interspersed with live posts.
If you find it, can you delete mine and Mr Arabians, we'd be very grateful.
I have reported this problem to support so they know about it. They are having problems fixing it apparently.
Come on techie lads, this is fuggin silly...

Is anyone actually looking at this, have any idea what's causing it and any idea how long it's going to take to get fixed and stay fixed?

It's a major irritation.
Not even a response.

I have had an email response from MT saying it's been referred to the techies, but given it's been over a week since I first reported it and it's still being 'referred to the techies' I find that a poor bloody show quite frankly.

It's an even poorer show that it was released in this condition without the approrpiate level of testing. Having had your customers find the problem for you, I would have hoped for a less relaxed approach to resolving the issue.
Tell you what. Let's cut a deal.

Put an extra function in the 'quick links' menu dropdown that says 'annoying pointless piece of sh|ite link that does fluck all apart from not do what it says and annoy you but we can't be arsed to fix because it's not an income related section of the site and you're just here to generate the traffic'? At least it would have integrity if not functionality.

Does t2w's tech 'team' work full time? At all?
Tell you what. Let's cut a deal.

Put an extra function in the 'quick links' menu dropdown that says 'annoying pointless piece of sh|ite link that does fluck all apart from not do what it says and annoy you but we can't be arsed to fix because it's not an income related section of the site and you're just here to generate the traffic'? At least it would have integrity if not functionality.

Does t2w's tech 'team' work full time? At all?

now, now Brambs - they do have a bit of a queue of things you know 🙂
jon, I don't doubt your positive intent and I respect your honesty and integrity. But, bollox.

Ther'es fug all that's more obviously out of whack that affects the wider membership at the moment.

I appreciate Sharky +1 have been off on a jolly in the US but surely there's someone left to deal with the day-to-day?
Why doesn't t2w hire ScepterMT to help make a dent in that bit of a queue?
Apparently he's "a very good programmer". He even said so in his thread.

Hey guys, so we think it's fixed now. Let us know if there are any more problems. It was complicated because the link itself was correct, another plugin we use by a third party was rewriting the link on the fly.. and they would only acknowledge the problem but weren't prepared to fix it right away. Hence we had to come up with our own workaround and that seems to have worked.