

I am finding this forum very useful but at least 5 out of 10 times that I use it I get closed down by an illegal operation message:
'NETSCAPE caused an invalid page fault' in module NETSCAPE.EXE
at 15f: 005fdl35

Can anyone help me with this as it is very frustrating?


This sounds like a question for Sharky - he's usually around in the evenings, so you will probably have to wait until then for a sensible answer. 😀
Hi pjonline,

Which version of Netscape are you using? I've not come across this problem before, is it isolated to using the board on T2W? And does it occur when you visit specific pages, the more info you can give me the better! As an alternative could you use another browser such as Opera if you are not too keen on using the ubiquitous IE?

Hi Sharky

Thanks for taking time to reply. I am using Netscape 4.7. The fault can happen on any page in T2W, it has taken me 5 attempts to reach your reply. I have had this problem before, but only a couple of times in the last few months, not enough to bother me. I can't remember what I was viewing at the time. I have tried IE and I get 'This page cannot be displayed'. Maybe I should upgrade to Netscape 6?

Just a remote chance......especially if you get other odd problems... maybe a memory fault?
Hi Pjonline,

No problem, more than happy to help if I can. It sounds to me like a problem with the browser - my recommedation would be to upgrade to the latest version, which at the moment is v.7 and can be dowloaded here:

Also the site itself will look a lot better in a new browser as some of the old browsers like netscape 4.7 don't support some of the advanced features we use. In any case I'll try and get hold of v4.7 tonight, have a cruise a round the site, and see if I have any problems.

Hi Sharky

I've downloaded and installed Netscape 7 and it has cured the problem. I can go in and out of the forum with ease. Once again thanks for your help as I will now be able to take full advantage of all this information.

PJ 🙂