Invalid prices


Active member
I have been on demo with SLM MT4 for a few weeks and get the occasional invalid price when trying to open or close a position, this is mostly when price is moving fast and I was prepared to put up with it because genarally I really like the platfrom.

90% of the time I set pending buy/sell stop orders but 10% of the time I like to use the instant execution option.
These last 2 days I have been getting so many "invalid Prices" messages in a row when trying to open or close a position.

I tried to open a position on EU/US and clicked buy 5 times in a row and got the same message so I gave up.
This happened many times to me yesterday on GBP/USD too.
I was trying to close a position and I kept getting that same error message.
I was going to open a live account but will have to see if the problem can be solved.
It is being looked into now.

1)Anyone else had a similar problem as this?

2) Is it practical to open a spreadbetting account with a US company if I am British living in the UK?

3) Are there any other UK Spreadbetting firms that offer mt4?

4) Can anyone recommend a good UK Spreadbetting firm with a good platform.
1) Yes
2) Spreadbetting isn't legal in the US
3) Don't think so now
4) They all have good and bad points, but CityIndex seems good these days
Thanks for the reply Ross.

Regarding my first question which you replied yes to. What platform and company did/do you experience the repetitive invalid price problem?

Everything was fine until a couple of days ago when it started. It is not during news or fast moving prices but seemingly most the time now. I made a quick recording and will try to post it in the SLM thread later. It was only 3 attempts but my record is 12 before giving up.

I really like MT4 charting and the whole platfrom really.
I see Alpari are US based but have a branch in London, they have 4 platfroms to choose from but do not offer spreadbetting.

I will have a look at Cityindex.
Which ever company I go with I will need to test out the platform on a Demo account for a while.
Quite pissed off that I got the Invalid Prices thing and another error if im not wrong but I remember I got the Invalid prices crap 5 TIMES today at 14:00 hours on the EuroUsd...There was no sudden or volatile movement at that point on my chart, I had a short trade that I really needed to take...But couldn't. Missed out my trade which in the end would have netted me 42 pips or so of profit.

I have a chart to prove I had a short signal but not sure if they would honor it as I spoke to them on the phone and mentioned this is unacceptable as ive had this Invalid prices tripe going on my slm's mt4 for over a month to a month and a half now...

i dont have problems with my Internet connection and im on a solid 20mb connection so theres not any bandwidth problems either...

I actually moved to SLM from IG based on a recommendation from a close friend who also moved with me, but im quite disappointed with this as its frankly taking the mick with re-quotes or Invald price errors around 1 out of every 2 trades I execute so Its causing me to get higher prices and causing me to miss trades and potential profit, missing out on my profit causes the rest of my targets and MM to **** up for the week.

Any ideas? I have the latest build of mt4. I dont seem to have firewall/router or antivirus issues as ive checked and double checked that now as Im a network engineer. Ive spoken to Virgin who is my ISP and they dont appear to have any problems on my line either.

Suggesstions? Numerous people are having this and frankly if its not dealt with is going to lead to some bad rep for SLM im sure.
Obviously SLM are having issues at the moment. They normally post on here regularly but have been quiet the past week or so. The last time they did this was also a time when everyone was complaining about problams. I think the issue (as someone else mentioned) is how they bridge the FX and futures feeds to a single spreadbet platform. It cant be easy.