Principles of Profit workbook


Hi to everyone,

I am a "born again" spread better, having dabbled a little about 3 years ago. I would like to start again with a demo account, but would also like to be systematic in my approach. I have heard and read some good things about the priniples of profits workbook that was previously sold by a company called Dallancorp. I believe the book was actually written by a contributor to thes forums namely aussie trader. I tried to PM AT but was given a message this was an invalid user name.

Anyway can anyone help me out and tell me where I can get a copy? I think it would be extremely useful as a starting point.
I want to keep a record of my progress as a novice SB with a demo account through to a renowned expert earning £500 a day just like Vince Stanzione 😉 and if it looks like it may be useful I will publish the results.

would appreciate any help on this.

BTW if anyone can tell me how to get off the various VS mailing lists I would be even more grateful...

Best Regards, M