UPDATE >> New Links Section


I'm pleased to announce the new Links Section will be going live this evening.

I'll be copying across the old links from SharkInvested. But for each link I'd like to include the following:

Rating: (Out of 5)
Description: (A short paragraph)
Screen Shot: (Perhaps)

In the meantime, please use this thread to add you own links remembering to include all of the above (except the screen shot!).

Eventually, there will be a form to directly add a link.

And if anyone can suggest good category headings to sort the links in to, that would be mighty handy too!!
Hi Pigsy

How about some links to sites with either historical and/or rt Nas and Dow charts. UK as well I suppose.. although they don't seem that important!!

People are always asking for them.

Sounds like a good idea Cigar. I'll have a trawl and see if I can find any sites like these.

Eventually we can hopefully provide our own real time charts on the site!! 🙂

I'd like to suggest that if anyone knows of any links which could be useful to others, they post the links here to help Pigsy.

Sure I did, there all still there. In fact apart from the BB, SharkInvested it still living and breathing, all be it left to pasture.

I've managed to borrow a few links anyway in the meantime.. so I think there's more than enough to get on with. I will have the Technical Analysis Links Page done before tonight.

Member ratings, and a form to add new links and rate existing ones will come later this weekend, along with member's comments. In fact expect to see quite a few updates this weekend!!

And if that wasn't enough links to look through, the day trading links page will go live before 1:00pm today.
Add your own links!

Logged in members can now add their own links to the Trading Links section.

Make sure you're logged in, then click on Technical Analysis or Day Trading from the Trading Links section on the menu bar.

At the bottom of each page, you'll find a form you fill in which will automatically add your link to the list.

I'll soon be adding comments and member ratings to the links, and possibly break the list further down into UK, US etc.

Any comments, please feel free to reply to this thread.
