Lord Flashearts Rogue Traders and Watchdog Thread

I have a false vendor badge, I do not sell anything.My website does not exist.

How do I remove vendor tag?It was forced upon me by a moderator.

You have to send a picture of yourself naked to Sharky. I promise this won't get you banned.
You have to send a picture of yourself naked to Sharky. I promise this won't get you banned.

He won't do that yet mate, he's only saved up enough to have one breast implant at the moment. He'll send a photo when he's got both done.

I'd be interested in seeing him with just one t!t though.
He won't do that yet mate, he's only saved up enough to have one breast implant at the moment. He'll send a photo when he's got both done.

I'd be interested in seeing him with just one t!t though.

That makes him a real boob.

I wonder if he's had his gonads removed yet... Or if he even had any in the first place...
I got some bad news for you, no one does. If you are looking for someone to "sell you a system" you are never going to make it. Try learning to trade and develop your own system.

This thread is classic trade2win narrow mindedness at its best.
Someone starts a thread as a watchdog to out scammers and all that happens is two fellow forum members (pozzyP and Trader_Dante) who have contributed huge amounts of free information on this forum, get trashed. There is a big wide world out there.
Yet again the demands for free live signals and produce trading accounts as if that means something. The only thing that counts is if the people who are actually in those live rooms are learning something and are happy. Everything else is ********.

In my email this week I got two companies bullying me to join their live rooms and buy their trading system (www.4XTL.com and www.schooloftrade.com). Both are around $3000 for "lifetime membership" of their live trading rooms. NO refunds.:whistling

Points taken,but theres a big difference when you start charging for the imformation.
You may have a point about the thread though. I guess no one is going to be easily accepted unless they prove themselves with live trades. anything else and people will always be able to question performance and track record. Having said that how many mentors do we really know of on the site have ever proved themselves in that way other than perhaps Alan Rich.
No but the ski shop would have ski's tested and be to the standard that should you
go and ski downhill you have trust in them as they have been tested and to some
sort of regulated standard.

You could go ski off a cliff but your problem.

If you were sold ski's that gave way and caused your crash off the cliff would you not
be worried. As you did buy them from what you thought was a ski shop and hey, they
wouldnt sell some crap they made up knowing they aint been tested in the flesh and
dont work.

If a novie was going to buy skis, I think he ought to ask for a satisfied customer who could give an independent testimonial that the skis were good, but I am sure I made that point.

Whether he can make a good skier is up to him, not the shop.

And so what if this shop charges twice what some other ski shop charges? - that's also up to the customer.
Well - at least he's not delusional... :rolleyes:

trader_dante said:

Let's wait until someone thats actually a member of the room come on and say I can't make money that way.

The chances of that ever happening are about the same of me not being the centre of the next outbreak of jealousy.


DionysusToast said:
Well - seeing as you can't make money this way, it's a fair question.
In the interests of the free market, I say, let the buyer beware.

Buyers will buy systems. Usually the're newbies because who else would need one? And they often don't know the value of what they're being asked to pay for. And even when they get the system in their hands (even if it is a rational system), are they successful traders? - No, they blow their account same as if they had just saved their money and traded Sunday newspaper tips as ever they did. So what if the price is high? - nobody is forced to buy anything.

What a poor attitude.

It's newbies that need protecting from the scum in the trading world that rips them off.

If it's all "buyer beware", then it is an open invite to all scammers to come on here and rip off the members because it's the members fault that they got scammed.

So - roll up scammers, you are welcome here, there is nothing wrong with what you do - please come in & rip off our members and cause them to lose additional money following your net loser systems.

T2W and a large percentage of the membership approve of your activities.
I think it's quite clear from the retarded ramblings in this thread that should one of you actually get shown how to trade you would not be able to process the information.

You would be better off looking amongst your own at those that stand on their soapbox pretending to be the big I AM and not charging a cent.
I think it's quite clear from the retarded ramblings in this thread that should one of you actually get shown how to trade you would not be able to process the information.

You would be better off looking amongst your own at those that stand on their soapbox pretending to be the big I AM and not charging a cent.

Not one of us has ever claimed we could trade,are you going to show us how to trade as we obviously need it. I do im, down 60 pips today
Not one of us has ever claimed we could trade,are you going to show us how to trade as we obviously need it. I do im, down 60 pips today

You are not interpreting the charts correctly in conjunction with news releases,your timing is out and you are putting on trades before news releases and before market in euro session is open.Look at your trades for today , you went in too early by relying on past chart patterns.


Your Aud should have been a long trade on the 15 m trendline .You went short.

You went long on euro/yen ahead of news releases.You should have gone short after french data.And long after German data .

You are long usd yen . usd yen is in a down trend and has not had a convincing reversal yet.Yen has been strong overnight and you are selling it.Usd yen is the ****tiest pair to trade.

Hope you understand why you are down 60.
A message pops up;

Join DailyFX Instructor Matt Russell LIVE in the Trading Room!

FXCM offers buy/sell signals, proprietary research, and our NEW trading course through a special website, DailyFX PLUS. In 7 minutes (5am New York time), Matt will identify current trading opportunities using several tools including Bollinger bands. He will explain how he uses Bollinger bands in his trading approach and he will take your questions in real time.

You can login to the Trading Room with your live account number

Now, would it be better or worse training in a trading room with your broker's employees such as Matt (for next to nothing) as opposed to joining someone else's room?
A Possible Way Forward . . .

As ever, the views expressed on this issue are pretty diverse. That said, it strikes me that the camp that wants vendors to provide evidence of their profitability is growing and this trend is likely to continue.

So, perhaps the thing to do is to see if some consensus can be reached on what constitutes profitability or evidence of an ability to trade? For example, mention has been made of vendors providing brokerage statements showing their P&L. Off the top of my head, this will throw up various issues . . .
- Who verifies the statements?
- Are they posted on the public boards for all to see, or only shown to T2W admin'?
- Understandably, some vendors may not want their private accounts published on a public forum. Conversely, if admin' approve them and say a vendor is profitable, detractors will simply accuse admin' of being paid off by the vendor etc.
- How many weeks, months or years of statements need to be supplied? Lots of traders made a fortune in the bull market in the late 90s up to the dot com bubble in 2000. Were they really good traders or just lucky - being mostly long in a raging bull market?
- If there are 5 years worth of statements and, say, the vendor was unprofitable in year 2 and only broke even in year 3, does that mean they're unprofitable overall?
- You get the general idea, I hope. Providing proof of profitability isn't quite as straightforward as some peeps might imagine!

Understandably, many vendors will be reluctant to post any concerns they may have about any proposals directly to the thread. If a fair and simple test can be devised, I'm happy to PM them for their comments and report back to the thread. If a solution can be found that both sides agree on as being fair and workable, I'll then present it to Sharky. He looks at all ideas from a business perspective and, as a bare minimum, they have to fulfil these three criteria to be considered:

1. Is the idea workable? In other words, is it simple to implement and does it add real value to T2W and its members?
2. Is the idea technologically doable within the confines of the Vbulletin software (that's what T2W runs on) and . . .
3. Is the idea within budget? Like any well run business, financial resources are allocated to areas that will help to develop the business. (Hint: there's no point in demanding that all vendors submit their brokerage statements for an independent audit by Price Waterhouse or Ernst & Young - at T2W's expense!)
I think you are way overcomplicating things.

For day traders - I think it's more than adequate to show 2-3 months returns OR come on here & make say - 20 live calls. The call post must be made upon taking the position. It cannot be edited. It should contain stops & targets if they exist.

There should be a follow up post calling the exit too.

An image showing exit & entry like this should suffice to prove it was taken:



Generally speaking - if a mainstream piece of trading software is used, we'll be able to see if it is/isn't SIM. Anyone using TS will know that the above is not SIM because of the partial account number.

What you have now is nothing but hot air. Take one step at a time. Don't muddy the issue with all this stuff about 5 years accounts and audits by Ernst & Young - it's just another strawman.


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