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eur/jpy, if it triggers will be off the moving average so around the 132.25 area. In which case a sensible (?) stop would be at 132.01, 10 pips below the monthly R1, the weekly high and yesterday's high.
long aud/nzd stop will be 1495 which is 10 pips below the daily open and pivot point. Also 5 pips below the century.
chf/jpy if it triggers will be around the 106.95 area so a stop at 106.67 10 pips below today's open is the only obvious support level, but it is just the one level and I typically prefer two or more for comfort. I could probably get away with a stop just below the century itself which is approximately the expected entry point, and while that would be far too risky for me, it does give me some sense that the 106.67 level is reasonable.
short eur/aud stop down to 4302. 10 pips above yesterday's Frankfurt-London and a handful of pips above yesterday's low.
eur/aud I've only locked in half of the MFE so far. Is this where I'm going wrong? Have an MFE of 39 yet I'm only currently locking in 18 pips. Should I be more aggressive on moving stops closer after a strong move?
Got a signal for the long chf/jpy but I've already got jpy exposure above so am passing. I'm sure I will regret it.
Hi Pat494, nice aud chf trade ! I been trying to buy aud jpy dip without successs.
That is the problem of waiting for dips.
It's a trade off between getting a nice entry or
missing a move.
Hi Pat494, nice aud chf trade ! I been trying to buy aud jpy dip without successs.
That is the problem of waiting for dips.
It's a trade off between getting a nice entry or
missing a move.
By dip do you mean a pullback and if so, to what? And I thought you went more with the momentum plays anyhow - in which case a pullback wouldn't really be your thing. I'm obviously not getting the 'dip' thing.
Finally got the long aud/nzd signal, but it's too many bars (7) after initial contact with the moving average before getting the signal which suggests momentum not great. Will pass.
Pulled long eur/jpy at 132.60 for +5 on risk of 54. Realised I'd taken the trade on signals, but without it coming all the way down to the moving average. Wondered why the stop was so large.

It did come off one of my minor moving averages which I've introduced to help me get in on those moves which have higher momentum and therefore rarely dip all the way back to the 49 average, but they're still experimental and not quite yet ready for full size positions which is what I'd taken.
Short eur/aud coming up to weekly low and daily S2 around 4260. Will see how price reacts as I've currently got a 1:2 and getting twitchy about 'giving back' profits.
One of my technical exits is where the CCI (21) hooks back from below the -150 level to above it while the TDI is below the -32 level. I said it was technical.

[For an up move the CCI (21) would need to be hooking back down from above the +150 to below it while the TDI is above the +68 level.]