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There was an inside bar on 15 min - so following that stop to 1.2937

BTW There are not many reports today if that means anything

strange and boring pa from eur/usd
Don't like it - moving stop to 1.2919

PA is misbehaving - stopped +50
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I'm looking at S&P - there is kind of inside bar on 15 min (maybe not perfect IB - more like up/down bar - double top). If the price goes below the low of the 16:00 S&P 15 min bar, I may re enter short eur/usd at a nice level. If not, I'll leave it till tomorrow.
eur/usd sell order at 1.2902 stop at 1.2922

I'll cancel the order if the price goes above 1.2922 before hitting 1.2902
eur/usd sell order at 1.2902 stop at 1.2922

I'll cancel the order if the price goes above 1.2922 before hitting 1.2902

It may go to the triangle target, but in the meantime it can do all sort of silly moves. PA has been ridiculous for hours(n)

Whatever the case I'll keep it simple - I'll cancel the order:)
my 2nd trade yesterday was a gbp/cad trade and not a gbp/chf trade No one pointed it out,just goes to show. I have taken the trade again from the same line and hope that there will be a big run down at some point. Still even the 1/2, trades mount up in time
(originally said -3.8 - mistake)

I was hoping for a good trade and didnt want to set b/e after being +15 as I thought it may return to bounce at TL.

After leaving it I waited to exit on the outside of the TL (as it could be a bounce to continue south) = my entry.
I can't find any intraday set ups on eur/usd - it is untradable market for me(n)

I'll try it some other time