Best Thread Live Cable Trading

not long yet looking for a better price under 400

Hi Newtron is there a video of this type of setup
I tend to stay away from gbp false moves when the dollar is saying something else. Dollar index is currently up Eur and Chf down against the dollar and yen down as well. How long will cable may just be choppy for a while yet.
dc2000 said:
not long yet looking for a better price under 400

Hi Newtron is there a video of this type of setup

I got impatient waiting for my 383..I wonder if Ill pay for it 🙄
one of the things that strikes me from reading back through a few pages of this thread is a kind of yo yo effect that traders go through.... it going up buy its going down sell and this gets repeated until youve got a heft loss for the day.

I have said time and time again to various traders across the globe that you should not just trade you prefered pattern or entry method but look at where they are happening.

For example there are lots of 123 pattern throughout the day across all the main pairs some fail some dont some go into profit some go into profit a little and turn.

Why do the ones that win, win and the ones that loose, loose?

The answer is timing. Look at where the pattern develops. It could be on a TL or a fib or pivot etc etc. So on the surface a good place to take a trade on. but it still busts out.

Look for where a couple of these S/R levels come together with 10-15 pips of each other and then see what develops at those levels... continuation pattern or reversal pattern and then get on it.

Why does the strike rate go up when you do this?
Simple more people looking at these levels.... each S/R tool is a group of trader be it pivots fibs RN gann and so on. When you have one or two groups of people looking at a level to trade it will increase teh chances of success when you have 3 or more groups of traders there (in theory) should be more traders pumping money into the market as they do so they develop contiuation or reversal patterns which we mear mortals can jump on with a high degree of success.

This sounds a rather simple concept in looking for high prob trading zone other will call it a confluence of events other call it doing your homework it all amounts to the same thing.

Wait for a decent set and dont jump on every thing you see or dont see in some traders cases.
Newtron Bomb also has a video tutorial on Support and Resistance on his site, which illustrates above post well. 🙂
how do you code "support" and "resistance" ?
how would you define it in programmatical terms ?
would JTs B/O back-test produce more favourable results if accounted for S/R levels ?

would hans123 profit levels be smoother if previous recent highs or lows were targets ?
trendie said:
how do you code "support" and "resistance" ?
how would you define it in programmatical terms ?
would JTs B/O back-test produce more favourable results if accounted for S/R levels ?

would hans123 profit levels be smoother if previous recent highs or lows were targets ?

Cant specifically answer these questions as am not upto speed with coding or the latest spin off of these set ups.

The best blind breaks will happen when there is the potential for the market to move. So if there has been a narrow range say 50 pips on cable the average days range is 150 pips so you, in theory, have a 100 pip profit potential.

IF the range in the given time frame is 100 pips as it can often be during an overnight trend you now have only 50 pips profit potential compared to the average days move. and teh chances of a UK range are increased.

also trading with teh trend can increase your potential... simply put if yesterday is a down day you are looking for follow through... reversals of the asian highs and break outs off the asian lows and vies versa

simple 😉

Hope you jumped on the 2nd run

as for myself Ive now joined in the fun
long 91 stop at 81
zuke said: reversed 2 pips away from my target 🙁

Closed this trade @413 for +1..peed off about not taking partial profit, but you what they say, rules is rules. Im now looking for a long entry at 372
dc2000 said:
if 81 goes I dont want to be anywhere near a long, as you say rules is rules

Famous last words, but I reckon if 81 goes we would go to 41 area before a correction.
5 minute snapshot re- cable

Cable chart - 5 minutes- just for info.


  • tuesday.JPG
    165.4 KB · Views: 128
Have a look at the 12th to the 28th Dec on the hourly,similar fall. We could have another 2, 3 days of a fall, but with a 100-125 pips correction before the bottom is hit.
