Larry Levin Secrets of Traders

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I'm very happy to have joined Larry Levin's Secret of Traders It hasbeen so far a great educational experience I always wanted to trade and here I am trying to learn as much as I canPatrick has been a great teacher as well as a good mentor I didn't see myself trading on future contracts thought it would be too scary But after seeing the tools you use to trade on it gives you a world of confidence in entering and exiting your trades Also Marc Busey has been helpful with the software Carl Semme has been excellent as an advisor So if I should hear if anyone is interested in trading whether its stocks commodities bonds or future contracts I would certainly recommend this course
I am a student with Trading Advantage since August 2010. I am a senior citizen and wanted to learn something different. The education I am receiving in Patrick Assalone and Dan O'Brian's room is fantastic. I had tried trading the e-mini s&P a long time ago, but found it too confusing. Now I am understanding what to look for in a trade and how to place them at the correct time. Also, a major part of trading is staying out of the market when there isn't a real trade to take therefore, NOT losing any of my capital. All in all, Trading Advantage has always been fair to me and I will recommend it to anyone who is interested in doing the homework to learn what the teachers are telling us. The material that we get is very easy to understand, but it is up to each individual to take the time to read and learn it. I am very glad that I signed up for the Trading Advantage Course.
Larry has been a great course for me to trade as a day trader the tools you have gives me great confidencein getting in and out of trades successfully You have a great bunch of teachers that really care for us to succeed
Larry has a great course in trading futures contracts I have learned alot by being taught the right way to approach day trading in this market The tools you use makes you see the market the way it is You're taught to see what is doing so as to enter the trade successfully The teachers are excellent as well
I'm a newbie and quite enjoy Larry Levin's course. I've signed up for the long haul and have learned a lot already. Reading the materials is one thing, but the course makes it come alive and explains things better. Teacher Patrick is also entertaining in his approach. And he certainly can pick important support and resistance areas to trade against.
Ray, I think it is amazing how Patrick picks the support and resistance levels. I thoroughly enjoy his teachings. He has a great insight into Market Profile. I haven't heard anyone else teach it Like he does. It is a very profitable method if we follow his rules.
Hey guys, I am a lifetime member of Secrets of Traders and am committed to what they teach. They teach mechanical ways to trade - which is what most traders want and will only committ the time and work to learn - and they teach the art of trading the e-mini. I decided to take the time to learn the art of trading the e-mini. The tools I use are Market Profile - taught by Patrick Assalone - and the market delta and trading the tape - taught by Dan O'Brian.
I trade momentum and reversals of momentum with the insight of the tape and the market structure as portrayed by Market Profile. I am a scalper that can also swing trade with my runners - period. I can see immediately when my trade is not going to work out - within a 2 to 4 tick range - and can re-evaluate the price action at my levels to re-enter the trade. I am not afraid to trade since I know so much about price action and levels. I don't need the room anymore, but I like the atmosphere, my trading buddies, and have a lot fun there.
You can trade what you want - Gann, Elliott Wave, whatever. Price only goes up or down, and if you do not know the structure of the market and where volume is, and you dont know what is really going on with price as your chart is building across your screen, then you are trading with one eye closed.
As with everything, it takes a lot of hard work. You are trading with the best traders and best trading algorithims in the world - you dont think that takes time to learn? It sure does - learning to trade the e-mini takes TIME and HARD WORK.

Good luck to you fellow traders.

To all the new members who have recently joined T2W and posted their praise for this course . . .

Assuming that you are all genuine bona fide customers, the best way to convince the wider membership that your praise has real substance - is to post to other forums and contribute some of your new found knowledge and market insights for the benefit of others. Better still, start your own thread in the Journals forum. Here is an example of one started in recent days: Pin Bar System
Ponder on this if you will: if 'pocrel' (the author of the above thread) was to mention that he had taken this course and found it to be as great as all of you claim, do you think that he would be treated the same way as some of you have been in this thread? In the world of online trading forums, gushing praise from a posse of new members with a post count of one and no history - is totally counter productive. It does far more harm than good and detracts from the credibility of what might be (I genuinely have no idea) a very good course run by seasoned professionals who make a consistent profit.
Timsk - thankyou - about time this mess was sorted out.

I hope all the new members can provide lots of info for us 'in the dark' traders.

Second - I wouldn't bother subscribing to Larry's service - I don't think he needs it as he has so many already. These must be the 5% of successful traders they always talk about.
Larry Levine traders advantage course has been an amazing experience for me. It has made the complex word of trading a more simple place that I am comfortable in. Course taught me how to recognize market conditions wherein placing a profitable trade is palpable. The customer support team is also stellar. When ever I have a technical issue I know I can give them a call and have the issue resolved in seconds.
...and of course you can't control what others say about you. It seems Larry isn't all he's cracked up to be.

We have serviced over 55,000 people with our courses and with our newsletter subscriptions. Unfortunately, over the years, there have been a couple of instances where we've reached out and tried to make a fair compromise to rectify a situation in which the client was not fully satisfied with the product. We are not pleased with those outcomes, but at the end of the day we have to run a business and we can't be taken advantage of.

To anyone that still has an issue with our company, we are more than happy to go back to the bargaining table to find a mutually beneficial solution. Feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Larry Levine traders advantage course has been an amazing experience for me. It has made the complex word of trading a more simple place that I am comfortable in. Course taught me how to recognize market conditions wherein placing a profitable trade is palpable. The customer support team is also stellar. When ever I have a technical issue I know I can give them a call and have the issue resolved in seconds.

I see you are a vendor. Now I wonder what it you are selling? Wouldn't be a course would it?
Extremely optimistic that the team at Larry Levin's Secrets of Traders will help me be successful at trading any market. They have a very professional staff and all are enthusiastic in their desire to help you succeed. The course material is presented in a clear and concise manner that will appeal to novice or experience traders. The mentoring program is outstanding with course materials and videos archived for continued review. I have had 20 years of trading experience but no course has given me the confidence needed like this. I have made much progress with my learning curve due to the feedback given by their educators. I highly recommend their program to anybody that desires to be independent and successful.
They don't seem to have got the message.

To all the new members who have recently joined T2W and posted their praise for this course . . .

Assuming that you are all genuine bona fide customers, the best way to convince the wider membership that your praise has real substance - is to post to other forums and contribute some of your new found knowledge and market insights for the benefit of others. Better still, start your own thread in the Journals forum. Here is an example of one started in recent days: Pin Bar System
Ponder on this if you will: if 'pocrel' (the author of the above thread) was to mention that he had taken this course and found it to be as great as all of you claim, do you think that he would be treated the same way as some of you have been in this thread? In the world of online trading forums, gushing praise from a posse of new members with a post count of one and no history - is totally counter productive. It does far more harm than good and detracts from the credibility of what might be (I genuinely have no idea) a very good course run by seasoned professionals who make a consistent profit.
I have found all the Trading Advantage staff to be helpful and professional. Both instructors use the methods they teach live in the market every trading day. By seeing what works in real time surpasses all the other rambling courses I have taken.
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