Larry Levin Secrets of Traders

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Thank you Timsk for your reply to my testimonial and comment as to how to be a participant in this forum. Since I have recently started on this endeavor I do not have any words of wisdom to share with the group about trading strategies and methods. In time I will make my progress known and contribute to this forum as you have. Thank you,
Just like the London Global Investments spammers, some people don't know when to shut up.


I would like to offer you the opportunity to audit our course for a period of time. No sales pitch of any kind, just a comprehensive look at what we do. I think you would be pleasantly surprised with the quality of our program and materials. The opinion of a skeptic would probably be very beneficial towards the growth of our company and how we can better service customers. Please contact me directly if you are interested.

[email protected]

I would like to offer you the opportunity to audit our course for a period of time. No sales pitch of any kind, just a comprehensive look at what we do. I think you would be pleasantly surprised with the quality of our program and materials. The opinion of a skeptic would probably be very beneficial towards the growth of our company and how we can better service customers. Please contact me directly if you are interested.

[email protected]

I believe you offered this to Gamma some time ago. Did he take up your offer?
I joined Trading Advantage in Dec. 2010. After seeing how the trading room is run and how all the traders and moderator interact in the online trading room, I realized this is a great opportunity for me, someone who has never traded before. They provide clear, concise instruction, during live trading. They call trades, they explain what is happening in the market. The chat in the trade rooms is friendly, fun, and educational. If you are a swing trader or a scalper, you will be at home here. All the other folks in the room are very helpful. The moderators are all very helpful. Questions are always welcome. Anyone who is seriously trying to learn will succeed. I am still sim trading now, but I am ready to open a live account and start making some real trades. Small steps, for cautious little old me.

I am confident the Trading Advantage methods will only lead to success, so much so that I have recommended them to family members.

I have grown immensley in my knowledge and understanding in 3 short months. It's all starting to come together for me, though I still have much to learn. I look forward to the continuing and evolving education.

The online classes are excellent, usually about 45 minutes to an hour in length, covering many trades, and trading topics. You get video lessons followed up with Q & A sessions. And if you cannot make a webinar, they are all recorded. You can review the recorded webinars as many times as you like.

I am glad I made the choice, it's been an excellent opportunity for me. I am a life time member. No regrets.
...and could you please have your chaps stop spamming for half an hour while we have this conversation?
This just gets better and better!

Back in the '90s, I joined a network marketing company. After 3 months, I had no regrets and was very confident that my future - and that of my friends and family - was going to be awesome. Looking back on it now, it was all rather tacky and I'm embarrassed by my folly. It's just as well there were no online forums in those days. Had there been, I really dread to think what I might have posted, and my comments would be there for all to read forever!
Yes I noticed that much of this is worded in the future tense eg I'm sure I'll become profitable because of this training. I don't see too many people posting verifiable results.
pboyles, I see people posting positive results everyday at Trading Advantage. I imagine, no, I know that some have been around a year or longer, and some have actually traded prior to joining Trading Advantage, and others have started out as rank amateurs. I guess you are asking for someone to post some kind of account statement from their brokerage. Sorry, I can't do that yet. The skeptics will have to continue to be skeptical. I empathize, as I try not to be too gullible myself.
Timsk, whatever network marketing is or was back in the day, what are you trying to say Timmy? Are your remarks supposed to be some kind of insult?

Happy St. Patricks Day to you friend.
My point was that most of these reviews are from current students and not people who are successful traders. Whilst that at least shows your students are happy it doesn't prove they will be successful as a result of the training.
yes pboyles, I am a happy student, and I see people trade successfully every day. I will leave it at that. Trade well.
Timsk, whatever network marketing is or was back in the day, what are you trying to say Timmy? Are your remarks supposed to be some kind of insult?

Happy St. Patricks Day to you friend.

Hi jcali,
I apologise, my last post was less than welcoming to a new member and someone new to trading. I was a tad frustrated, as my earlier post - in which I was passing on years of experience of online forums (well, this one - anyway) - was completely ignored. Not that that is an acceptable excuse, sorry!

I don't doubt that you're a satisfied customer of Trading Advantage or that you have complete faith in their products / services. But, as has been pointed out by other long standing members and experienced traders, your comments do you and TA a disservice, i.e. have the exact opposite effect that you hope and intend. Experienced traders reading this will conclude that the company has a slick marketing dept' that can fool inexperienced novices like yourself for months at a time, fleecing them all the while, before the penny eventually drops and they realise they've been duped. Hopefully, this won't happen to you - but it happens to lots of people day in and day out. Believe me when I say that I, pboyles and others have witnessed it hundreds of times. Hell, I've even been scammed myself by a very clever chap - and that's after I'd been in this game for over 5 years! With all due respect, when it comes to trading, and probably trading vendors, you still have an awful lot to learn. So, the more you and other satisfied customers post on here saying this isn't the case and that the TA peeps are all wonderful, the more the (hopefully wrong) impression gets re-enforced that they are a bunch of sharks.

Is this starting to make any sort of sense? If not, PM me and I'll give you my Skype contact details and I'll happily explain in greater detail.
Happy St. Pat's day to you too!
I want to congratulate Larry Levin and all of his support personnel on their commitment to delivering on his promise to provide a real-world education to subscribers seeking to understand and participate profitably as a trader. Without the necessary knowledge and tools, one can only expect to fail, along with at least 95% of would-be traders who attempt to trade the market on the basis of erroneous assumptions that it is easy. This course makes no claim that its students will "get rich quick" as other vendors often do, but unlike the latter, Larry delivers a comprehensive product that literally puts success in the hands of anyone willing to put in the time and effort required to understand and apply methods known only to those who are professional traders. Why would anyone think they can play in a professional league without professional training? That's what you get from Larry Levin's Secrets of Traders course. Membership gives access to virtually unlimited support and continuous live trading sessions in which the rules and strategies Larry uses every day are demonstrated and explained every trading day. The daily videos and written material have recently been updated and improved in such a way as to provide everything needed for success in an otherwise very challenging and almost impossible endeavor for the average Joe. I can't say enough about the "Secrets of Traders" course, and Larry, Patrick and Dan.

I agree with you Gerry, it depends upon how much time and effort you want to put into your education. I started classes in August 2010, absolutely love the teaching and teachers. Patrick has never led me to believe this is going to be an easy road, what he does is give you the tools to choose, shape and define your own individual trading style. Derick:clap:
Give it a rest. All you are doing is making this look like a scam, any idiot can make 20 user names and post great reviews, that is exactly what this looks like, can you see what I am saying? Even if you are all genuine this makes you all look like some get rich quick scam artists. All you are doing is drawing unwanted attention to Larry and his 'trading secrets'.

Obviously Larry and his sidekicks have wound you up to do this but you are doing a lot more harm than good. Youve been warned, continue spamming T2W at your peril.
Here's a question for you. How many of you have even made enough money to recoup your training costs? I'd be willing to bet none of you have. When are you going to waken up and realise that no matter how nice the guys are all that counts in this business is making money. If you can't even recoup your training costs then you've wasted your money. How long will you go on trying to convince yourselves that you'll soon be profitable? You want to believe it because naturally you don't want to believe you've been scammed, when will you start to question it all?
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