Larry Levin Secrets of Traders

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I have been live trading since February and thanks to the excellent teaching of Patrick I made a profit of $1,550.00 in my first month. All I can say is thank you Trading Advantage for opening our eyes to sensible trading methods in the furues market. Although I have been live trading there is still a lot for an elderly person to leard. As I am sure othere will agree, we are slow learners at this stage of our lives, even having a University education
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I am new to the e-mini but am very impressed with the intensity, knowledge, and passion of the traders on the site. Well worth the money to learn from REAL traders using the same charts they are. The rooms are open all the trading day and classes at night.

I subscribed to Larry's lifetime deal several months ago. I am an OK trader with a couple years experience.

You receive a lot of material: books, book bag, hat. Who needs the book bag or the hat. (I gave them to the kids instead of trashing them directly.) Additionally you get time in their trading rooms.

Larry teaches trading the ES with Market Profile along with some other techniques for catching trends.

The books are informative with detailed setups, general methodology, psychological advice, etc. Some can be verbose with a lot of white space, but perhaps that's appropriate for the beginner. Others are better. They have recently rewritten many of the texts with new setups, updated charts, color, and new material, etc. They've taken account of client input, from what I hear. It has been much anticipated. I have not seen them yet, however.

The webinars are very good. You will definitely learn to trade from these. They have a very good and dedicated teacher in Patrick Assalone. He answers every question and is a good coach. He has an interesting personality which might bother some until you get to know him. He's a good guy.

The trading rooms are something of a mixed bag. They have two trading rooms. One that's more scalping oriented, run by Dan O'Brian; the other is Market Profile based, run by Patrick. Dan's scalping room uses a MarketDelta-like volume footprint chart and Dan's proprietary algorithms (more on that later) to trade. Dan call's out most of his trades, but not always. Not sure if that's because the market moves too fast for him to get on the mic or what. There is a lot of banter-text that makes it hard to track trade related threads. There are, however, some very talented traders in the room and everyone is very nice and helpful.

Patrick's MP room is not a scalping room. They use Dan's algorithm and footprint charts but in an MP context. They take fewer trades for bigger moves. Patrick doesn't exactly call out trades, he more coaches you into them. He does a lot of teaching in the room. There is less banter. Again, everyone is very helpful.

Net: both rooms will teach you how to trade and make you money.

I do have some caveats about Larry's program. The use of Dan O'Brians _proprietary_ algorithm in the methodology means they don't teach you everything. Since they don't share the algorithm, you cannot code it up on your favorite platform. You thus have only two options: watch the charts via the trading room or use their TradeMaven based platform offered by their prefered broker of $80/month. Note too, that if you use the trading room chart, you can only use these techniques with the ES, since that's all they trade in the room.

Overall, Larry's program has made me a better trader and as long as Patrick Assalone is part of their team I'm confident I'll keep getting better. They charge a lot and I haven't earned it back yet, but it's coming.
PS I apologise but I omitted to mention the pearls of wisdom Dan also gives us & his explanation of the various trade charts and principles. Thank you both Dan & Patrick.
Hello: While looking for ways to supplement my income, I came across Larry Levin's Trading Advantage. I signed up and have gone through their course. As a "newbie" I had no old bad trading habits so it helped to learn everything. I can not say enough great fantastic things about this program. It is simple to follow, the education is great, the instructor is fantastic. The customer service we receive is the best and they are always trying to help their students.
As a new trader, I am doing very well. I am truly grateful to have found such an awesome program, I would recommend it to everyone! :clover:
Thank you and may Grace be with you today and everyday
As I was trading options and Forex I was contacted by one of the representatives of Larry Levine's Trading Advantage. After visiting their Virtual Trading room a few times and some more talk with the sales person I decided to take the jump and sign up.

I have now just stared the course but I can now already see that this is a different (Better) way of trading. No looking at a load of fancy indicators but instead reading the tape in real time.

The instructors are great and show you also in real time how and where to trade. Where to enter and where to place your stops and cut your losses. In my mind this is the only way to do it and i am pleased I took the jump.
Have been in Larry Levin's course since December of 2010. This type of trading is totally new to me and I am learning a lot. This takes time and patience. Dan and Pat, the instructors, are fantastic and patient. They want the students to learn to recognize the trades before or as the trades are setting up. They will call out trades but their whole point is in getting students to recognize the trades so they can act independently. This course is fantastic and am glad I am taking it.
I have been a member of Traders’ Advantage for six months and am more than pleased with customer service, content, the education process, facilitators and teachers. I had been receiving Larry’s email for nearly two years and enjoyed his daily pragmatic review of the markets and no-nonsense assessment of the global financial crisis. I was learning about the Australian share market and futures felt like light years away.
Charles Moon from Traders called me one day and invited me to visit the virtual trading room and from then on everything started to make sense. I was working in the Middle East – finished work about the time the US markets opened, so I could log on, “learn and earn” from day one.
Larry Levine has a great team. Charles, a great mentor and guidance officer, Dan O’Brien with his laid back teaching style and aggressive scalping technique, and Patrick Assalone with his no-nonsense teaching style and laid back, let it run and take the money market-profile technique.
What started as an interest, soon became a hobby, and is now being converted into dollars. It is obvious that the TA team has experience inside the financial markets, and unlike most of the financial houses are keen to welcome into the fold and teach you the right way to trade your own account. I will always be pleased I took Charles’ call and entered the fold.
For me, Traders Advantage takes the FU out of futures. Thanks Larry et al.
The material is presented in an easy to understand way. If you put the time and effort in to learning it you should do well in trading.
One thing i can say is i wish i had come across this course and these techniques some time ago. The methods being taught and the dedication by all involved, seperates it from the rest of the industry by a large standard. They sell this course to help you because they actually WANT you to be successful. It is not a dine and dash where they take your money and forget about you. There are evening classes, live, where you may ask questions, along with real time trading rooms where you follow the market every day, and they explain their methods and techniques every step of the way. There are methods i have never heard of or seen before and this is my third time in the futures market. The effort put forth by the team is more than you will find in any other program. And most of all..... the methods work. Best trade i have ever made in the futures market was signing up for this course.
I have been involved with Larry Levins Secrets of Traders for almost 10 months now. In that period of time I have gone from someone with zero knowledge and experience of the S&P mini, to a trader with great insight and instinct in trading. The good thing about SOT is that they deliver on their promises. The star there, at least in my experience is Patrick, who is fantastic in his analysis of market conditions. When he says, "don't trade this market", he is usually right, and no Barnes and Noble trading book can give you that insight. His dedication and knowlegde of the topic is indepth and consistent, and he genuinely cares about his students and their results. The other instructor is Dan, he is great too, and calls the trades live. His advice and guidance are invaluable as well. The service at SOT isn't cheap, but quality never is. The number of trades Patrick has advised me in not taking has saved me thousands of dollars, and will save me in the future as well. No Barnes and Noble book can give that insight.
For quality service and insight you have to pay, if you think otherwise...well.....good luck finding your Mercedes Benz at Kia ain't gonna happen.
thanks for a great teaching system, really enjoy Patrick and Danny at trading advantage. Been other places of confussion for a long time till I found TA. Your the best and im going to be trading live very soon with all your help. Thanks again,rooster in the room
I want to congratulate Larry Levin and all of his support personnel on their commitment to delivering on his promise to provide a real-world education to subscribers seeking to understand and participate profitably as a trader. Without the necessary knowledge and tools, one can only expect to fail, along with at least 95% of would-be traders who attempt to trade the market on the basis of erroneous assumptions that it is easy. This course makes no claim that its students will "get rich quick" as other vendors often do, but unlike the latter, Larry delivers a comprehensive product that literally puts success in the hands of anyone willing to put in the time and effort required to understand and apply methods known only to those who are professional traders. Why would anyone think they can play in a professional league without professional training? That's what you get from Larry Levin's Secrets of Traders course. Membership gives access to virtually unlimited support and continuous live trading sessions in which the rules and strategies Larry uses every day are demonstrated and explained every trading day. The daily videos and written material have recently been updated and improved in such a way as to provide everything needed for success in an otherwise very challenging and almost impossible endeavor for the average Joe. I can't say enough about the "Secrets of Traders" course, and Larry, Patrick and Dan.
From great instructors I learned valuable lessons, most importantly
- How to use the Value area High value areas in market profiles to enter and exit trades
- Use the algorithm when the market is trending
_ Stay on the sidelines when nothing is happening

The material is great and very clear
From great instructors I learned valuable lessons, most importantly
- How to use the Value area High value areas in market profiles to enter and exit trades
- Use the algorithm when the market is trending
_ Stay on the sidelines when nothing is happening

The material is great and very clear
I have been a member for about six months and appreciate that you can go at your own pace. I don't have a lot of time, but have unlearned about half of what I need to.

This is not a cookie-cutter course. Much is made about your personality and the type of trader you might become with that personality. There are two rooms; one caters to scalpers and one to longer term swing (day)trading using market profile. Ideally, once you figure your style, you can pick and choose. Discipline is the only thing valued. We all know how easy it is to keep buying highs and selling lows if your mind is a tick or two out of sync or you lash out in greed or panic.

It is expensive, but not in comparison to the potential it offers... if you are committed. And you can become committed over time.

What comes through most to me is that these are people truly committed to educating you to make your own choices and to make you realize that you are responsible for them. If you can't justify the trade, maybe you shouldn't take it. It really isn't for know-it-all trade junkies. If that's your personality you can provide us liquidity and we'll thank you for it.

In the end, though in any trading course it's the support that matters. And they are great at that. There is no substitute for experience and rather than spoon feeding you, you have have the opportunity to trade with a trader advising you, not calling trades without explanation during market hours and globex hours as well, not to mention classes four days a week.

No regrets here.
Hello all,

I am a working professional and wanted to learn trading.It is hard and requires discipline. I found that with trading advantage. The best thing about them is that you can get them in person and talk to a live human. I am using the information I learned to trade other markets as they often work the same.
I joined Larry's group this summer and I hve learned a new way to trade futures. I don't think there is a better method for trading. The help and learning materials are top notch. It is not easy but trading futures is never easy. It takes a lot of work and study but the outcome and income is tremendous.
I subscribed to Larry’s lifetime deal last November, after trying a number of other trading programs in the past 10 years.

Another mentor I had years ago, taught me to use Keltner channels, with moving averages fibs, along with understanding the market flow and reading the volume bars. But I was never able to master those techniques, since I felt uncomfortable with trading against 50%, 62%, and 78% pullback as measured by the Fibs. They never felt like real support and resistance areas.

I have spent, the last 4 months studying the setups, and looking at the results. They have 2 trading rooms, one for scalping and the other for longer term traders which is based on market profile charts.

The Market Profile is lead by Patrick. He does not call out many trades, but coaches you and gives you the areas where he believes the market will find support or resistance based on volume. He post those areas 24 hours in advanced, so we can trade against those areas. I am amazed at how often the market will move to one of those support areas and reverse.

The information presented in this course, is the data that I have been missing for the past 8-10 years, and is making a big difference in my profitability.
I subscribed to Larry’s lifetime deal last November, after trying a number of other trading programs in the past 10 years.

Another mentor I had years ago, taught me to use Keltner channels, with moving averages fibs, along with understanding the market flow and reading the volume bars. But I was never able to master those techniques, since I felt uncomfortable with trading against 50%, 62%, and 78% pullback as measured by the Fibs. They never felt like real support and resistance areas.

I have spent, the last 4 months studying the setups, and looking at the results. They have 2 trading rooms, one for scalping and the other for longer term traders which is based on market profile charts.

The Market Profile is lead by Patrick. He does not call out many trades, but coaches you and gives you the areas where he believes the market will find support or resistance based on volume. He post those areas 24 hours in advanced, so we can trade against those areas. I am amazed at how often the market will move to one of those support areas and reverse.

The information presented in this course, is the data that I have been missing for the past 8-10 years, and is making a big difference in my profitability.

ALL these first time posters must mean Larry's course is a money spinner for ?
Complete the sentence:whistling
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