Larry Levin Secrets of Traders

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I have traded stocks, futures and options for 40 years and Larry Levins course has taught me more on trading futures than any book or prior material I have subscribed to. Earl Siedsma
I have traded stocks, futures and options for 40 years and Larry Levins course has taught me more on trading futures than any book or prior material I have subscribed to. Earl Siedsma

They've even got members of the aristocracy spamming for them now. How is Countess Siedsma by the way?
They've even got members of the aristocracy spamming for them now. How is Countess Siedsma by the way?

to quote


to send unsolicited electronic mail or text messages simultaneously to a number of e-mail addresses or mobile phones

You guys let us in, thus according to the dictionary, it is not spam. I was always taught to just ignore spam, if you didn't want it, ignore it.

Seems like all you guys want to do is complain about something with out taking the time to check out the real facts. Only one person welcomed us, and that was not a very warm welcome, the rest of you just beat us down. I had hoped when I joined to be able to post and share, without flames and actually considered posting my blogs on trading here, instead I will go to BIg Mikes community, they are a lot more friendly and willing to help.

I will not post my trade statements here, but after trading options for a mumber of years, I found Larry's futures course very good and have been very successfull in trading on the sim with up to 5 lots so far. I know laugh as you will, but I treat the sim very seriously and expect the real thing to be similar since a I trade options for my only income and know the feeling of real money on the line.....

May you all trade well and prosper....

They've even got members of the aristocracy spamming for them now. How is Countess Siedsma by the way?
You are such an idiot. "Earl" is a legit christian (first) name, as in "James Earl Jones" . No wonder you blindly came "down" on Secrets of are so uneducated....
I rest my case.

I would like to offer you the opportunity to audit our course for a period of time. No sales pitch of any kind, just a comprehensive look at what we do. I think you would be pleasantly surprised with the quality of our program and materials. The opinion of a skeptic would probably be very beneficial towards the growth of our company and how we can better service customers. Please contact me directly if you are interested.

[email protected]

I would like to offer YOU the opportunity to place all your live trades here for ONE month to demonstrate that your program works.
ALL trades are to be nominated before or as the trade is placed. Also your stop loss size and your target exit price.

This offer is also made to each and every one of the spammers that have all joined in the last few days and relentlessly posted spam.

I challenge Larry Levin and/or any of his marketing team to accept the offer. If you too timid to accept this offer to demonstrate the virtues of the program, it can only mean that the Larry Levin trading program has no value and is a scam
I would just like to say that I've been trading for over an hour, and since the last 30 seconds have found Larry's course to be excellent.

Just kidding - it's all tripe.

Wonder how many more accounts they can setup. It's a bit like invasion of the body snatchers.
I compared the secrets of traders course to others of similar pricing. I attended free previews offered by secrets of traders and other companies. I'm glad I chose secrets of traders. They offer strategies and techniques not offered anywhere else. During the day there are two live rooms available where you can see them call trades as they setup in real time. Both moderators answer questions from students of all levels.
Classes are held four nights a week, and if you miss them you can watch them from the archives section.
Here's one more post for "Trading Advantage" . I'm a 6 month student and about a 5 year part time futures trader. I contacted them in August of last year and didn't feel the sales pressure was all that high, however after joining I had a hard time getting up to speed. It seemed chaotic, I recieved their materials but it didn't include a course plan outline, and I wasn't sure what to do 1st, 2nd ... and so on. In their defence, I didn't call and ask and figured I'd study the material, log into the trading rooms, and eventually catch up. After about 2 months of attending the nightly classes and watching archived classes, I began to feel better about joining. Now after 6 months and sim trading since the first couple of weeks at first using mostly my old methodology/then folding in each new lesson/idea as learned I feel fortunate I made the call and joined. I would recommend "Trading Advantage" even though it is rather expensive.

Jeff Becker
I would like to offer YOU the opportunity to place all your live trades here for ONE month to demonstrate that your program works.
ALL trades are to be nominated before or as the trade is placed. Also your stop loss size and your target exit price.

This offer is also made to each and every one of the spammers that have all joined in the last few days and relentlessly posted spam.

I challenge Larry Levin and/or any of his marketing team to accept the offer. If you too timid to accept this offer to demonstrate the virtues of the program, it can only mean that the Larry Levin trading program has no value and is a scam

they send out an email every morning stating the trades taken in the Virtual Trading Room the previous day. There is also a link in the email that shows the results from the last couple of years including commissions. I could post the link, and will if you want, but why don't you sign up for the email your self and see. That's what i did.
The last two testimonials have made all the difference. I'm now won over 100%. Where do I sign and who do I make the cheque payable to?

The message STILL isn't getting through! Unbelievable. Simply staggering.
Wanted to see if anyone was using or has used Larry Levin (former floor trader at the CME). I bought his book How I made $1,900,386.82 a while back and it is decent. Prolly need to reread it to get a better feel for it all. I ignore most of the email solicitations I get from his site as there is just to much to read and everything can't be "that" important.

So yesterday I get a call which I happened to be home so I answered, and it was someone from his sales crew selling mentorships. It's 4 weeks 1 hour daily web cast, archived if you miss it (M-Th) and Friday you are in the trading room where they feed you trades. $1500 for a stack of reading material and the web stuff.

1) I don't like the idea of being fed trades as I want to be able to see them for myself and act upon it.

2) I really don't want another thing to read that will teach me to be a great trader.

3) Has anyone else done this course? I don't mind paying for services but I prefer ones with warranty's or $$ back if... and I'd prefer not to get a refresher education for $1500 when I could drop that $1500 on a cruise instead...


Hi, needabuck

1) You can see the trades for yourself and act upon it,the trades that are called are for you to learn from and trade if you desire. You can also take trades on your own that you see that they don't call.

2)Not sure what kind of thoughts you are seeking here, but I like the books to read. I look forward to the new revised books. They go along with the virtual class room.

3) I am using this course. I didn't mind paying for education either, so I enrolled in the lifetime membership because I plan on trading futures the rest of my life. It's not that I thought it would take a life time to learn, we are always learning but because of the constant view of the changes in the market from the instructors and participation from other members. I am satisfied with Larry's trading course. Oh and I think I'll still take a cruise. I hope that helped.

I started with Larry last summer, up till this time I had only traded options, had been recieving Larry's daily news letter and watching his results. I joined with an open mind. The instructor, Patrick, teaches sound methods to make money for yourself, this is not a they do it for you system. I now trade with larry's group every day. the students inthe room are helpful. The charts and systems they use are like no others I've seen, using Market Profile and a tape/delta system that is like the holy grail. I would strongly recommend this system for anyone interested in making money trading futures. One of the most positive things they teach is to learn, practice on a simulator until you have mastered the trading, they want you to make money trading what is front of you. no carrying trades overnight so less stress.
Gotta hand it to Larry. He has launched a blitzkreig campaign here on T2W and got a lot of first time posters to act as his shock troops. Perhaps such a shotgun approach will get a few "get rich quick for no effort" numb nuts on board.
Commission for Sharky ? :whistling
Is this some sort of cult? I can't imagine how disappointed you're all going to be when you realise you've wasted months of your life and thousands of dollars to still be 'learning'.
I must say that as skeptical a person that I am by nature, some of the posts here are overboard (yes you pboyles). I thought the purpose of the forum was to allow people to express their opinions on a certain topic. Whether they are believed/accepted are up to the reader (as with all internet postings). So, with that said, I will add some fuel to the fire.
I have been day trading for only a few years and along with the rest of you have taken seminars, attended many webinars, participated in six or seven trading rooms and purchased software and indicators but have not achieved the success I desired. I hesitantly enrolled in the Trading Advantage program 4 months ago and am glad I did for the simple reason that learning the Market Profile approach is a real eye-opener and I would highly recommend it especially to experienced traders. The combination of the market depth/internal charts that the Trading Advantage software provides along with the "high value areas" that are derived from market profile charts by Patrick Assalone (before the market opens) is uncannily accurate at picking turning points intra-day and well worth the tuition cost.
My only negative about the methodology is that the really good set ups seem to come only once or twice a day and you have to be exceedingly patient (which I personally am struggling with).

What really was the selling point for me signing up was the participation in live trading sessions every morning and the classrooms discussions every night. I have never heard of another training program that lasts for a year. Those of you that have taken other courses have learned the theory but the examples aren't duplicated in live trading. But being able to watch it applied in real-time day after day is "priceless" in terms of learning curve. So if you're willing to spend the time to learn and watch it in action, then it is well worth it.
So we are supposed to believe all these people decided independently to post their experiences within a day or each other and the timing is just a coincidence? Somehow I don't think so, obviously it's a spamming exercise, what a joke.
Or delete it as an advert.

The course providers would be happy to see the thread deleted, so that wouldn't get my vote. Whatever action is to be taken - if any at all - is at the discretion of the Mods. I recommend that anyone who is concerned by the spate of recent testimonials should use the red flag 'Report Post' function and make their feelings known to the Mods. I've done precisely this.
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