July '04 Forex

Buk said:
🙁 back to the saw & nails this w/end for me mate!!.....several hundred blisters await no doubt!!....oooh for the sanctuary of the screens again 😕 what's the number of those 'scally builders' again???? 😛

Buk - when are we going to see some pictures of this project??? Craftsman at work.!
Some of these 'freak' bars we get when news hits look a lot like a nail sticking in a board ready to get hammered.

On a funny note I caught a 5 foot long black snake this week - put him/her in a bucket - layed something over the top while i went to find the proper lid for the bucket -- carried said snake out into the woods & took off the lid ---------- no snake. Somehow that bugger escaped when my back was turned,lol.......... 😈
lol Gus...I'm strictly the labourer on this project!! you really wouldn't want to witness my handiwork with building implements.....yeah, this 'news trading' malarkey is an aquired taste that's for sure, tho there are many who profit from it with a tight set up!....interesting to note that, once again, the post news/late Friday effect turned in another decent (leisurely) profit opportunity off an intraday (cable) s/r clip. Funny how these 00/half century levels throw up consistant, tradeable opportunities huh? 😉 😈