Still on a Religious Theme...
The pope has been unwell for some time and all the Vatican's physicians have given up any hope of finding out what is the problem.
They call in a the top consultant from the most prestigious hospital in Rome.
He spends a few minutes with the pope and comes back out to talk with the cardinals.
"There's good news and bad news. Which do you want first?" he asks them.
"We're Catholics - gives us the bad news...".
"OK The pope has a rare condition in the testicles which is terminal". There are gasps and small cries of horror.
"And the good news?"
"Well, the goods news is it CAN be cured, but for that to happen - he has to have sex with a woman".
More cries of horror. "Out of the question!", "Impossible!" etc etc etc.
"Well, let's ask the pope" says the head cardinal.
So they approach the pontiff and put the situation to him. He gives it careful thought. After several minutes he responds.
[I know he's Polish, but I've gotta do it in an Italian 'accent']
"I will do this asa my duty is to the church and the flock, but there are 4 conditions".
"Yes Holy Father, what are they"" asks one of the cardinals.
"Firsta, she gotta be blind, so she canta she 'oo she's aving de sexa wiv."
"Second, she gotta be deaf, so she canta heara 'oo she's aving de sexa wiv".
"Third, see gotta be dumb, so that even if she doesa know 'oo she's aving the sexa wiv, she canta tella nobody".
"OK Holy Father, we can arrange all of that I'm sure. But what's the fourth condition, you said there were four conditions?".
"Oh yeah - she gotta ava de biga tittas..."