joel parker - price action room

Oh he's got confidence in spades. His salesmanship cannot be faulted. Confidence and a little bit of knowledge can get you far in most industries. To those who have been in the game a while though it doesn't pass the smell test.

No as confident as mr 300% per trade who threw in the new turtle experiment; and went on CNN, BBC, SKY news and the likes. the man got balls of steel. and he is still going

joel is a tiny little fellow next to him; with balls of butter 😆😆
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No as confident as mr 300% per trade who threw in the new turtle experiment; and went on CNN, BBC, SKY news and the likes. the man got balls of steel. and he is still going

joel is a tiny little fellow next to him; with balls of butter 😆😆

his balls of steel are not as big as the man who sells 3 lines. as that 300% per day was only at 5k cost, whereas 3 lines and some hot air could cost anywhere from 15k to 26k :clap: who's the daddy!
eh!? he's making no loss at all on each of your products he sells. all he's done is price his main course accordingly, to account for the fee. actually he makes a teensy tiny bit, cos he's pricing it up at $0.01 more than you sell it.

total course fee with time and sales = $1695, paypal merchant fees on that will be around $49.45, which will include the fee on the time and sales part, of which totals $150, paypal fee on your software part = $4.65.

he's no doubt happy with $1645 for the course, after fees. else he wouldn't have priced as such would he? 😀

Some people might find it a little surprising that DT talks about this Parker on his website, but neglects to mention that Parker is selling his software for him...

No as confident as mr 300% per trade who threw in the new turtle experiment; and went on CNN, BBC, SKY news and the likes. the man got balls of steel. and he is still going

joel is a tiny little fellow next to him; with balls of butter 😆😆

I am sure Joel makes a good wedge each year from his sales operation.
Some people might find it a little surprising that DT talks about this Parker on his website, but neglects to mention that Parker is selling his software for him...

yes its a rather glowing review, but dt has explained here that he has taken the course, so he'll have first hand experience of it. but yes, your point is valid.
Some people might find it a little surprising that DT talks about this Parker on his website, but neglects to mention that Parker is selling his software for him...

:-0 :-0 :-0

Well, that proves it, it's obviously a HUGE conspiracy. 🙄 🙄
Oh he's got confidence in spades. His salesmanship cannot be faulted. Confidence and a little bit of knowledge can get you far in most industries.To those who have been in the game a while though it doesn't pass the smell test.

I little off topic I know but hows your trading going Dutch, do you still use the
principles from free gift to newbies or are you still searching for the grail? It just
seems that for someone that detests vendors you spend alot of time conversing
with them and trying their wares only to end up at the same opinion of that they
all smell the same.
:-0 :-0 :-0

Well, that proves it, it's obviously a HUGE conspiracy. 🙄 🙄

Er, no it doesn't, and I never claimed that it did. Please refrain from attempting to attribute topinions to me that I have not expressed and do not hold.

But you say this on your site:

The fact is that 99% of the trading education available is totally worthless.

You then go on to recommend this Parker clown as follows:

Joel was a part time trader until he sold his business to daytrade full time, which he has been doing for 8 years. If you are specifically looking for training on Tape Reading and/or Price Action trading, then Joel is the only person we have ever found that provides such in depth training on the subject. This is information that does not exist in any trading books or trading sites. This is information earned the hard way - through study and application. Joel daytrades futures every day, he does this based on price action and tape reading. If you are interested in tape reading/order flow analysis and want to use this as part of your trading method, then Joel is someone you should talk to.

You are saying (correctly) that almost all training is worthless, then you suggest talking to a specific vendor. The combination is a very strong endorsement.

An honest person would at the very least disclose at that point that the vendor he was recommending was linked to him, and was selling his software for him.

The fact that you chose to hide this until LM exposed it is I think very interesting. If I was thinking of buying your software 🙂lol🙂 I would think very carefully about doing so. To fail to disclose your links whilst recommending another vendor strikes me as very dishonest indeed. And a person who would be dishonest about that might well be dishonest about other things...
yes its a rather glowing review, but dt has explained here that he has taken the course, so he'll have first hand experience of it. but yes, your point is valid.

Only after you exposed the link between them. He should make it clear when he recommends this "educator" 🙂lol🙂, because he has an interest in promoting him.
Paz.. I mean Leopard...

You want me to stop what i'm doing now & update the site? Just for you?

Tell you what - I'll do it tomorrow. I presume at that point you'll have a long sh1t list of other unethical things I have on my site that don't fit your world view....

Nothing has been hidden and nothing has been exposed. I wrote that website myself and obviously, I didn't "Leopard proof" it.

Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean people are out to get you.

You are jumping at shadows.
Only after you exposed the link between them. He should make it clear when he recommends this "educator" 🙂lol🙂, because he has an interest in promoting him.

LMAO @ exposed...

wow - I'm exposed here too...

Tape Reading Introduction Lessons

See how I mention Joel again and again on my site...

How cunning of me to do this all over the place to hide the relationship we have from those who need the fugging obvious pointed out to them.

Still - I'll add in a section for retards who struggle to make the link.
You want me to stop what i'm doing now & update the site? Just for you?

No I do not. And it would not be for me - I do not care for myself what you put on your website. I was simply pointing out that an honest person would have made the link clear. You are promoting him. He sells your software. Yet you do not mention this fact when recommending him.

I presume at that point you'll have a long sh1t list of other unethical things I have on my site that don't fit your world view....

It is nothing to do with my world view (goodness, is it really possible that you are this dim? I suspect not.). It is unethical not to disclose an interest like that when promoting someone. That is not in my view, that simply is. People are being mislead. They are being led to believe that you are promoting this Parker purely because you believe in him, when in fact you have a financial incentive to do so.

Nothing has been hidden and nothing has been exposed.

This is incorrect. The link between too vendors was hidden. That is something that has been hidden. Said link has now been exposed. That is something that has been exposed.

Just because you are paranoid, doesn't mean people are out to get you.

What on earth does this have to do with paranoia? And nobody in this context has the faintest chance of "getting me", because I would not be stupid enough to spend a single penny with any vendor, "educator" or any other person who flogs crap because they can't actually make any money from trading.

You are jumping at shadows.

As a matter of fact, I am not jumping at anything. I merely pointed out some facts, and this appears to have rattled you. I wonder why.

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Still - I'll add in a section for retards who struggle to make the link.

This has nothing to do with "retards", as you call them. The matter is very clear (much like your links with Joel Parker, now that LM has exposed them).

Your responses are very illuminating, by the way. It would have been more sensible to admit that it was wrong, and correct it. Instead, you are clearly annoyed and have chosen to become defensive and abusive.
This has nothing to do with "retards", as you call them. The matter is very clear (much like your links with Joel Parker, now that LM has exposed them).

Your responses are very illuminating, by the way. It would have been more sensible to admit that it was wrong, and correct it. Instead, you are clearly annoyed and have chosen to become defensive and abusive.

I think you might be getting annoyed mixed with amused. You may also be confusing abusive with sarcastic.

I am actually having fun here at the thought of you guys going through all that stuff looking to 'expose' me.

Seriously, if that is your smoking gun, then you really are firing blanks. You want me to open up the customer only part of the site to see if you can discover more, shocking evidence of deceit?

Let me know & I'll tell you how to get in.

If you could also go over the grammer and spelling, that would be nice too...
I think you might be getting annoyed mixed with amused. You may also be confusing abusive with sarcastic.

I am actually having fun here at the thought of you guys going through all that stuff looking to 'expose' me.

Seriously, if that is your smoking gun, then you really are firing blanks. You want me to open up the customer only part of the site to see if you can discover more, shocking evidence of deceit?

Let me know & I'll tell you how to get in.

If you could also go over the grammer and spelling, that would be nice too...

I think you are very far from amused by this.

I certainly haven't "gone through all that stuff" - LM pointed something out, I had a quick look at your website, copied and pasted a couple of things, and that was that.

You have mentioned smoking guns, nobody else (your metaphor about "firing blanks makes no sense, by the way).

As I have said before, I do not want anything from you. I merely pointed out that it seems like dishonesty to me to promote somebody else's services without disclosing that you have a financial incentive for doing so.

Your responses are very poorly argued. Even if they weren't, this exchange would be doing you no favours.

The central fact remains - you promote an "educator" seemingly on the basis that you believe he can help people who buy your crap (sorry, software). It then emerges that this educator is actually selling your software.

It requires only the most basic grasp of ethical behaviour to understand that lack of disclosure in this way is wrong. If you were a regulated financial services company you would be facing disciplinary action for this kind of behaviour.

It is a basic principle that if you are promoting something prospective customers should be fully aware of any financial benefits you might derive from so doing.
Look Leopard/Pazienza

Here's the thing - you have a hard-on for vendors and 99% of your posts reflect this. Fact is, you are one of T2Ws main vendor bashers and now it's my turn. That's fine, I can handle it but...


With the righteous indignation...

You think you've got an angle there, don't you? You are all excited that you think you've got one over on me and have risen above. You've chosen the 'higher road' bash.

You think you are on a roll, think you've got me steaming.

Trouble is, you are mistaken. You think you've got a nugget but it's just a bit of fools gold. Try cashing your new street cred in if you like. People know why you are bashing me and why you are holding onto this little nugget.

In short - people that know you Paz, know you are a bit of a p1ss taker. As such , higher ground is just going to give you a headache and a nose bleed.

I mean - if you want to get respect when bashing something, you are going to need to match it up with a few positive contributions, perhaps you know, like on trading or something...

A subject on which you remain very, very quiet.

Over to you, sir... 😛
It is a basic principle that if you are promoting something prospective customers should be fully aware of any financial benefits you might derive from so doing.

Out of interest, would you apply that principle to all industries ?

It seams to me that in practice, different sectors apply different ethical standards. Its all a bit confusing, if you take a pimp as an example, they're totally upfront about the nature of their business relationship when they reccommend a tart for example. You find ethical behaviour in the most sleazy of circumstances.

On the other hand, there's often a right load of shinnanagins associated with professions that are seen as respectable (I was going to give a specific example of a lawyer of my aquaintance, but I fear they'd sue, and cause Mr Sharky a few sleepless nights, so I'll remain uncharacteristcally silent on that point)

Should ethics be context sensitive ?, or are they an absolute ?
Should ethics be context sensitive ?, or are they an absolute ?

Apparently they depend on Pazienza's opinion.

So - if a vendor didn't mention something, it's an intentional effort to deceive.

It can't be an omission because people think of everything all the time.... 🙄
Look Leopard/Pazienza

Here's the thing - you have a hard-on for vendors and 99% of your posts reflect this. Fact is, you are one of T2Ws main vendor bashers and now it's my turn. That's fine, I can handle it but...


With the righteous indignation...

You think you've got an angle there, don't you? You are all excited that you think you've got one over on me and have risen above. You've chosen the 'higher road' bash.

You think you are on a roll, think you've got me steaming.

Trouble is, you are mistaken. You think you've got a nugget but it's just a bit of fools gold. Try cashing your new street cred in if you like. People know why you are bashing me and why you are holding onto this little nugget.

In short - people that know you Paz, know you are a bit of a p1ss taker. As such , higher ground is just going to give you a headache and a nose bleed.

I mean - if you want to get respect when bashing something, you are going to need to match it up with a few positive contributions, perhaps you know, like on trading or something...

A subject on which you remain very, very quiet.

Over to you, sir... 😛

What on earth are you wittering on about? I am not "bashing" you, I do not want "street cred" (have we been transported back to the 80s?), I do not want "respect", and I am not a "p1ss taker".

What "angle" do I think I've got? What is this "roll" that I think I am on? How do "people know why I am bashing [you]"? I am not bashing you, I am simply pointing something out - something that was doubtless merely the result of an oversight on your part 😆.

Lightning McQueen pointed out something on your website - that you promote an "educator" without disclosing the financial interest you have in doing so. I merely pointed out that in my opinion this is unethical behaviour. It is certainly the case that if you were a regulated financial services firm, you would be disciplined by the regulator for behaviour such as this.

It is not necessary to post anything particular on this site - it is free for any who wish to use it. But, for example, pointing out that some of the claims made by certain vendors do not bear much scrutiny is sufficient in itself - it is helpful for those that have a tendency to rush blindly in to parting with large sums of money for useless courses and systems. There are many such newbies who pass through here, and discussion of vendors and their wares seems to be a major portion of this site's content.

Rather than making bizarre attacks upon me, you would do much better to address (and rectify) the fact that you have been promoting another vendor via your site - giving your reasons at length but omitting to mention the financial incentive you have for promoting him.

Your statement that you "can handle it" (whatever "it" is) is rather at odds with the evidence. But by all means, take another "turn".
