Haha yeah buddy, but as long as these clowns keep defending signal sellers I'll keep stating the obvious, that it's just a game by losers for losers for perfectly obvious slippage reasons.

Gotta keep the 5% who just might have a chance out of harms way eh.

But yeah, otherwise cheers


Look, just for you and your dishonest liar Jay, a really cool signal service:

EZTrader - Online Trading of Exotic Binary Options, based on Nasdaq Securities, Precious Metals and Commodities

Woohoo, 70% in one hour, NO slippage guaranteed, you won't have to come up with your own system, you can just go along for the ride.


Come on buddy, only 99 pages left to fill with your defending the biggest losers of this industry.

Figures that lots of losers are attracted to such garbage with 95% of all "traders" being net losers lol.


Why the attitude, why are you so angry. It was you that started the whole "every seller is a loser including trader dante" rant. I cant understand why you are so bitter and twisted. I really think you should listen to KillPhill and go have a beer...or two or three. Come back when you have calmed down.

you've had you say and made your point, you are of course entitled to your views....even when proved wrong...but...lighten up....go have a beer and refresh then come back.
Lol mate I'm sitting here laughing my head off at the BS.

My message is one thing, and one thing only:

Buying or selling signals is a game by losers for losers, and nobody but a loser would defend those clowns, or have a hard time grasping that the reason for it being a losers number par excellence is slippage.

Let alone why anybody would be dumb enough to sell signals for peanuts in the first place when they could get rich instead compounding their own system to the sky.

But hey in an industry where 95% fail it's obvious that a majority will grasp at any straw provided by those who themselves failed to make it big.

Haha you having fun going round in circles in this imbecilic thread ?

Lol mate I'm sitting here laughing my head off at the BS.

My message is one thing, and one thing only:

Buying or selling signals is a game by losers for losers, and nobody but a loser would defend those clowns, or have a hard time grasping that the reason for it being a losers number par excellence is slippage.

Let alone why anybody would be dumb enough to sell signals for peanuts in the first place when they could get rich instead compounding their own system to the sky.

But hey in an industry where 95% fail it's obvious that a majority will grasp at any straw provided by those who failed to make it big.

Haha you having fun going round in circles in this imbecilic thread ?


Oh dear me old fruit:

oh well, this is the internet after all and I cant win against you....but, if we were not on the internet.



Nobody is talking about signal sellers anymore!!! Honestly, its just you. Most people aren't even disagreeing with your opinion on them! Ok you think people who buy and sell signals are loosers, well done, good for you! Everyone is just trying to tell you that your making a tit out of yourself and need to chill out a bit! KillPhil is right, just go and grab some nice German beer and chill out! And whats this about me wanting to go and buy some signals??? I'm sure that would give you a right boner wouldn't it but I'm sorry to break it to you I have never bought any signals nor do I intend to! Now can you stop talking about signals sellers/buyers and recommend some German beer. Lets all have a civilised discussion about beer! 🙂

Don't you guys get bored of this lol? I think TD should come on this thread and end it, i did see him on here earlier...
Well heck it is the silly season after all when you see all kindsa strange stuff...


Now can you stop talking about signals sellers/buyers and recommend some German beer. Lets all have a civilised discussion about beer! 🙂


That would be nice 😀

Although there have been requests to close the thread, this should stay open until you have all got it all off your chests and out in to the open, it's the 4th thread now! this will only be closed when it's sorted once and for all.

I thought König was a very nice pint :cheers:
Hehe sounds good mate.

Personally I'm more of a Bitburger

man but in matters concerning beer I am very much open to different opinions.


Is it really the 4th thread already good God talk about Jay leaving with a bang.
She had a few too many I'm afraid but then thses things happen.

But hey, beer is healthy, keeps your biological age away from your chronological one:

Hmm, sthg to think about ?!?


No, we're not that unsuave are we.

Some girls like their beer close by and handy at all times should the need arise:

Anway. Fine as long as you don't get the munchies.


haha, this is lovely:

