"Trading With MP6140"...worst thing I ever did

Maybe it needs a Professional to vet the companies here? OR as is, if the individual cannot differentiate between good v evil then , SHOULD we care ? or should the owners of T2W care ?

It is obvious that most of the adverts appearing are not under the control of T2W and are placed automatically by bots. Vetting them would therefore not be possible.

It is obvious that most of the adverts appearing are not under the control of T2W and are placed automatically by bots. Vetting them would therefore not be possible.


mmm I didn't know that.I thought a company can choose who it affiliates with ,what banner ads they want displayed,I not sure though. But I think Ive read that T2W said they didn't depend on the ads ,so in that case I'd remove them if click through or member derived revenues were not material to the site. That would be a start of signal/intent to remove slot machine derived revenues.

If thats not the case or they do want it or it is material, then , the more dazzle the better, keep it spinning, do whats needed to birng home the bacon.

Objectives of the board . If all the duty of care responsibilities are to be placed in the voluntary policing brigade then I dont think thats cricket, cheap yes. 🙂

I'm just thrashing ideas.

The other thing is to maybe have a seperate section that implies you are now entering a "Serious technical discussion zone" acessable to all, but with a big door sign. clik here that you know this.

This would help remove the community "spirited" social aspect a bit further in order communicate an attempt of discussion at a different level. Sort of like conveying a studious library atmosphere, quite seperate from general public threads. That might help.At the end of the day they are just simple behaviour order signs, people are generally conditioned to respond to them. Whereas at the moment T2W says we want all community interaction mixed in all threads.
It is obvious that most of the adverts appearing are not under the control of T2W and are placed automatically by bots. Vetting them would therefore not be possible.


Actually Paul I certain that it is possible, but that would mean setting up open APIs and various "disclosures" in place for these bots to "tell" the site what's going to be spilled. It can be done, but it might NOT be in the commercial interest of the advertisers or the site owner to want to have it done.
I haven't got anything to add to this discussion - but for all those newbies reading there are 2 rules you should follow

1. Dont trade with money you can't afford to lose
2. Trade the money yourself. Anybody with ability doesn't need to trade other peoples money.

Good post. Tried to add to your reputation but it won't let me. In fact I've tried to add to firewalker and loads of others reputuation but I can't. Giving up!
Well I feel very sorry for people who lose money.
However the problem is not with the perpetrator but the victim.

Hi, I agree, I feel sorry for traders who lose money themselves, however, when they place a trade following a system of another trader, I have no sympathy whatsoever,if they have to take anybody elses views, opinions, thoughts etc etc etc, before they place a trade, I would question that trading is really for them.

IMHO, I ignore anybodys advice, trading strats, systems, I only trade what I have developed myself, if I lose theres only one person to blame, if I win, I can give myself a big pat on the back.

IMHO, if anybody wants to "sell" a system, the bare minimum requirement has to be evidenced trading statements, and perhaps even make like calls where you put your neck on the line, there it can be seen very cleary, whether you know what the hell your talking about.
Hi, I agree, I feel sorry for traders who lose money themselves, however, when they place a trade following a system of another trader, I have no sympathy whatsoever,if they have to take anybody elses views, opinions, thoughts etc etc etc, before they place a trade, I would question that trading is really for them.

Yes placing a trade by following someone else system is really asking for trouble.
specially if it is a mechanical system.Unfortunately a lot of newbies seem to look upon trading as an exact science and that is one of the main reasons they get sucked in by these oil salesmen.I offer a service that I do not advertise here and I insist that anyone going for my service try it out on a demo account for a month first I also ask to look at their demo account to make sure they are following my rules, if they have not operated the demo account to my satisfaction I discontinue my service to
I would question that trading is really for them.

I do not see why anyone should not benefit from trading through someone else expertise and knowledge provided they have made the proper checks.
I thought I would make the people at TSD aware just incase he was lurking for new business via pm's etc

What an idiot threatning me with legal action for posting a link to this thread.
At least some of his true colours came out there for all too see.

"Originally Posted by Cryten View Post
Anyone seen this thread?

"Trading With MP6140"...worst thing I ever did

T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums

yup -- ive seen it and youre looking at one side of the conversation, arent you ?

its a topic that has not yet been satisfactorily explained as to how it happened, and at this point may very well NEVER be explained, but it DID happen on my watch, so i assume you shall all have a field day with it.

be that as it may, i ask no one to give me their accounts, send me money or anything else that may relate to the posts in question, so it has no bearing on what i simply have asked people to LOOK AT ---

i would advise you be careful though, of ongoing litigation, as legally youre entering into dangerous waters NOT protected by the internet --- judges get real pissy about this !

enjoy and trade well



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Yes placing a trade by following someone else system is really asking for trouble.
specially if it is a mechanical system.Unfortunately a lot of newbies seem to look upon trading as an exact science and that is one of the main reasons they get sucked in by these oil salesmen.I offer a service that I do not advertise here and I insist that anyone going for my service try it out on a demo account for a month first I also ask to look at their demo account to make sure they are following my rules, if they have not operated the demo account to my satisfaction I discontinue my service to

I do not see why anyone should not benefit from trading through someone else expertise and knowledge provided they have made the proper checks.

Well quite. We're all grown ups and know what we're getting into. There's enough Nanny about already. Besides this site is not a state institution funded by tax payers or a license fee, it's a private enterprise with no subscriptions so apart from advertising how is it magically going to run itself?

Taking responsibility for ones own actions is unfortunately a difficult concept for some in today's have-it-all-now-with-no-effort-on-a-plate culture.

To put things in further perspective,

I urge us all to remember that over half of the world's populations live on less than $2 a day.

To these people trading would indeed be a luxury they could never afford.
i would advise you be careful though, of ongoing litigation, as legally youre entering into dangerous waters NOT protected by the internet --- judges get real pissy about this !

This ridiculous intimidation tactic continues to crack me up. MP himself has posted more about this incident than anyone! The only person who need fear any litigation or any judge's wrath is MP.

From our PM session:

Michael Parker (5/30/2008 5:47:07 AM): ya know, i made a prediction on t2w that the dow would drop to 12460 and everyone was howling at me
Michael Parker (5/30/2008 5:47:18 AM): i noticed it did just what i said
From our PM session:

Michael Parker (5/30/2008 5:47:07 AM): ya know, i made a prediction on t2w that the dow would drop to 12460 and everyone was howling at me
Michael Parker (5/30/2008 5:47:18 AM): i noticed it did just what i said

First, get your facts straight.

The last prediction your pal made (here) was that the DOW would drop to 12690 and then 12423. He clearly said it had to happen the next day or two days later.

That was on May 12. It didn't. On the contrary, the market rallied to 13135.
So tell me again, how does it help making predictions that "eventually" will come true? :whistling

Second, it's a shame the same people are still allowed to tell the same sh*t over and over again.