I really don't want to get involved, but i was referring to what you said about TD not selling.
I really don't want to get involved, but i was referring to what you said about TD not selling.

totally. without drawing this out anymore. I respect BSD's opinion on the slippage side of signal selling but don't neccessarily agree. I do probably agree there are more bad ones than good ones. Check my posts on concept fx if you think i am pro system sellers.

However, he misses the point again and again and where he was proven wrong is now turning the argument on its head and won't leave it alone
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totally. without drawing this out anymore. I respect BSD's opinion on the slippage side of signal selling but don't neccessarily agree. I do probably agree there are more bad ones than good ones. Check my posts on concept fx if you think i am pro system sellers.

However, he misses the point again and again and where he was proven wrong is now turning the argument on its head and won't leave it alone

OK my final word in this sorry saga and then lets close down this thread rather than waste another entire day on nothing:

You were right and I was wrong, TD had or has sthg running on collective where he seems to have paying customers.

OK ?

You were right, I was wrong.

SAid so yesterday already tho.

But that still doesn't change anything about the mechanics of signal sellers:

A game by losers for losers like this guy above me who just registered and dedicated his first post to such a sorry subject haha.

Running a pay as you go signal service carries the seeds of its downfall in its construction, as the more members you have following signals - assuming you found the one in a hundred who ever made more than they lost from trading in the first place which is the biggest hurdle - then even that will start failing with increasing numbers of members all entering and exiting at the same time.

AND, from a provider side, there is absolutely no reason in the world to self destruct a good method you may have for the absolute peanuts you can at max hope to earn with such a signal service when INSTEAD you could be compounding your system to true wealth.

You'd ONLY sell signals if your system isn't good enough for compounding to the sky.

But you wouldn't sell it for 500 bucks a month or whatever these goons charge.

It's simple maths:

Compound 1% / day - which is fully achievable for anybody not running a hundred mill lol -, for a few years and the world is yours.

Sell a system for a few years for peanuts until it stops working because of too many traders and you're still a poor working stiff.

Over and out.
Slippage. Your both right and your both wrong. I think you are both talking about different time frames aren't you?

If I sent out an email signal this morning to get people to sell cable, say to a hundred people. They would get and read the e mail at various times apart and place trades at various times, negating that type of slippage, There could also be a profit target with it, if x meets y etc or get out whenever. Again there would be some who would take it to the letter with profit stops in their system while others would take early profits and yet others still would let the trade run through greed. If the exit was in a couple of days time...even less slippage.

So, little slippage to be had there.

If I was in a trading room with a hundred people and told everyone to sell the s&p, They would all click at roughly the same time and slippage would come from this where different people would get different fills. Some good, some at the poor end of it and some may even get in just as it ticks back.

So yes, a lot of slippage and bad fills.

If said room ever became so popular like Woodies room a few years back, the market makers would have great fun fading every single move that was announced. Then all the traders would suffer.

So selling signals can be profitable given a longer duration, but much harder to get right, but you would have the chance then to compound a trade and take even more profit.

You wouldn't have any chance at all to do any compounding on scalping anything in the market.

Sound about right?

How about closing the thread now and moving on?
I'm just talking about the type of daytrading signal seller like Grey / Jay where everybody entered and exited at the same time.

That just won't work with any numbers as per your example of Woodie.

That is why hedge funds place such terrific weight on executions by their prime brokers and have that evaluated constantly, execution price vs price of the time when order was given, if that is consisntently worse the prime broker loses a client, because hedgies understand the importance of getting good fills,that is why if you're doing size you have execution traders whose only job is working an order to make sure that you get a good fill, which you don't have with hundreds of peeps doing their own thing, hearing a call, and pressing that buy button, and all at the same time.

Matter of fact Grey himself said before it became a pay service and he was only doing monthly chats that he wanted only small numbers in his chat because of slippage.

But yeah mate you're right everything has been said and time to move on.

As a completely impartial onlooker I really think you BSD have lost some face here. First of all you accuse ceydababy of lying in quite an aggressive manor, and that if he doesn't provide proof he'll have to withdraw his statement. He then provides proof and you duly see your ass. To be fair to you, you did appologise to stop you looking even more stupid and then you accused ceyda of buying signals, to which you could provide no proof. Instead you just kept reverting to your point about system sellers which nobody cared about anyway. I think only Lee Shepard contested it but ceyda clearly wasn't bothered, had his own views he put accross very well. Having realised that nobody cared about your point you then resorted to calling him a psycho and a looser, which is pretty damn rude and to be honest if anyone comes off looking like a psycho or a looser its you. I find it quite hard to believe that you have so many reputation points with an attitude like yours, in fact I was actually looking for a button to take some off you for many of your posts over the last few days... Anyway, traderdante, where is he? He must have something to say about this and you calling him a looser. Saying that he wasn't making enough scalping thats why he's selling signals, he might be making loads scalping and selling signals too and making even more money. Who knows, only him. Does it matter, I personally think he's very helpfull and not a looser at all.

Oh my God the sorry saga continues with of course some people posting nobody has ever heard of from before haha feeling the need to share their insights.

Hey Megawhoever if you wanna go buy some signals be my guest, only I don't care about about that or you any more than about the rest of the 95% of net losers in trading or peeps who still believe in Santa.


Lets close up this imbecilic thread I say.
Oh my God the sorry saga continues with of course some people posting nobody has ever heard of from before haha feeling the need to share their insights.

Hey Megawhoever if you wanna go buy some signals be my guest, only I don't care about about that or you any more than about the rest of the 95% of net losers in trading or peeps who still believe in Santa.


Lets close up this imbecilic thread I say.

HE IS REAL. He even has his own web site:
Santa Claus Online! Your Santa Claus Connection.. One of The Happiest Christmas Sites on the Web!
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As a completely impartial onlooker I really think you BSD have lost some face here. First of all you accuse ceydababy of lying in quite an aggressive manor, and that if he doesn't provide proof he'll have to withdraw his statement. He then provides proof and you duly see your ass. To be fair to you, you did appologise to stop you looking even more stupid and then you accused ceyda of buying signals, to which you could provide no proof. Instead you just kept reverting to your point about system sellers which nobody cared about anyway. I think only Lee Shepard contested it but ceyda clearly wasn't bothered, had his own views he put accross very well. Having realised that nobody cared about your point you then resorted to calling him a psycho and a looser, which is pretty damn rude and to be honest if anyone comes off looking like a psycho or a looser its you. I find it quite hard to believe that you have so many reputation points with an attitude like yours, in fact I was actually looking for a button to take some off you for many of your posts over the last few days... Anyway, traderdante, where is he? He must have something to say about this and you calling him a looser. Saying that he wasn't making enough scalping thats why he's selling signals, he might be making loads scalping and selling signals too and making even more money. Who knows, only him. Does it matter, I personally think he's very helpfull and not a looser at all.


Great post,

Thats all I have to say....oh, apart from.....BSD....Grow up pal. your now insulting anyone that crosses your path with there own views. You've lost a sh1t load of credibilty already, dont go throwing away more, or dont you give a sh1t, bit like your attitude.

Try posting something that can inspire or help others, not worthless cr4p about how everyone but you are losers, then, when proved wrong, just backtrack and try and worm your way out of it.

Great post,

Thats all I have to say....oh, apart from.....BSD....Grow up pal. your now insulting anyone that crosses your path with there own views. You've lost a sh1t load of credibilty already, dont go throwing away more, or dont you give a sh1t, bit like your attitude.

Try posting something that can inspire or help others, not worthless cr4p about how everyone but you are losers, then, when proved wrong, just backtrack and try and worm your way out of it.


Yeah yeah yadayada go and play or defend or start your own signal provider all you want Lee.

Buncha losers playing with each other is all it is.

95% ARE net losers after all.

You wanna go on another 100 pages with this imbecilic BS ?


How, ooh, how shall I say, oh yes, why not simply pathetic.
Yeah yeah yadada go and play with your signal providers all you want Lee.

Buncha losers playing with each other is all it is.

95% ARE net losers after all.

You wanna go on another 100 pages with this imbecilic BS ?


Not really bud,

I've got what I need to show all others what your like. I'll just refer them to your recent and unreasonable rants. I've known many (ex)traders in my time and to be honest you are sounding abit like you've come to the end of the road.

Why not take a week off from the forum, clear your head, then come back with a fresh attitude if you so wish. I do hope your trading is going well but to be honest, it sounds like you have issues. Dont worry, we've all been there mate.

Take some time off and we'll see you with a fresh clean approachable tongue next week.
Look, just for you and your dishonest liar Jay, a really cool signal service:

EZTrader - Online Trading of Exotic Binary Options, based on Nasdaq Securities, Precious Metals and Commodities

Woohoo, 70% in one hour, NO slippage guaranteed, you won't have to come up with your own system, you can just go along for the ride.


Come on buddy, only 99 pages left to fill with your defending the biggest losers of this industry.

Figures that lots of losers are attracted to such garbage with 95% of all "traders" being net losers lol.