Joe Ross Trading Seminar & Course


I've had my copy about 5 years along with other Ross books and have read it (them) again and again. Only thing is, most of the contents are covered by the free trading manual available from TradingEducators website so don't know whether it's worth 170 bucks.

That said, there are things in the book that I haven't seen covered adequately anywhere else (maybe I haven't looked hard enough). The thing that probably made the most difference to my trading was the detailed step by step description of trade management and the continuing assessment of risk:reward that should take place whist actually in a trade.

With regard to Joe Ross's entry methods themselves, they are definitely useful, but only if you don't marry certain markets. i.e. you have to look around lots of different markets looking for the best set-ups. If you specialise in a certain market like the spoos then it's easy to get drawn into trying to force trades.

True enough, as Chump says, a lot of the book is repetitive. But that's kind of the nature of the beast, given that page after page is spent describing first entry and then management of a single trade as each bar prints.

As I see it, it's a trading manual/course describing every step of the trading process. As such, I have always found it a lot more useful than the likes of Murphy et al..

But there you go, different strokes for different folks I guess 🙂
Mayfly said:
For those of you who’re interested, you’ll find a collection of some of Joe Ross’s trading ideas, together with a complete copy - chapter by chapter – of his trading manual in PDFormat here .

It should take about 30 mins to download and it sure beats waiting for the individual instalments. 🙂



Hi Mayfly - no problem opening the ''Joe Ross'' intro part or the appendix but I couldn't get into the body of the manuel at all. . . . anyone else have any problems??

Basically I can open the material accessable from his site but no more - which leads me to think that I might have misunderstood and the manual itself is not free after all. ...

fastnet said:
Hi Mayfly - no problem opening the ''Joe Ross'' intro part or the appendix but I couldn't get into the body of the manuel at all. . . . anyone else have any problems??

Basically I can open the material accessable from his site but no more - which leads me to think that I might have misunderstood and the manual itself is not free after all. ...

you have to enter 'click for missing files' for the chapters only.
Your're right - I'm impressed that it's all out there for anyone to print off.

Thanks for the tip - much appreciated

Dear Sandpiper and FB -

I've read through much of the free stuff and am now considering buying one of his books. But which one? ''Trading the Ross Hook'' looks as though much of the contents will be covered in the free downloads, ''Trading is a Business'' looks as though it might be especially padded (inc such chapters as ''physical well being'' etc)

Can you offer any advice? I was thinking about the very first one ''Trading by the Book'' - however I would be disappointed to find that most of the contents are freely available on his site.

BTW - Joe - if and when you read posts like this pls bear in mind that the only reason I am considering buying yr book is because I was so impressed with the free stuff - this is definitely a winning strategy for book sales.

As always any advice much appreciated.


Can you answer a few questions for me.

How long have you been trading?
Which markets are you interested in?
Have you read about the Ross Hook and the 1-2-3 in the free material?

If you could answer these, then hopefully I will be able to point you in the right direction 🙂
Hi FB,

Trading sporadically for 2-3 years. Taken a LONG time to find a feel for my timeframe and strategies to suit my personality blah blah. Now only trade EOD in swing/posn trade (Elder) style. I prefer infrequent, high probability trades and (these days) have the patience to wait . . .

Markets almost exclusively FX, the more liquid commodities (Gold, Silver, oil) indices.

That said I still dabble in new techniques - a lot of the Linda Raschke Bradford stuff appeals to my style/time-frame.

I have read thru almost all of JR's free stuff - especially Ross Hook and traders trick. I find some of it pretty confusing to be honest especially where one failed set-up in one direction switches automatically into the start if a second s/u in the opp direction - saying that what I do understand seems pretty intuitive. The best free set-ups I've read from JR are his 'gimmies', his 1-2-3's using boll bands and the camel-back- much more my EOD, infrequent/high prob style.

So, FB - any thoughts? Have you bought any of his books?

Any help, as always, much appreciated - FN
johnk49 said:
This is my first posting on any kind of forum so I dont even know if I'm doing it right!! Anyway,I have been a follower of Joe Ross for a long time and I have all of his books they sell for around £100 at Amazon.If anyone is interested they can buy 3 of these books for £100+P+p.The books are"Electronic Trading TNT 1 2 3" nearly a 1000 pages of great stuff,which I have read over and over and now know by memory.Let me know if your interested.BTW they are in excellent condition.

Hi there JohnK49 -

Since you are obviously a big JR fan I wonder whether you could advise which of the JR future trading books you could recommend? I don't really trade individual stocks (prefer indices/FX/commodities etc) and swing/posn trade in EOD basis.

Any advice much appreciated.

Hi fastnet,

There is now a weekly newsletter which Joe is sending out every week.
One about Spread Trading (
and one about Futures Trading (
Didn't know if you were aware of this.

Regarding the books:
Trading the Ross Hook tells you more details about the Ross Hook itself. It tells you as well variations on hoe to trade the Ross Hook. This is pretty much not covered in the free material.

Trading is a business is in an overview covered in the free stuff and more details you will find in the book. So if you need more information about the 'mental' side of trading this book might be the right one.

Hope this helps
Hi Mike - thanks for the advice - actually I took the plunge this pm and bought (rightly or wrongly??) his first book ''Trading by the Book' - we'll see - it was expensive but, to be honest, I have made more than the cover price experimenting with the traders trick since I discovered Joe's free stuff. . .

I'll let you know.

Thanks again for the advice and good luck with your trading.

fastnet said:
Hi Mike - thanks for the advice - actually I took the plunge this pm and bought (rightly or wrongly??) his first book ''Trading by the Book' - we'll see - it was expensive but, to be honest, I have made more than the cover price experimenting with the traders trick since I discovered Joe's free stuff. . .

I'll let you know.

Thanks again for the advice and good luck with your trading.


Hello fastnet,

'Trading by the Book' was Joe's first book and (in my opinion) you didn't make a wrong decision.
Although it was his first book it's still up to date a has really everything in it.
I enjoyed reading it.


I read these emails about JR and spread-trading with interest.

However (and pls don't take this as a critisism) I felt that Malcolm asked some very interesting questions which are left unanswered.

Of course as Joe describes it spread-trading is a very attractive alternative to taking posns in the outright contract. However I was also suprised to see the mis-leading words he used in his magazine article. Although what he says IS factually correct he does seem to infer than a spread could move 5 points as easily as an outright could move 5 points and then compares the relatively small margin of a spread.

Do you actually trade these spreads? I can find very little info on the subject (outside of Joe's stuff). Can you view spread charts anywhere? I guess it's similar to pairs trading. If Malcolm is correct and the arcades arb spreads rather than trading a trend in the spread then where does this leave the theory?

Of course I'm not saying that I doubt the potency of spread-trading rather than I am finding it very difficult to find any charts or data to show the longer and more stable trends.

Can you help FTSEB? Maybe Mike has something to add - he's also a spread trader.
fastnet said:

Do you actually trade these spreads? I can find very little info on the subject (outside of Joe's stuff). Can you view spread charts anywhere? I guess it's similar to pairs trading. If Malcolm is correct and the arcades arb spreads rather than trading a trend in the spread then where does this leave the theory?

Of course I'm not saying that I doubt the potency of spread-trading rather than I am finding it very difficult to find any charts or data to show the longer and more stable trends.

Hi Fastnet,

Glad you like that IPE brent chart.

I think the most interesting and comprehensive research in the spread field has to be
Moores Research Centre in Oregon, there site is Jerry Toepkes is the spread guru there, I think his work is excellent and I can read through it and study it for hours on end. In fact JR uses their material a lot in his own trading.
I would really recommend signing up for a free trial of Jerry Toepkes Weekly spread commentry, this will also give you comprehensive access to all the seasonal spreads they have covered this year and before, with loads of interesting charts. I am sure you will learn a ton, its really interesting.

Also you can construct your own spread charts at

These are limited to spreads with the same points value like corn and wheat at 1c=$50
It can't do equity spreads which are needed when the point or contract specs are different and each side of the spead has to be converted to a equity amount. Like a Crude/Heating oil spread for example. But still a useful if limited tool.

Hope that helps.

Hi ERA - is this really the way you trade? It's all very new to me I have to admit.

Do you literally trade the chart of a spread using the same methods you would the chart of an outright contract? Do you ever have problems placing both trades at exactly the same time? Even a short delay could have quite dramatic consequences. . .

Thanks again for the links - v interesting.
fastnet said:
Hi ERA - is this really the way you trade? It's all very new to me I have to admit.

Do you literally trade the chart of a spread using the same methods you would the chart of an outright contract? Do you ever have problems placing both trades at exactly the same time? Even a short delay could have quite dramatic consequences. . .

Thanks again for the links - v interesting.

Hi fastnet,

Yep! pretty much, Im not trading commodities at the moment. I liquidated with remorse my commodities acc. to buy a house. focusing on fx for the time being building up some funds on the side to start trading commodities again.

But spreads are very much part of my commodities trading.
You were asking about charts. Yes you can use them just the same. EOD spread charts are always line charts. I prefer line charts to CS's and bars. Just much cleaner, easier to see 1-2-3's and read formations, then a MACD and slow stoc. for seasonal timing.

I've done dozens of spreads placing both orders at the same time and never had a problem with fills. It's just getting used to the different pits. Like the MOB spread for example, the fill for a T-Bond comes back in seconds, but the Municipal Bond fill takes 20 minutes plus. Hairraising at first but once you know thats the pattern it's easy to deal with. Also I try to enter the spread when the market is quiet and just moving sideways. I always get the more illiquid contract order in ahead of the liquid one and enter at the last trade price. Then I just watch the chart and tick ,if it trades throught or at my price I know I am in. It's not difficult.

Glad you found the links interesting, Fastnet.

Hi Fastnet

However I was also suprised to see the mis-leading words he used in his magazine article. Although what he says IS factually correct he does seem to infer than a spread could move 5 points as easily as an outright could move 5 points and then compares the relatively small margin of a spread.
I agree. The more I learn about spreads, the more I realise that if one contract moves, the other will follow it to a lesser extent, however surely this is what you want to reduce the risk of trades? otherwise you might as well take an outright position in the market.

Do you actually trade these spreads?
Yes I do

I can find very little info on the subject (outside of Joe's stuff).
I can't find anything either. The main source for me is also

Can you view spread charts anywhere?
If you mean can you see a spreads chart in charting software, then the answer is yes. As long as it lets you subtract one contract from any other, then you can do it. Sierrachart and ESignal do it for certain, but I'm sure other packages do it to 🙂

If Malcolm is correct and the arcades arb spreads rather than trading a trend in the spread then where does this leave the theory?
I would think (I don't know for sure), but they would be arbing spreads that don't trend. The majority of seasonal spreads don't move that much, which is why it's hard to find the ones that do. That's the only thing I can think of 😱

Joe Ross

A review search on google brought up a review where a reviewer of Ross's books ststes that Ross refused to substantuate his claims by offering any of the number of types of proofs asked for. The reviewes more or less concluded that Ross is not a trader though his books were intresting. is the link to the review.
Joe Ross

Instead of passing on a bunch of false rumors about me, why didn't you come to see me trade live in London last year? I have and will trade live in Munich, Germany, Ravenna Italy, Sao Paulo Brazil, Montevideo Uruguay, Johannesburg, South Africa, and Prague, Czech Republic.

Why don't you show me your account? Why do you hide behind that silly name you have chosen for this forum?

I have never in my life traded an account under my own name. I have always traded an account under the name of Second Chance Ministries, International. I have no permission from the board of directors of that church to reveal the details of the trading account. But I can tell you this much, it is substantial in amount. Probably considerably larger than any account you are trading.

The Bible has a word for people like you who are nothing more than rumor mongers. It says, that such persons will never enter the Kingdom of God. You may or may not believe in God, but I do. I conduct myself and my ministry in accordance with my beliefs. Trading Educators stands for truth in trading. That includes live trading in front of audiences.

I continue to post educational information in T2W for those who choose to benefit from it. If it has no value for you, then you can ignore it. There are other critics on this forum who choose to bad-mouth me. They are people who like to complain, argue, and take issue with anyone who posts here. That is a shame, because it demeans the T2W forum.

When you state, without a shred of proof that I am not a trader and have never traded, you cheat those who might benefit from my 50+ years of trading experience. People like yourself would never be allowed to post in my own forum. There we allow only positive, informative, educational and truthful posts. No whining, no complaining, no bad-mouthing anyone.

You owe me an apology. Are you adult enough to post one?
