Spread Trading
Is/has anyone around here profitably spread traded before? Or are you spread trading still? Note this is NOT the same as the ubiquitous spreadbetting.
Look at this link http://www.futures-spread-trading.com/why.htm
A while ago I was looking 4 work with proprietary futures daytrading firms and without exception, ALL these firms were involved in spread and butterfly trading of interest rate futures etc.
Given these facts why are the 'herd' not generally taught spread trading etc and to use interest rate futures? We're sent, like lambs to the slaugther, to buy options, futures, margined CFDs and stocks and the now wonderful SBetting!
This is all very dodgy! 😢
Is/has anyone around here profitably spread traded before? Or are you spread trading still? Note this is NOT the same as the ubiquitous spreadbetting.
Look at this link http://www.futures-spread-trading.com/why.htm
A while ago I was looking 4 work with proprietary futures daytrading firms and without exception, ALL these firms were involved in spread and butterfly trading of interest rate futures etc.
Given these facts why are the 'herd' not generally taught spread trading etc and to use interest rate futures? We're sent, like lambs to the slaugther, to buy options, futures, margined CFDs and stocks and the now wonderful SBetting!
This is all very dodgy! 😢