It is all a Fugazsy

I am also trade a few different methods in different accounts, they are much easier to trade but still gave excellent results, in this case (based on 15m TF) this one has procured better results than my main one, made 41 pips on 41.


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and this is made on the daily, my initial risk was 60 pips, gained and SL moved to BE.

A fail final flag, I love those....I am expecting 2 legs up......we see


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+9.6 pips here and very coming...I watch


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EU 15m cup and handle, if it unfolds 83 is the projection of the cup's depth from the break of the handle


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make sense to me.:)

buy limit perfect maybe too low

I ended up closing seconds after my post for +17
(Don't know why my trade markers are completely out of line?? Ninja drives me nuts)


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I got a cold, closing the books a bit early....need a cup of warm milk with honey... only one trade...I could have done better...but this is ok....ta
I ended up closing seconds after my post for +17
(Don't know why my trade markers are completely out of line?? Ninja drives me nuts)

Just out of interest was this chart EU spot ??

I have not seen over 0621 on my EU chart and your ninja is showing 10 -15 pips higher???



11 02 am

Now testing supports again and I want to scalp buy again - if I can

For me this is a false tease down based on 30 min low rule - but remember it will not work 100% of the time - maybe only 75% at its best

I would need under 4755 and 50 to take new scalp sells - as from 57 to 65 is all a tease for now

Its gone over 30 mins with no breach of high at 0621 - so by rights its a sell down to interim supports again
GU and EU are really working against each other now - and need to get back in synce - ie either both falling more - or both seeing price rising again