I can't answer for BP, but got my signal short as well, 5 min chart showing entry point
Dinos thank you for your comment, yes many resistance up there.
I can't answer for BP, but got my signal short as well, 5 min chart showing entry point
monthly, time to turn?
Nice thread & trades. Interesting that not more people have posted here. Generally speaking there seems to be an inverse correlation between quality & popularity on forums. I guess that's why 90%+ of retail traders fail and all look at the same cr*p 🙂.
Al Brooks influence you, fugs?
...................Seems you know a bit about Al Brooks, what is your perception of his work?..........................
I've ploughed through his book a few times but never been able to translate whats hangs together very well in print to the actual trading world.
Mind you, that's probably more to do with the fact that I'm not cut out for day trading. Not fast fingered enough and have balls of jelly 🙂
So hats off to you, glad you've found your own niche in the F1 field of trading.
Nice thread & trades. Interesting that not more people have posted here.
I agree.
I discovered this thread for the first time only yesterday 😱 and haven't even read every post yet (which I'll rectify within another day or so).
Thank you, Fugaszy, for a fine and interesting thread. As the saying goes, "I'll be back". 🙂
Lots of work to be able to trade at a certain level in day trading believe me, and much more to come and I have the feel that it will never end, but I am convinced at one point experience will make it much easier..
You finished trading for the day before I've started. Safe job anyway, and a plus is a plus. And some of those stones are not as haemorrhagic as one would wish. 🙂