Science is forever playing catch up.
I think it's fair to say Science is making new discoveries. If you say catch up, what is science catching up with? Despite science and even seeing corpses even like 10 days old, religious nuts of all sorts continue to believe in hocus pocus sticky brown stuff. All this tolerate and respect knob heads larky needs to change imo.
The fact that science can't explain something today and that it doesn't fit with their world view (e.g. homoeopathy) doesn't mean that it doesn't exist and won't be 'discovered' in the future.
Is this your Rumsfeld moment. There is stuff out there we know we don't know and also more stuff out there we simply just don't know but shirley there must be stuff out there we don't know.
So maybe there is a God out there. Just maybe. More hope and brown sticky beliefs that just won't go away.
Sure, the physical one becomes worm food, but our spiritual body (for want of a better way of describing it) survives.
Survives you say? Says who. Where, how, when, why, for how long? If I'm to guess, you now moving towards re-incarnation arena. More brown and sticky beliefs.
If you research the topic, you'll find loads of testimonies from people who've received donor organs and, subsequently, their personality has changed.
Matey people change after getting punched in the head too. I have friends who discovered God because they had near misses in traffic accidents. No surgery or operation needed. The reason why divorce numbers are so high is because people change all the freaking time. One minute in love with each other and next few years can't stand the sight of each other. No need for surgery or death to change soul mates.
So, all I'm really saying is, keep an open mind as your colleague may not be quite as delusional as you think.
Thank you Tim, my mind is very open and receptive to new ideas providing they are based on sound science and some evidence.
Right now I'd say stuff all religions and god deluded numpties. Free the mind body and soul to live a good life and discover mother nature and planet earth with all their beauties.
It is religion and belief systems that herd humans like dumb animals that's the problem.
Look at some skeletons and wise up!
👍 😎 👍