Is Trade2win as lifeless as it seems to me?

Is Trade2win as lifeless as it seems?

  • Yes, activity has definitely declined.

    Votes: 25 48.1%
  • Maybe, I’m not here often enough to notice.

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • Not sure.

    Votes: 7 13.5%
  • No, it is as active as it has always been.

    Votes: 4 7.7%

  • Total voters
I find that my posts are influenced by my mood at the time and if things aren't going too well then you guessed. Same for others I presume so I don't let some of the more scarier posts worry me. Ups and downs or it would be bland world.

I have learnt some stuff on T2W so I am happy to continue in a positive fashion hopefully.
Just wanted to follow up, since I do a lot of complaining 😀

Of those that were mentioned as breaking the rules in some of my earlier posts (30th may):

Was presumably warned on 30th may, and hasn't posted since, as he's not interested in the community.

Still posting links

Alpari - no longer posting links

Ituglobal banned

Aspen Trading banned

A couple of others still put web addresses at the top of their posts or in their charts

Hasn't posted since 31st May (I guess he was warned too)

Safnur who kept posting lite 17 times a post seems to have disappeared altogether

All in all, not bad 🙂
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everyone - you get out what you put please participate

Just wanted to follow up, since I do a lot of complaining 😀

Of those that were mentioned as breaking the rules in some of my earlier posts (30th may):

Was presumably warned on 30th may, and hasn't posted since, as he's not interested in the community.

Still posting links

Alpari - no longer posting links

Ituglobal banned

Aspen Trading banned

A couple of others still put web addresses at the top of their posts or in their charts

Hasn't posted since 31st May (I guess he was warned too)

Safnur who kept posting lite 17 times a post seems to have disappeared altogether

All in all, not bad 🙂

Thank you.
It certainly seems to be much quieter. I haven't posted for a long time, but have visited from time to time - mostly to read contributions from a small group of members like Hare, pboyles, Robster, Pete, Dash and so on, all of whom post good stuff. I quite like reading some things from people like Toast as well - I disagree with many of his conclusions (not that they're wrong, I just see things differently) but much of what he writes is interesting. The kind of things that these people post - trades, ideas, serious discussion, lulz (or sport), the exposing of scams - these seem to me to be the essence of a good forum.

If you look at the number of members generally on during the day, it is now just over 100. This has declined steadily from about 180 or so not so long ago (and much more than that in years gone by). I think the Hare's short was a great trade, and of course now he's closed it (or rather, it's been closed for him).

There's no doubt in my mind that activity has dropped significantly, although what can be done about it at this stage I don't know. If it were me, I'd decide on a clear direction and pursue it, although who knows if that would be successful, and what definition of success does one use?

But if I had to highlight one problem above anything else, I'd say it's that T2W hasn't really decided what it wants to be, and so it is having trouble making progress.
It certainly seems to be much quieter. I haven't posted for a long time, but have visited from time to time - mostly to read contributions from a small group of members like Hare, pboyles, Robster, Pete, Dash and so on, all of whom post good stuff. I quite like reading some things from people like Toast as well - I disagree with many of his conclusions (not that they're wrong, I just see things differently) but much of what he writes is interesting. The kind of things that these people post - trades, ideas, serious discussion, lulz (or sport), the exposing of scams - these seem to me to be the essence of a good forum.

If you look at the number of members generally on during the day, it is now just over 100. This has declined steadily from about 180 or so not so long ago (and much more than that in years gone by). I think the Hare's short was a great trade, and of course now he's closed it (or rather, it's been closed for him).

There's no doubt in my mind that activity has dropped significantly, although what can be done about it at this stage I don't know. If it were me, I'd decide on a clear direction and pursue it, although who knows if that would be successful, and what definition of success does one use?

But if I had to highlight one problem above anything else, I'd say it's that T2W hasn't really decided what it wants to be, and so it is having trouble making progress.

Yes it has dropped significantly, the stats don't lie. The key as you say is what we do about it. Since I took over just over a year ago we have not changed a great deal as it was a model that served us well fo a number of years and I had hoped that by fixing some of the major damage we would see a climb in activity again.

This has not happened and the fact of the matter is that no matter how much we tweak things it is not going to help in my view. We need to shake things up and as you have said, develop a clear sense of direction, and yes, I know the Hare used to say this as well before anyone reminds me!

I have not posted much about this stuff as there's a time for words and a time for action, we are in the latter and I'm working most of my time on sorting this out ready to put what's needed into place.

Thanks for the sensible and well put post.
Yes it has dropped significantly, the stats don't lie. The key as you say is what we do about it. Since I took over just over a year ago we have not changed a great deal as it was a model that served us well fo a number of years and I had hoped that by fixing some of the major damage we would see a climb in activity again.

This has not happened and the fact of the matter is that no matter how much we tweak things it is not going to help in my view. We need to shake things up and as you have said, develop a clear sense of direction, and yes, I know the Hare used to say this as well before anyone reminds me!

I have not posted much about this stuff as there's a time for words and a time for action, we are in the latter and I'm working most of my time on sorting this out ready to put what's needed into place.

Thanks for the sensible and well put post.

I genuinely wish you well with it, even though you banned my old mucker Teh Hare. Of course, I doubt he would hold it against you anyway - in fact, he probably views it as entirely sensible and is amazed it didn't happen sooner. 😆

I suppose you're fully aware of the problems, and I don't envy your task for a moment. I think you're battling with a fundamental contradiction, one that is very difficult to resolve - simply put, it is very hard for a trading forum to be both good and profitable. Other forums have their approaches, and none seem terribly satisfactory. My own solution I think would likely lead to a huge spike in quality, but I doubt the place would make any money.

Without wishing to be too dramatic, this problem seems to have something of the flavour of a tangled bit of rope in Phrygia. That would cast you in the role of Alexander, which is not an easy part to play.
Flame wars,insults, arguments, scammers and anti-scammers and lulz (and porn) raise the number of hits and participants. Fact.
It depends if you want high hit numbers - quantity, or decide to go for quality. The latter builds a business, albeit slowly.
My own sense is that t2w has reached a watershed with recent events and where it goes obviously depends on Steve, assuming you stay ! 🙂
Since summertime is normally quiet on t2w figures need to be compared with the same period in previous years, though I assume that has been looked at. My sense is that those metrics are also down.
Create an environment where experienced people can contribute without constant attacks and harassment and some of those excellent posters of the past might return - and hopefully even a lately departed mod.
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Flame wars,insults, arguments, scammers and anti-scammers and lulz (and porn) raise the number of hits and participants. Fact.
It depends if you want high hit numbers - quantity, or decide to go for quality. The latter builds a business, albeit slowly.
My own sense is that t2w has reached a watershed with recent events and where it goes obviously depends on Steve, assuming you stay ! 🙂
Since summertime is normally quiet on t2w figures need to be compared with the same period in previous years, though I assume that has been looked at. My sense is that those metrics are also down.
Create an environment where experienced people can contribute without constant attacks and harassment and some of those excellent posters of the past might return - and hopefully even a lately departed mod.

SOCRATES made excellent contributions, the most knowledgeable and helpful IMO but very few will agree and THAT is the problem. Trade2win judges 'quality' on the basis of popularity; if it is popular then it must be quality, whereas the opposite in the majority of cases is true. This is a paradox that Trade2win refuses to acknowledge and possibly will never acknowledge because its business model is based on quantity not quality.
SOCRATES made excellent contributions, the most knowledgeable and helpful IMO but very few will agree and THAT is the problem. Trade2win judges 'quality' on the basis of popularity; if it is popular then it must be quality, whereas the opposite in the majority of cases is true. This is a paradox that Trade2win refuses to acknowledge and possibly will never acknowledge because its business model is based on quantity not quality.

Socrates was arrogant and rude, which is why he alienated himself from so many and which, subsequently, cancelled any knowledge that he might have shown us because of the offensive manner in which he wrote.

No one knew as much as Socrates. That must be true because he told us so, many times.

One of his last threads, if not the last, was about naked buying of put options. He never justifuied what he had done,. We simply has to accept that he had made a fortune. The last that I heard of him he was stuck aground in the Chesapeake Bay.
SOCRATES made excellent contributions, the most knowledgeable and helpful IMO but very few will agree and THAT is the problem.

A very true statement indeed.....yet it is understanding that has created that barrier, hence no meeting of minds. There is a saying: "No one can SEE beyond what one cannot understand".....SEE is to SEE with the mind and not with the eyes.

Without understanding, comes arguments and wrong views.....egos against egos.....going round and round.

Although Socrates is banned, but why is it that some of his post and threads CANNOT be found here any more?.....Can someone explain this?.....Why would you delete it for?
Albert knows more about trading than the vast majority and wrote some great material here, but he did have a propensity to rub people up the wrong way and hence was the catalyst for many flame wars.
He didn't suffer fools gladly and made many enemies even amongst people who certainly were not fools.
If any aggro was moderated well he would be an asset to t2w if he long as he didn't talk about options...... 😉
I can't imagine he would return though ! If he did that storm in the Bay would be nothing to the eruptions here 🙂
Both he and his wife were injured when they were caught in that storm in Chesapeake Bay and suffered considerably but could easily have died.
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A very true statement indeed.....yet it is understanding that has created that barrier, hence no meeting of minds. There is a saying: "No one can SEE beyond what one cannot understand".....SEE is to SEE with the mind and not with the eyes.

Without understanding, comes arguments and wrong views.....egos against egos.....going round and round.

Although Socrates is banned, but why is it that some of his post and threads CANNOT be found here any more?.....Can someone explain this?.....Why would you delete it for?

I'm not aware of any deletions or is this just speculation?
Socrates was arrogant and rude, which is why he alienated himself from so many and which, subsequently, cancelled any knowledge that he might have shown us because of the offensive manner in which he wrote.

No one knew as much as Socrates. That must be true because he told us so, many times.

One of his last threads, if not the last, was about naked buying of put options. He never justifuied what he had done,. We simply has to accept that he had made a fortune. The last that I heard of him he was stuck aground in the Chesapeake Bay.

I don't understand you Split. You imply that someone is only worth 'listening' to if they deliver their content in a polite, friendly manner. To be perfectly honest, I can't stand people who do that, they come across as more reminds me of the quote "Don't be modest, you're not that good".

I'd rather someone call me a moron if I'm doing something wrong if it is going to save me heart-breaking financial losses.

If someone knows a lot about something then I would expect them to come across as arrogant. I have read through many old threads where SOCRATES has posted and the MOST annoying people are those who ridicule, insult and provoke him with their taunts about being arrogant or "showing off" etc...

If you read his very early stuff, before he became purple, he was very polite and tolerant, it is the a$$holes that kept taunting him that caused him to change his demeanour.

SOCRATES *always* answered my PM's with polite, well considered replies. I have absolutely nothing negative to say about him. Only those who saw his 'public' persona have distorted opinions about him.
Unfortunately most people prefer style over content. That's a reflection of our superficial society and also of people wanting to be communicated with in a civil fashion. Rudeness soon gets a response especially when masked in internet anonymity and allowed to flourish.
I always found Albert to be a perfect gentleman and met him several times.
SOCRATES made excellent contributions, the most knowledgeable and helpful IMO but very few will agree and THAT is the problem. Trade2win judges 'quality' on the basis of popularity; if it is popular then it must be quality, whereas the opposite in the majority of cases is true. This is a paradox that Trade2win refuses to acknowledge and possibly will never acknowledge because its business model is based on quantity not quality.
Hi n_t,
The irony here is that, over the years, I have bent over backwards trying to get members to recommend threads to include in the [Best Threads] Stickies. Hardly anyone ever does. If you'd care to break the mould and recommend one of Socrates threads, saying what you think is good about it then, in principle, I have no objection to including it. Bizarrely, you claim (falsely in my view) that T2W prefers quantity over quality. When it comes to [Best Threads], I prefer them to be short because most people have the attention span of a gnat and won't wade through a 1,000 page thread. There are exceptions, obviously, but usually the key message of the thread is conveyed very early on.

So, the call goes out to all members - send me links to any thread you regard as being top quality, saying what you like about it and why it merits [Best Thread] status and I'll certainly consider it. I'm not sure there's much more that I can do really!
We are grown up mature adults with developing minds at primary school. Socrates is our teacher.

When ever I read Socrates posts - that is how I felt. I say it sincerely.

He neither wanted to or was able to explain at a sufficient level of coherence and detail - to 'my' level of comprehension (this could well be 'my' great loss).

At the same time, however, I always felt he stroked and entertained his own ego to his personal delight.

If some people saw great value in that, all well and good. I'll accept I'm limited in certain faculties and happily live with my loss. :whistling 🙄 :whistling

Some people see art, looking at a toilet in the middle of a big white room. 👍

Some people see simply a toilet in the middle of a big white room. 😴

All well and good. Great idea if you can make money out of it. Why not I say!

We are not equal that's for sure. It is good to know ones station in life and who one is laughing at and when one is being laughed at.

I am of the opinion as long as we are all laughing - we're all well and cool 🙂
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