Sticky Introduce Yourself

hi ga

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Hi Sharky, I tried to access and here is the message I got. What can I do to correct it?

ga1945, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

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Hello everyone .

I'm from Beijing,China,is a day trader.(NYSE stock)
I hope to improve my trading technique and learn more about trading .
Hi all.
I've been trading forex for awhile and have been dabbling in the DAX and ES. Seems every time I search for new information, this site is at the top of the returns. Either you guys have the worlds best SEO working or there is a lot of information in here. I'm banking on the latter.......
Thanks for having me and best of Luck.........
yo everyone,


and this Forum is huge!!

i'm from Singapore ... and looking forward for some recommended HK stocks.

Hi all,


I am new to this forum. I found this site while searching for forex trading system. I hope this site will be helpful for me. Also hope to learn from experienced traders here.

Nice day!
i am abhi berde from maharstra , india
new to trading . searching for some knowlage about trading methods. feel this site will help me to find out trading system
thank u
abhitabh berde

I am Nyoman from Indonesia and I need to learn a lot about futures.
I hope I can find it from this forum


Pleased to find this site!

This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:
First Steps - T2W Day Trading & Forex Forums

I have been trading stocks off and on for many years. I recently purchased VantagePoint, a rather expensive software program that is predictive in nature. I would be glad to hear from any others who have developed a strategy for trading forex with the aid of VantagePoint. If you have interest in what it offers, I will help. (I don't sell it, and receive nothing for promoting it.) I'm sure I'll have many questions once I have gotten my feet wet in the "ins and outs" of forex strategy and trading forex. Right now I know very very little about it but expect to learn a bunch on this site. Thanks for all help given. Any suggestions are sincerely appreciated.
I have been trading stocks off and on for many years. I recently purchased VantagePoint, a rather expensive software program that is predictive in nature. I would be glad to hear from any others who have developed a strategy for trading forex with the aid of VantagePoint. If you have interest in what it offers, I will help. (I don't sell it, and receive nothing for promoting it.) I'm sure I'll have many questions once I have gotten my feet wet in the "ins and outs" of forex strategy and trading forex. Right now I know very very little about it but expect to learn a bunch on this site. Thanks for all help given. Any suggestions are sincerely appreciated.

Hello disciplinedtrader,

You will soon notice Vp is not the full solution, nor holly grail. I also use VP and find it useful as one of many tools in my tool box. If you are trading FX i hope you have a big account to handle the huge stops.

I have posted a strategy on this site under Commercial Systems. I have many different strategies for different timeframes and the instrument being traded.

What are your strategies for using VP?

Help Please

:clap:Hey People Im new and trying to learn trading. Im still in the DEMO Forex and Im making money. Is the DEMO same as real as far as charts go, buying,selling,limits,stop/loss. Any tips appriciated. Just looking to learn as much as I can about trading. . . . .

🙄Dont worry, be happy...:clap:
Hi, happy to see many traders here, i'm just starting my forexing for little days. Hope to learn some skills here, and wish everyone enjoy yourself here!
Hi - I am from St Neots near Cambridge in the UK. I would love to meet others in the local area who are actively trading and successful with it and have the time and patience to teach a complete beginner!
Hello to Everyone. I am Raj from India and I am a beginner in trading. I want to learn to read charts and technical analysis in day trading. Hope all my friends here will guide me. Have a Nice Day.
Hi Everyone.

I have been into Elliott Wave Analysis for quite sometime now. Aside from these, I have a fair grasp of technical analysis too. Now I would like to learn Delta Trading Strategy. As I Googled DTS, I came across the link that lead me here at TW2.

So I am going to check this out and hopefully, I will be able to learn from traders here.


Evening All,

Brief history about me! - I started my career in Purchasing agriculturals and discovered i have the flair for sales also, this directed my career into physical agricultural trading (grain and potatoes), but i still don't find this challenging enough. I have a strong desire to work in futures as i find this incredibly interesting, i have been using the futures to hedge my physical position in grain trading so therefore i have a decent understanding of the futures markets. I have a degree in Agriculture and supply chain management.

Is there anyone who can give me some advice and/or direction to forge a career in futures.

Many Thanks,

hello. i'd like to introduce myself. my name's fiona, i've taken a year off to finish writing a book and have just, as an aside, listened to a bunch of cds on options and trading by chuck mellon. i'm keep to find out all i can to get started and realise that i know nothing yet and there's much to learn! i'd appreciate anyone to chat to. i live in share experiences and the like..

thanks 🙂