introduce yourself


hey everybody. Iam Tradebr, new to trading world and looking to trade airline for now. I am think it will be big in one year or less. what do you guys think about it?? I have a small account and i gonna trade part time. Iam here to lean more about stocks and how to trade2win to start do short trades. lets go, where i start??
Hi Guys,
I have been developing ML based trading system that are based on about 100 indicators that work but they do not work anything like as well as systems that make few assumptions about the market direction. I am looking for traders who would like to evaluate my ML and other systems on demo accounts. I am offering free usage of the bots in return. I would like to become a MAM or PAM broker.
Hi folks. I am from Canada and I know just enough about trading stocks, to be dangerous ;-) Kind of like the backyard mechanic who all of a sudden can''t get his car to start. lol

God knows, I made mistakes early on; some of which I have not been able to recover from ; the most common one was not having an exit startegy and looking at charts with hopeful sentiment . which, as you know, is a bad way to go.

I don't have any friends who trade in stocks and thus, I really have no-one to learn from or bounce ideas from. So, this forum looks like a great place for someone like me. I hope I can get advice and tips here. I am a pretty good guitar player, so if anyone needs advice on that front, I'm open to that.

Thanks for having me here. Hoping to make friends and get better at the stock thing.

Now...where does this engine part go? ..... lol

Francis from Canada
hey everybody. Iam Tradebr, new to trading world and looking to trade airline for now. I am think it will be big in one year or less. what do you guys think about it?? I have a small account and i gonna trade part time. Iam here to lean more about stocks and how to trade2win to start do short trades. lets go, where i start??
Hi mate welcome aboard! I’ve been doing some research into UK airlines if youre interested... I’m still pretty new to trading myself but I’ve had a pretty deep dive and written a post on my findings. Fairly new blog as you can tell 🙂
Hi everyone - newbie here from the UK (South Manchester, not far from the Trafford Centre) and its SWING trading for me.

Feel like I should have done this a decade ago, but then again I didnt have the money then, nor do I right now either; oh well. BUT, I'm 45years old and in the latter half of my career, so my head is firmly in retirement and pensions, though because of my own neglect, I'm starting from a low number, so I don't mind taking risks for large gains. I started off well in late December, but I've gone a bit crazy in the last two or three weeks buying hyped up stocks, reading social forums without technical analysis or quality research and ended up losing money; so I need reigning in, discipline, slowing down, etc.
Welcome to T2W.

Taking is high risks for high gains isn't a problem.
BUT, you'll lose on some of them, so DO NOT be tempted to splurge everything on ONE high-risker.

That's a quick way to lose a lot.

Comprende ??

Yes Sir. I'm guilty of that too.
Thank you for the short sharp advice. Sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else.

A bit cheeky, but you wouldnt know of any UK excel spreadsheets to track loss/gains would you? Save me from building my own
Yes Sir. I'm guilty of that too.
Thank you for the short sharp advice. Sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else.

A bit cheeky, but you wouldnt know of any UK excel spreadsheets to track loss/gains would you? Save me from building my own
I custom-built my own, as nothing I ever found did exactly what I wanted.

Would you be willing to share it? I completely understand if you'd rather not.
Would you be willing to share it? I completely understand if you'd rather not.
Well, it probably wouldn't be much use to you.

Apart from being tweaked to to my own needs, it's NOT microsoft excel, so you'd have to learn how to use a whole new spreadsheet toolset as well.

Be easier to knock up a basic one of your own !

Here's what i did recently. I bought a stock that as trending upwards. I bought 75 shares. I went for it because I also heard that an earning report was beign released yesterday and my researched shows that the stock was strong in the past. It is now up 8%. The old me would have hung on. I sold 60 shares and took the 8% gain. I think if I can discipline myself to stick to the plan (unless the plan proves faulty), it's half the secret.
Yes. The discipline to stick to the plan is the big inner battle, and a warning from my Dad yesterday was "dealing in shares is addictive" at which point I considered whether what I was doing was gambling to a degree? But having thought about it, I don't think it is gambling, because Vegas style gambling involves some luck and sports gambling is a mix of luck and skill (of the participants) and shares are a part of a big financial system, where the combined parts of a company and the market it operates in create the value and how one or more parts effect the share price; and understanding that system (and the effects of the various moving parts) via research is where the difference lies with gambling. But share dealing is addictive, I didn't admit that to my dad though otherwise I'd be getting lectured to.
I'm a new member you will see me under Rickidi
Prior buying a stock I do a DD
Trying to buy for the good reason abd cutting losses early
I trade OTCQB, TSX.V and CSE listed stocks
All small cap
I'm using to help me with timing
bought and sold HPQ.V 0.085 to 0.90
Bought DSM.V @ 0.095 stock is 0.19-0.20¢ still long for the next wave to o.35-0.40¢
Put on my radar CSE :RFR OTCQB : RFHRF in may or june the company will recalculate Au res. @ parbec (the flagship) after the 15,000m of core are out the lab.
Searching for a Nickel far no luck
Screening stocks for cruxinvestor, 6ix and proactive investors

Have the best of good buys !
Hello everyone! This is Hanna, I am new here and I love doing anything stocks related. So I am still looking for some communities that would allow me to communicate anything about stockmarket and trading. Thank you
Hello everyone! This is Shien and I am new here. I love doing things related about stocks. I am currently looking for stock. trading, and the stuff related communities. Thank you
Been here as a guest browser before, first time signing up.
Married, 35 year old day trader in stocks and forex.
I go long in stocks and scalp in currency. Favorite pairs: UK/USD and EUR/AUD.
I'm here because I'm in a position to invest more starlings than before but I need to take better calculated risks.
Feel free to reach out to me to ask, answer or discuss!
Been here as a guest browser before, first time signing up.
Married, 35 year old day trader in stocks and forex.
I go long in stocks and scalp in currency. Favorite pairs: UK/USD and EUR/AUD.
I'm here because I'm in a position to invest more starlings than before but I need to take better calculated risks.
Feel free to reach out to me to ask, answer or discuss!
Welcome Mate! Looking forward to have a valuable discussion with you.
Hi! I'm pretty new to this forum and trade stocks as well (along with currencies and crypto). Wishing you luck in all your trading endeavors!