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Thanks for the advice, picking exits


Here are some things I've learned and practice.

1. When trading, find your exit first. Know the point at which you will get out if wrong. If you are right, the upside will take care of itself. The downside is unforgiving. This may have helped you with Qualcomm.

I hope this helps.

Thanks so much for your insight. What kind of returns are you getting?

Picking the exit point as you mentioned is something that sounds like gambling to me, but that's also what STS preaches and why I wanted to take their course, I just don't want to spend $6k. I wonder if they stand up to their money back gurarantee?

I'm not sure if I'm up to spending the time to trade for myself. I've just found an old acquaintance, very sharp trader(wrote a book on trading) he manages an Options Trust (, I might just give the $40k to him to invest, better to leave it to the experts rather than hoping I can learn it. But then I'm giving up the control of managing my own money, while trying to eliminate the scary part if you know how to manage your exit points.
You don't have to spend $6k to learn that your issue is with risk management. Accept the fact that risk management is separate from a stop loss. Finding a exit first is not gambling. Every successful traders knows where there out is before he puts the trade on.

Don't give up on trading. If you want to, keep 10% of your capital to trade. Give the rest to the trader. Piggy-back his trades in your account. In this case you will both have the same positions. My guess is that the difference between your performance and his will be in the position size not in the equity market chosen. Once you realize that stock picking is only part of performance and risk management and position sizing are most important, then you will become a good trader.

Thanks so much for your insight. What kind of returns are you getting?

Picking the exit point as you mentioned is something that sounds like gambling to me, but that's also what STS preaches and why I wanted to take their course, I just don't want to spend $6k. I wonder if they stand up to their money back gurarantee?

I'm not sure if I'm up to spending the time to trade for myself. I've just found an old acquaintance, very sharp trader(wrote a book on trading) he manages an Options Trust (, I might just give the $40k to him to invest, better to leave it to the experts rather than hoping I can learn it. But then I'm giving up the control of managing my own money, while trying to eliminate the scary part if you know how to manage your exit points.
Hi all, I ve lost money on a few shares in the past, but received the offer to buy the steve copan matrix system. Have learnt to examine stuff more closely, and google brought me here. This site looks very useful. I usually bet + lose on horses, so at least trading looks more honest! Ive had 30 years experience of watching the markets as an interested amateur, so understand long term trends, but on a day to day basis none of it makes sense (yet). Any bleedin obvious stuff I ought to know, but probably dont, please point me in the direction.



If you bet on horses for 30 years, then you must have learned something about controlling your bank roll and placing bets. Take what you learned in betting on horses to trade stocks. If you learned how not to be the whole wad on a horse, then do the same with a stock. Trading is better than gambling because you can spread the money around with the possibility of a payoff on all the positions. Also you can stop a losing trade in the middle of the race to lessen your loss, you can't tell a horse to stop running after you placed the bet.

If you want to trade Forex for the long term, then you have to watch the spread between interest rates in the pair you want to trade. For example, EUR USD. Chart, study and analyze the difference between the U.S. Treasury instruments and the Euro Zone Equivalents. This should give you the most information you need to follow the long-term trend.

I hope this helps.
Just saying hello

Hi All,

I am just finishing up my MBA in Finance and I have a Computer Science background. I am working, at the moment, in Corporate Treasury Services Business Solutions and Support group in CT. My interest is where finance and technology meet, and I am very interested in any models or algorithms that have proven successful for anyone out there. I would like to take some of these ideas and build software to automate the consolidation of information and calculations.

I look forward to my time here.

Best regards,
Hey, Im new.

Two years equity trading, and one year Forex demo under my belt. Minor knowledge but major interest in derivatives. Minor knowledge in Financial Engineering and Quantitative finance. Large interest in future-spot convergence and arbitrage. Not bad for a 21 year old? 🙂. Looking to get into Mathematics and Economics undergrad to further my trading career...Also I am an Ichimoku trader...not many of us around these days. Check out my Trading journey blog here: The Trader's Journey

I am Eugene from Chicago. I have been trading the e-mini S&P 500 for over two years now. Just joined to see if I can find some new things to help with my trading.
Welcome Eugene

I am Eugene from Chicago. I have been trading the e-mini S&P 500 for over two years now. Just joined to see if I can find some new things to help with my trading.

Hello Eugene, this is Jim Hyerczyk from the Southwest suburb of Palos Park. :clap:
Hi All

Steve's my name, and looking forward to being part of the community.. looks like there's a lot of friendly and knowledgeable people on here which is great..

I'm a beginner starting out at spread betting.. I've previously done a little bit of trading shares here and there but nothing substantial.. so am starting at square one. I've spent the last couple of week reading the theory, and have just started putting it into practice with a longer term view of becoming a regular medium term trader to supliment my job income with a return better than that offered by the banks.

Anyways.. that's all for now.. I'm sure I'll have some good ol' questions for you veteran traders out there. 😀

Hi all, I'm going into my final year of university and am massively keen to get into the IBD scene in London. Got some buds of mine hitting internships at ICap and a mate who works at Tullett. If anyone has any tips of how I can meet some guys in the set-up and don't mine meeting me for a drink or two in town one night - let me know.

Hi, all

I trade FX about 1.5 years, I lost my 3 first mini depo during the first 6 months (about $ 3000) . The last year I trade hard in demo. I try an end day trading and intraday, too. I work full time job, so I do not have enough time to trade (only in Asia 🙁 ...). I have passed a lot of materials and I think I am close to start understand how to build my own trading rules set...
Greetings. I am "off forex". Currently I am day trading the emini S&P500, with preference for exchange traded instruments. Only ask me about forex if you want to hear the non-commercial view.
I would like to find an expert advisor that would give moderate returns without these fairy tale figures which I know is impossible. I have begun to trade profitably but have a full time job and I am weary of these so called commercial forex robots that claim they can do the trick with the five loaves and two fishes.

Just came across this site searching for some info about a company, I like what I have read and plan to hang out for a while. There seems to be some very knowledgable traders posting. Unfortunately its because of a scam that I found you guys. Shame it wasn't a month ago. Live and learn ay.
Thank you Sharky, I am a newbie on the trading scene and hoping to learn from all you experienced hands. I trade stocks, have tried a trading platform without much success and are trying to learn chart analysis.

Hi guys,
Thanks for letting me in, hope to be a valued member.
QUOTE=Sharky;8772]This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

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