Sticky Introduce Yourself

where about in south africa are you ?.

Hi Guys
Mark here from south africa, have not had a winning trade for some time , hope all your trades guys this year is profitable !!! quick question , I get a lot of stuff sent into my e mail box regarding different systems , and boy , they all sound/ look good , but deep down , your mind is telling you , if this was really working , why are they selling it ?? anyway , just thought I would ask you guys if anyone has ever used the system called (4xpip snager trading system ) ??? if so is it an automated one , as the add shows nothing really , just some outstanding trades , maybe some one can help me in this regard!!!! or put me in the direction that is for my gain ( for a change ) and notthere:s
Hello, another newbie here. I know theres got to be a way to make some supplemental income here. Been looking at forex, options, straight stocks, indexes...... hell, I can't even focus enough to learn one much less decide which one to focus on! Well i've pretty much deep sixed all the gurus that keep pestering me with get rich emails. I guess that's progress of a sort.
Hi Guys , mark here south africa , dont know anything about trading forex , but hay , we are never to old to learn ?? not so ???
Hi folks. Glad to be here. I learned of this site from reading "maximizing trader performance: cutting edge techniques...". Not quite through it the first time yet but feel there is a lot of very useful info in it. Highly recommend it if you haven't read it.

I have been investing on my own since 1997 with variable success. I began delving heavily into short term trading for the last few years taking many courses, reading most everything I could find that looked half way decent. I have completely changed the way i think about financial markets as a result and have removed the term investing from my vocabulary since I began this journey.

I am only able to trade on a very part time basis due to the constraints of my other full time job. I have fallen prey to many of the problems mentioned in Steenbarger's book. Currently I am trading in a simulation mode only trying to perfect my mechanics and strategies and risk management before putting real money on the line again.

My goal is to be able to replace my income from trading in the next 3 to 5 years.

Wishing everyone at T2W a happy and prosperous New Year!
Hey, how 're you guys doing. It feels good to joing a lively community. Looking fordward to meeting you guys
Hi Sharky & members,

I did just chance upon Forum when I typed in LTG Goldrock, looking for any information, positive or negative! I will be reading all comments. I have been trading for approx 3 years. More losses than wins, but I put this down to the huge learning curve. Treading cautiously now.
Hi Everyone,

I have been trading on and off since the year 2000, blew my (small) spread betting account many times, improving in the process but still lost, until 2008 where I finally was trained on few things by the more experienced, I learned for example that it's impossible to trade on a daily report, and I have to focus on other data...

I last blew a small 2000 Euro acc in 2008, after I expanded my education I have never traded with real money to this day, but considering market timing techniques, and simulated trading tests, I do believe that winning consistantly IS posible, and more specifically I have found :

1) Scalping forex using a special technique -no stops used, is very profitable. Believe it or not stops will only get you into trouble, and there's no enough time to place them anyway, the technique has yielded 40 winners in a row, overall 70 winner trades,one loser, and 4 winning trades that had to use stops and limits on and leave open tll next day.

2) Swing trading the forex market, or trading on daily reports doesn't work in the long term
m best indicators are often in conflict, such as analysis on $ and stocks, does not agree with the current correlation, hence proving that the forex market will just do its own thing.
I can still predict the $ 90% accurately for the looong term, but not use for day to day trading.

3) I have found that Binary options and stock Options do offer the 'impossible', under careful planning you can actually achieve asymmetrical RR or hedging , not possible in any futures market.

Take my word, and stop chasing the daily reports, the probability of predicting right seems to be 50%, but that is an illusion, actual probability of success is only 12.5%, forex sites HAVE to throw in daily stories for the purpose of fresh content and SEO, and ranking high on google, but it's USELESS for trading.

None of the profitable tecniques I have found uses NEWS or REPORTS! 11 years now
Hello everyone .I am new here and I have a question .Are there any prop trading companies in Italy cause I could not find any .Thanks guys .
Hi to all here , I am in trading for the last 2 years still havent find the formula the edge wich works for me !! Lost lot of money and time with Traders International, I wuld like to give word of advise to anyone here stay away from this mob they are the most sofistcated legal scammers! Also the other scammers like TI are LTG GOLD ROCK (Andrew Barnett his brother and Peter Elsworth ) .Can I ask for assistance here , can anyone help me if they are consistent profitable traders .I trade futures and forex and use NT and MT4 .Hope to here from all of you soon 🙂

I have heard of Traders International ,didn't know they were this bad.

I do have 2 trading strategies that really work , not easy by any means, but they have been tested as follows:

1) FX scalping technique, it can make $300 - $500 per selected day, on a $6000 acc. Selected day = only about 8 days in trading month are tradable using this technique.

2) Stock + Stock Option trading, under very safe conditions, No risk of acc blow out, it makes 200% per year ($1becomes $3)

I can show you either technique on simulated acc.

I don't have enough capital to implement either, all the money I managed to put aside in the last 3 years, was $2000, and that I have invested in some small antiques. I will not engage in trading with anything less than $6000 for FX, or $10,000 for stocks and Options, but I am ready to implement these techniques!
Hello everybody my name Claudio, kechi for my friends, and i trade USDCLP in Chile and some forex. I have TradeStation, owndata and IB. I use my own strategies.

I am glad to be part of this great site and i came to learn form all of you and i hope to contribute to you.
hi o&a,

I've decided that 2012 should be the year to start looking at all the angle to make some money from the fast decaying world. Hopefully 2012 will be a new upper on 2011 and the little guy can get ahead of the world's credit crunch fixation.

Any pointers in the journey ahead will be most appreciated, I wish you all good forture in you endeavous.

Live long abd prosper 😎

Hello Everyone, I'm planning on establishing a proprietary trading firm as an LLC. I had some success ten years ago but not as a serious business. Then i got divorced and everything stopped. I want to di this right this time and so i'm getting all the knowledge i can and plan to start by the summer. any help is appreciated.

Thank you to dbphoenix for his thread Price, (Volume), Support, Resistance, Demand, Supply . . .

dbphoenix said:
I'm interested in price and price movement as a manifestation of the dynamics of buying and selling pressures and how the results of all this determine support and resistance and trend.

Thinking of price in terms of pressure is what does it for me. I pick a candle on a daily chart at a point not in the too distance past and follow each candle predicting where the next candle is likely to be based on the responses to the following questions:

  1. What is the selling pressure?
  2. What is the buying pressure?
  3. Where does the price want to be?
  4. Where is the price likely to be?

I find all of this most fascinating and I look forward to educating myself through these boards.
