Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi everyone. I am glad to be part of this wonderful forum. I hope to learn something new that will assist me in Forex Trading. Thanks and happy new year to all.
HI Marcus,
What is your favorite instruments of trading, and did you have some sort of style of trading that you follow ....I mean with that is do you find the write formula which works for you .... and making money on consistent levels .....
Kind Regards
Hi all! I've been day trading stocks off and on for several years, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. Getting more serious now and have been getting up to speed on futures recently, primarily YM. Always trying to learn more and be a better trader.
Brand new to the idea of trading - my dad got involved with a course by Larry Levine that he want's me to study, too. I've seen some, uh, "mixed" reviews on it here. Think I'm going to go check out the "first steps" thread but wanted to say "hi" to the community. 🙂
Hi all!

My name is Vince and I am 25 yrs old.
I started trading on a virtual FX account about 4 years ago, since then I started to get more and more interested in Financial Markets and trading.
Unfortunately I never had the opportunity to trade seriously and all the accounts I opened crashed...(small accounts but still useful to learn trading in real conditions since it's so different than paper trading...)
because of many reasons :

lack of knowledge
lack of time because of work
lack of discipline also

But anyway I still want to trade and learn. I have lots of questions to ask I hope that I'll find the answers on this forum.
Now I have a CFDs and Forex account, I like to trade Cfds on the CAC40, S&P500, Crude Oil, Gold and VIX.
Great Forum. My goal is to make trading my major source of income. I think this forum will help to achieve my goal.
Hi all, just joined as i used to trade FX a long while ago but had to give up due to other commitments. I wasn't an expert by any means, but always wanted to get back to it and so I am learning again now and hope to do it full time once I am able.
I have joined for a few pointers, have scoured the FAQs and not seen answers to my questions so will drop them briefly here as it won't let me post a new topic yet for some reason

1. What times are best to trade FX from the UK? I had a dabble the last few days around lunch time but found I was getting in as trends come to an end. Is there a best time to trade the big ones like cable etc?

2. Currently trying to use IG Index charts but comparing them to the prices are different and its affecting my trading method. I am looking for several hits on a straight line of support/resistance. the IG charts show the price bounces but not on the same line whereas the other one (cash prices) does show accurate bounces. Is there a free or cheap way to get LIVE prices for 5 minute bar trading?

Thanks all
You muppet. I think you will make no friends but plenty of enemies, you might get a few clicks on your spam links though. Oxygen thieves everywhere 😉
Hello, Craig from Perth Australia, been sim trading futures, forex and little bit on stocks, now after approx 18 months i feel the futures are more my style but the Oz time difference can be a bit of a sleepy pain.. ;( Moving to Darwin, but unfortunately the time difference doesnt change ..only the Look forward to learning more on here, have enjoyed the reading so far...

All the best everyone for the new year

Hi Guys
Mark here from south africa, have not had a winning trade for some time , hope all your trades guys this year is profitable !!! quick question , I get a lot of stuff sent into my e mail box regarding different systems , and boy , they all sound/ look good , but deep down , your mind is telling you , if this was really working , why are they selling it ?? anyway , just thought I would ask you guys if anyone has ever used the system called (4xpip snager trading system ) ??? if so is it an automated one , as the add shows nothing really , just some outstanding trades , maybe some one can help me in this regard!!!! or put me in the direction that is for my gain ( for a change ) and notthere:s
Hi guys,

I've lurking around these forums for about a year and never really got down to posting.

I trade fx part time and I hope to learn much from seasoned traders in this forum.

Cheers to my first post!

I'm 20 years old and been trading for a couple of years with mixed results although getting more serious the last year or two and I mainly trade FX.

Hopefully this is enough to start a new thread.. haha

Thank you.