Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi there folks, when I started you had to phone for the price and trade over the phone and I used to have teletext to watch what was going on with my trades. Its so easy for everybody these days to start and learn and share and help each other with the internet. 🙂
Good Stuff Traders and Tro!Rumpledone I`m Haven trouble with the mother loads at kreslik.Error code inside the site for the motherload link for mt4 or tradestation.
hello to all of you, i am glad to have joined you all and am looking forward to learning and sharing info to trade better.
thanks. rajug
Hi everybody, This is Sohail ,glad to be with you all, I am trying to enter stock trading business and looking forward some help from the experienced ones on this forum...
Hi..decided to join trade2win for the new year. my partner has been showing me how to trade over the last few years. i started with spread bets and now am moving up to real futures trading. wishing everyone huge profits in 2012!!
Hey guys, I'm glad to be joining you in our common quest to be successful traders. I've been trying to master certain strategies for over a year now and am looking to strengthen my knowledge in order to eventually become a full time trader. I also see on here that groups have met up for drinks in the past to discuss tactics which doesn't sound like the worst idea in the world.
Any way looking forward to learning all that I can on here. Happy Trading.
Hello traders, investors and other greedy people that can be blamed for everything wrong in this world 🙂 (JOKE)
Hi there

Happy new year! Nice to meet you hear if you have questions and etc. don't hesitate to leave a message here. Hope to hear from you soon. 🙂
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Hello All

I have been trading Forex - mostly demo for the past 3-4 years, I am more drawn to EA trading due to other life commitments and spend mst of my time testing optimizing and programming EA's. I tend to be quite until I feel I can add real value. So most of the time I scan for new developments without making much comments.

Hope 2012 will hold great rewards for those who dilligently seek.
God bless

Hi to all here , I am in trading for the last 2 years still havent find the formula the edge wich works for me !! Lost lot of money and time with Traders International, I wuld like to give word of advise to anyone here stay away from this mob they are the most sofistcated legal scammers! Also the other scammers like TI are LTG GOLD ROCK (Andrew Barnett his brother and Peter Elsworth ) .Can I ask for assistance here , can anyone help me if they are consistent profitable traders .I trade futures and forex and use NT and MT4 .Hope to here from all of you soon 🙂
Hi to all here , I am in trading for the last 2 years still havent find the formula the edge wich works for me !! Lost lot of money and time with Traders International, I wuld like to give word of advise to anyone here stay away from this mob they are the most sofistcated legal scammers! Also the other scammers like TI are LTG GOLD ROCK (Andrew Barnett his brother and Peter Elsworth ) .Can I ask for assistance here , can anyone help me if they are consistent profitable traders .I trade futures and forex and use NT and MT4 .Hope to here from all of you soon 🙂

Anything with ROCK seems to be a SCAM 😆

Attachments « rockwelltradingscam

Welcome to forum, I will PM you and give a VERY GOOD operator in Australia, let's make some $$$ this year :cheesy:
hihi frds,

New to this site, work in FX and want to meet some traders to spin some ideas off but also to provide liquidity to via our ECN ....

Hello T2W. My name is paul. Have been trading for the past 4 years. Here to learn more on expert advisors and price action
Hey T2W,
Im a full time trader from home in the UK.
Just started 4 months ago with live money after graduating and finding the job market harder to crack than the stock market.
Still Job hunting but enjoying the profits and freedom that come from trading at home.