Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi, to all,

I came across this site by accident when looking for information on 'boiler room' operations and financial scams. It seems my elderly father in law has fallen victim to their dealings.
Having had a career in banking I admit my knowledge on this type of fraud to be thin on the ground and despite contact with the FSA have little confidence in their ability to give positive assistance. I have however learnt a lot from the postings on this site but there appears to be no process to persue these fraudsters, even within the EU , to recover lost monies. I welcome any advice although for my father inl law it may be to late. Best wishes to all. Bucket

Hello Bucket
How are are you today?

Boiler rooms are difficult to prosecute as they are usually setup
abroad somewhere like Luxenburg and move as soon as they are
caught out. You an ask a solicitors advice, I am not too hopeful
of his answer. Sorry about your loss.
Warmwst regards lilli2

My name is Dennis Gottlieb. The home page states that by registering one can access a free trading platform and fee data feeds.

I read all of the terms and conditions and then registered. Then I read the first-steps forum. I cannot find out how to download the platform or access the data feeds.

How does one access them?
Just joined tonight.. self made currently broke to the bone millionaire..

is it possible to start fx trading with £150 ?

Helloo evryone... i hope to post more and build up my life with £150 pounds if possible

Just joined tonight.. self made currently broke to the bone millionaire..

is it possible to start fx trading with £150 ?

Helloo evryone... i hope to post more and build up my life with £150 pounds if possible


Jetstream, Anything is possible. If your looking to do it yourself then go for it, It's going to be really hard to find somebody willing to take 150 pounds/230 usd. Most fx brokers look for at least 500 bucks. 500 usd = 320 pounds.

Best of luck, I wish you all the best in your fx trading.

Jetstream, Anything is possible. If your looking to do it yourself then go for it, It's going to be really hard to find somebody willing to take 150 pounds/230 usd. Most fx brokers look for at least 500 bucks. 500 usd = 320 pounds.

Best of luck, I wish you all the best in your fx trading.


Thanks, I have an accout open with capitalspreads.. so just frustrated with job market, so i want do fx trading only few hours a day, and slowly built on it.. i want to cut down on my mistakes a much as possible

Thanks, I have an accout open with capitalspreads.. so just frustrated with job market, so i want do fx trading only few hours a day, and slowly built on it.. i want to cut down on my mistakes a much as possible


Jetstream, Sounds good to me as far as capital spreads go I don't really know much about them seeing as how they are based out of London. I have heard a few good things though, Starting small is always a good idea, it will slowly build up if you do it right. Just do a lot of research, A couple of hours a day is a good start as well. Best of luck buddy.

Your Friend,

Hey all-

Pretty novice trader here who is looking for any book recomendations on successful trader psychology. Managed to earn nearly a year in experience as a full service broker where I found a setup I enjoy and took some time off to study the psychology side of things- as I find it to be more and more important.

Look forward to contributing to the community.

Take care.
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Good morning everyone, fairly new to trading as I purchased Nettrap system in May of this year, more out of curiosity than anything else. I didn't realise how much information (both good and bad) is available so am looking forward to participating in a live forum.
I am a semi-retired builder resident in Shropshire and am looking at the whole thing as a sort of hobby more than any need to actually earn money. However my wife thinks dementia is setting in early (you can't teach an old dog new tricks etc etc, you know the sort of things wives say), so my new aim is to keep quiet about it, hopefully build up my bank and then surprise her with the proceeds!
I have been reasonably impressed with nettrap so far, started off with IG at their low stakes and am now trading at £2 per point. I will run it for 12 months, take a look at winning months v losing months and percentage loss and gains and then re-assess my stakes. That is the plan.
I have recently purchased FX Friday to perhaps complement Nettrap but have seen quite a lot of bad vibes about it, the most obvious one being if everybodys lumping on the same bet its going to blow the odds. I am running a test at the moment with a virtual account on Betonmarkets but I am not overly impressed so far so will probably send it back. Have a good day everybody.
Hi everone heard about this site and that i could find some info about tweeking net trap , been trading since may doing ok but any advice would be great thanks .
keith keith
Hi, I am a newbie trader. Been dabbling for the past 18 months. I am intent on being a fulltime trade as I see this as my best alternative to generating an income in this recession. I discovered this forum from an article on ezine written by Adam. I am looking forward to experiencing success like I read that Adam achieved just from being a part of this forum.
I've been trading for quite a while now. I like to day trade futures, but don't have that much time now to watch markets. I got some software a while ago that helps automate my trading, and have been reasonably pleased with it. (Not a black box.) So I'm still involved, despite heavy work commitments.
It's really interesting to see lot's of different ideas here!
Hi guys

How are you? I am here in this board newbie. I have seen many forex trader contend and have lots information. I want to be share my opinion about forex trade.

Im a comoodities trader and ust came on this site to explain to my daughter that not all trades make money. She had the impression that someone gave her that she should trade currencys and she will make 100% profit. I then tried to give her a site she can talk to people who trade.
Well I love the site
Im a comoodities trader and ust came on this site to explain to my daughter that not all trades make money. She had the impression that someone gave her that she should trade currencys and she will make 100% profit. I then tried to give her a site she can talk to people who trade.
Well I love the site

Under the propper market conditions i am making sometimes over 100% ( a month ), that comes with experience.
Propper market conditions?, well you must know its not easy to find ideal - neither the worst - conditions, so if markets are not sideways into a tigth range i am making over that but i have many years trading and i have donbe a lot of research to reach that goal. Anyway it is not easy.