Sticky Introduce Yourself

Gents, ladies, dudes/all:

So glad to find this site. Have been a long time brokerage account holder where they take a nice % every year/trade/fee for having my $. Also have a Schwab account that has mutual funds, some stocks. I am interested taking my own small bunch of shekels and seeing if I can generate my own ROR higher than the the usual indices.

The info I've read so far is amazing. Thanks for letting us meet!
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Gents, ladies, dudes/all:

So glad to find this site. Have been a long time brokerage account holder where they take a nice % every year/trade/fee for having my $. Also have a Schwab account that has mutual funds, some stocks. I am interested taking my own small bunch of shekels and seeing if I can generate my own ROR higher than the the usual indices.

The info I've read so far is amazing. Thanks for letting us meet!

Clashgal HI

Warmest welcome

At the top of TW2's Home page there is a band that says brokers most
of them let you trade with their platforms yourself.

Decide what kind of trading you want to do, Forex Indexes Futures options
ALL of them. Binary bets are good for hedging. Try 1 index like FTSE 100
daily use stop losses you can move them most brokers at no futher cost.

For me Market information is very important: Routers,Bloomberg etc.

With indexes you can go short as well as long, with good information
you will make better choices and more winning trades.

Also you might have a look at the rest of the forums here. Education,
Education education. For going short US Indexes are best Long FTSE 100
daily. Experiment Have fun above all

Warmest lilli2

Warmest lilli2😎
Hi I have been a "lurker" (sounds like some dreadful disease) for a while needing to build up courage. Was a fund manager nearly 10 years ago. Then my investment decisions were based on fundementals and investments were generally held for long periods. I've been looking at getting into trading. Due to my experience I want to start with the equity markets and have been paper trading based on earnings annoucements. My desire however is to move away from fundementals and become a more active trader. I have started looking at some technical indicators. So now I have finally posted a "Hello" I'm looking forward to being part of the community.
Hi Lee-jane
A very warm welcome. In Ten years the trading world curtacy of internet has changed drastically
very easy for your confidenceto suffer a minor setback. Regarding Tecghnical Analisys we
are of the same mind. That is where I am going I am getting pressure to trade for people
that is how I can do it. Would you mind if I sugest two companies that do this. tell them your Daphne's friend see if you like what they do. was set up by traders on the request of traders, see if you like them.
If you need me again you can find me here.
It was lovely to meet you. Warmest regards lilli2
From lilli2

Two people asked me about seminars, I lost the thread. In answer to your questions.
TD Waterhouse sent me an invitation to train covered warrents with them, I went
after that I got regular invitations to all sorts of companies including Charles Schwab invited me to Queen Elizabeths conference centre in London
I have been going for 10 years went with them to Orlando Florida we have to stay in a £260
THE WORLDS TOP CLASS TRADERS. That is an extra bonus. I just love the life of
this delightful community.
Hi Lilli2

Thank you for the warm welcome - already feeling much more comfortable. I had a look at your suggested companies. Keystoneurope - I only find an electrical components company or a firm of architects! Trendsignal looks interesting. I had thought initially I would combine trading on fundamentals - like earnings announcements with a product like trendsignal - to kind of finesse the timing of the trade. In your experience do you find indicators like Trendsignal only work on the very liquid shares. Also have you used Trendsignal for Indices? I'm pretty interested in working with indices.

Kind regards
Hi just come across site and forum. Have ben trading for 6 months on net trap which has taught me loads about risk vs losing tades and following system. Now i wish to build on my knowledge and start grow😱ing my own sytem.
Hi everyone,
I'm currently starting my 3rd year at a decent University studying maths. Have been looking at potential careers recently, and was doing a bit of research into becoming a trader, stumbled across this website and bingo, here I am.
I'm now reading through a lot of threads, but I know relatively nothing about trading, so I have my work cut out!
Hi warm welcome. in some cases graduates have an advantage as traders. Women are
better accepted but still hard for a gal to trade. Consider first other types of financial
posts if none pushes your button think aqgain how you could get the out of it.

Kathy lien took a business partner and they do very well. I trade because I love it
the tears the adrenelin fighting brokers for my money everything I sleep eat dream
trading. Its long hours in front of a computer the social life is great.

What ever you decide I know you will choose from your heart.

Good luck
warmest lilli2
Hi everyone,
I'm currently starting my 3rd year at a decent University studying maths. Have been looking at potential careers recently, and was doing a bit of research into becoming a trader, stumbled across this website and bingo, here I am.
I'm now reading through a lot of threads, but I know relatively nothing about trading, so I have my work cut out!

Hi annakono

A very warm welcome :smart: I do trading because I just love it, the Adrenelin
rush, the tears, fighting brokers for money they owe me one owes me alot
a few thousand £13.500 to be exact. Trading is my whole life it goes everywhere
with me I carry A smart phone all my trading needs are on it. I f trading feels a chore
or nothing better to do, it won't work for you. You spend more time at work than
anything else make it something you love to do inspit of any adverse bagge that
comes withit. Good Luck all the best lilli2:smart:
HI Lee-Jane

Huge sorry I did it from memory and got it wrong sorry.

It Yes I went to London
am going again for further studies in the spring.

All the best lilli2
Hi Lee-Jane

Now to you othe questions.

Yes good for Indices time delays can be a problem most platforms tell you
there is a delay of 3-5 or whatever minutes It hasn't made a life or death difference to

I hedge alot I could that as 4 stocks on the 4 screens, say BP,Cocacola,Unimax, Morrisons,
on trending. LONG with a few short trades waiting for movement.

I go Long FTSE 100 daily spread bet and short it as a binary. Or Long FTSE/short
dowjones spread bet. I have been stalking crude oil it still going down I may
buy an inverse ETF and short it as a CFD either as intraday or for a few days.

Trading is what you make it I have fun with it.

I hope I have helped a little

All the best lilli2
Hello and a very warm wecome.

🙂 What a beautiful photo.

How may I be of assistance to you? Please let me know and I will do
my best to help.

I hope you will get in touch soon.

Warmest regards
from lilli2

HA HAA Whose the Joker then?

I don't watch ex factor something did'nt feel rihgt the photo,
photo was too good to be true. I had to check it out. "fellas nice try
better luck next time.
All the best lilli2
Hi to everyone....
I am new to this site and i has a big loss in binary option trading like eztrader and mostly in BOM(bet on markets).....
can anyone help me in fixing it,I had a big loss....
Good Evening to All
I am from pune, india and marine engineer by profession.
I found this forum while surfing on internet.
I am a newcomer to stock market and until now dependent on my broker's recommendation of stocks.
I would like to learn & decide on some strategy which I can use & so I am here to learn from the expert peoples.
Hope it will be a good experience with this forum.
Thanks all
This is a new sticky thread in the Members, Meetups & Socials forum which provides everyone an opportunity both old members and new an opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.

If you're a new member, or maybe just a lurker who hasn't yet taken the plunge, then this is as good a place as any to start. Tell us a bit about yourself, perhaps your trading history and interests, and what you hope to gain from the site.

:!: If you have any simple questions related to trading, then please refrain from asking them in this thread and instead use the First Steps forum, which is targeted specifically to newbies taking their first steps:

Hi, to all,

I came across this site by accident when looking for information on 'boiler room' operations and financial scams. It seems my elderly father in law has fallen victim to their dealings.
Having had a career in banking I admit my knowledge on this type of fraud to be thin on the ground and despite contact with the FSA have little confidence in their ability to give positive assistance. I have however learnt a lot from the postings on this site but there appears to be no process to persue these fraudsters, even within the EU , to recover lost monies. I welcome any advice although for my father inl law it may be to late. Best wishes to all. Bucket
Hi all, nice to meet you here

A Huge Hello

It is so nice to hear from you Please let us know about Futures Day
Trading. What Platforms you use E-Minis etc Where you get your
market information etc alot of traders would love to know.

Hope to hear soon.

Warmest lilli2:smart:
Hi jt112790
Warm welcome

I am sure we'd love to get trading tips and ideas from you,Hey guys?

All the best lilli2