Sticky Introduce Yourself

Hi is coming to London on Nonember12/13 2010.

A chance to meet Proffessionals and learn their tricks.

warm regards lilli2
Hi my name is Gloria and I am new in forums. I need to hear from people who can advise me on the best FOREX & Futures investments....Thanks a lot
Hi my name is Gloria and I am new in forums. I need to hear from people who can advise me on the best FOREX & Futures investments....Thanks a lot

Hi Gloria
A warm welcome from lilli2 Boris Scholsberg and Kathy Liens (THE BEST I know of)
Their Mantra😀on't Trade Alone. They work with you on the internet.
Not cheap but will be 100% richer than trading on your own.

RJO FUTURES: Donna Heidcamp.

Trade Recommendations.

She does it all for you. you just repeat her recomendation to
your broker. She will email you when to close the trade.

I get free. I am not sure what she charges. It is worth it.

Optionsxpress send a news letter. I get free.
I meet alot of traders at seminars.

Hope this helps you.
Too doo loo for now. lilli2
To jobless trader

Try Binary Bet starting as little as £5. Build you betting bank.

Bet on strikers. Wayne Rooney Darren Bent,Jamain Defoe. Team goals corners etc

There is a thread on T2W about Binary bets you might like to check it out.

Use these easy bets to build a trading bank.

All the best lilli2

Just joined the forum today after having a look around….Seems like a great way to exchange tips and read interesting topics.
Have traded for a while and thought a forum was the perfect place to see what other people think.

Any recommendations let me know!
Hello everyone,
I am new to Forums period so I am a newbi here....please dont LOL if I ask silly questions.... 🙂
Hi Gloria
A warm welcome from lilli2 Boris Scholsberg and Kathy Liens (THE BEST I know of)
Their Mantra😀on't Trade Alone. They work with you on the internet.
Not cheap but will be 100% richer than trading on your own.

RJO FUTURES: Donna Heidcamp.

Trade Recommendations.

She does it all for you. you just repeat her recomendation to
your broker. She will email you when to close the trade.

I get free. I am not sure what she charges. It is worth it.
Optionsxpress send a news letter. I get free.
I meet alot of traders at seminars.

Hope this helps you.
Too doo loo for now. lilli2

Lili2, thank you for your reply and advice. I apreciate it. I had someone trade in the past for me. But I am thinking on starting on my on Ameritrades platform.

Where do you go to these seminars and what kind of seminars do you go to? Thanks a lot Lili2 🙂
Hi folks lilli2

Lovely to hear from you all.

Really Dog tired at the moment.

There aer lots of threads on this forum.

I hope you have a look .

All the best lilli2
I am new here but trading Forex for 6 years. I believe a trader must manage his/her risk and mind well before he/she can be a winner. I wish everyone the best and look forward to sharing and learning with you.
I a.m here because lost a chunk of money on BP. This means that I have lots of long term capital losses which can be assets. I believe that short term capital gains for me would be tax free. Just can not bare to give the U.S. Govt. any money. They are so foolish. At this point I am trying to acquire the tools to understand this possible adventure. What I do know is that to buy low and sell high one has to be prepared to catch the falling knife. If you are unable to see any patterns in a given data set reading investment books will probably not help. You need to understand psychology particularly your own unique biases. You must also try to study to understand how the loser thinks;after all he is paying you money. A good background in statistics and game theory would be useful. I am in big trouble I will be dead before I am ready do active trading
I a.m here because lost a chunk of money on BP. This means that I have lots of long term capital losses which can be assets. I believe that short term capital gains for me would be tax free. Just can not bare to give the U.S. Govt. any money. They are so foolish. At this point I am trying to acquire the tools to understand this possible adventure. What I do know is that to buy low and sell high one has to be prepared to catch the falling knife. If you are unable to see any patterns in a given data set reading investment books will probably not help. You need to understand psychology particularly your own unique biases. You must also try to study to understand how the loser thinks;after all he is paying you money. A good background in statistics and game theory would be useful. I am in big trouble I will be dead before I am ready do active trading

Trying to catch a falling knife is generally *not* the way to go. Additionally, consider that the trend-followers motto isn't "buy low, sell high", but "buy high, sell higher" and "sell low, buy lower". What it tries to get across is that you need to let "price prove itself" before getting involved. Try to catch a falling knife and expect to get cut up and bleed.

Lastly, I'm worried about your comment being "in big trouble and being dead [!!] before being ready for active trading". What do you mean by this? Don't go doing something stupid eh? 😱
Hi, I'm Nickadocker and new to the T2W community. Been day-trading stocks for about a year now with Cobra Trading (they're a fantastic broker btw). I'm interested in hearing success stories & tips from experienced traders who may be able to speed up the learning curve for me. I hope to contribute in the future as well. Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to help, I really appreciate it! This seems like a great and friendly place. Take care 🙂
My hellos to all. I'm a newbie to trading and T2W. I did not know what I was doing ten years ago- lost a few in the internet bubble. Now, I've made a commitment to learn correctly- wanting to meet up with like minded traders that want discipline, rules, skill, money management, etc.

Looking forward to this forum and to learn from all at T2W. Thanks.
Hi my name is Nozipho from Durban, Im so happy to find a site like this one where I can ask and share the little I kow about trading. i've been strugling for a year now due to lack of training and quited for almost a year and I want to get back on my feet again. I have been reading some books to mention the few ( Becomi Your Own Stock Broker, Richer than Buffett both by ,Jacques Magliolo) great books but i need more technicality base.

I hope this is my home where im giong to learn more and share whatever new ideas i get

thank yuo all
Hi All. I've been trading for the past 4 years. Over the last 3 years I've been taking it seriously with a focus on algorithmic trading. I primarily trade the Betfair markets using Technical Analysis, becoming quite successful in the process, with my particulars being horse-racing and American football. Most of my trading is automated now but I'm constantly having to adapt as the sports markets are always changing.

Also a Ninjatrader user (6.5 & 7) and have a lot of experience using value based models in sports.

Just joined the forum today after having a look around….Seems like a great way to exchange tips and read interesting topics.
Have traded for a while and thought a forum was the perfect place to see what other people think.

Any recommendations let me know!

Hi Lucky Trade

Nice to meet you nice.
Be glad to recommend please let us know what you are interested in. Also
have a look at the topics on this site might give you some ideas.

ME right now am watching the indexs FTSE IOO Nasdaq DOWJONES
S&P500. I am getting a whole lot of Emails to watch fo a double dip
recession that is a good time to short these instruments intraday.

Watch market news Routers Bloomberg ADVFN and any other news
you can get when proffessional traders get excited time to get ready.

:clap: Warm regards lilli2
Hi All. I've been trading for the past 4 years. Over the last 3 years I've been taking it seriously with a focus on algorithmic trading. I primarily trade the Betfair markets using Technical Analysis, becoming quite successful in the process, with my particulars being horse-racing and American football. Most of my trading is automated now but I'm constantly having to adapt as the sports markets are always changing.

Also a Ninjatrader user (6.5 & 7) and have a lot of experience using value based models in sports.

Hi QuantSports

I have a huge smile all over my face.:cheesy:🙂:clap: I am giving you a 3 smiley
accolade. Thank you. We have found someone admitting they are making money.
Hey folks if you can't beat them,JOIN THEM.
Warm regards lilli2
Hi All. I've been trading for the past 4 years. Over the last 3 years I've been taking it seriously with a focus on algorithmic trading. I primarily trade the Betfair markets using Technical Analysis, becoming quite successful in the process, with my particulars being horse-racing and American football. Most of my trading is automated now but I'm constantly having to adapt as the sports markets are always changing.

Also a Ninjatrader user (6.5 & 7) and have a lot of experience using value based models in sports.


Hi a very warm welcome. I am so happy to meet winners today. Automated Trading
is something not covered on this thread yet. I have metertrader 4 too scared to start
yet. If others introduce themselves asking about your methods can you help them.

Hey folks take a look on this site, someone may be able to enlighten us on
automated trading. Forums can you please enlighten us.

You certainly deserve our ultimate accolade the three smileys. :cheesy:🙂:clap:🙂:

Warm regards lilli2