Intraday Trading the Forex market to make consistent profit

Mods are independent of Admin and have no agenda linked to traffic or otherwise. The squirrel posts were deleted because they were completely off topic.
GBP - USD - Review of todays intraday trades

2 charts for a start - 30 and 10 mins

The scalper ones to follow


  • GU - 27214 - 30 MIN.JPG
    GU - 27214 - 30 MIN.JPG
    59.5 KB · Views: 517
  • GU - 27214 - 10 MIN.JPG
    GU - 27214 - 10 MIN.JPG
    77.7 KB · Views: 522
More GU charts

More to follow

Then into what we traded on the other tread


  • GU - 27214 - 4 MIN.JPG
    GU - 27214 - 4 MIN.JPG
    131.6 KB · Views: 475
  • GU - 27214  -  Tick at Opens.JPG
    GU - 27214 - Tick at Opens.JPG
    115.4 KB · Views: 407
  • GU - 27214 - Tick at time window.JPG
    GU - 27214 - Tick at time window.JPG
    128.9 KB · Views: 426
OK - this is the last chart on GU a one min

Will go through them a bit later

Probably look at 30 min then 10 mins first

Then at the 4 mins and tick charts before this last one - the one min

The GU was one of 4 pairs I traded today - also did UJ which is unusual for me

What we got up to his on the other thread with the key buy at the 11 21 am to 12 pm time

Will copy some of the post over

They were all posted before the action - even the scalp buys and sells

Back a bit later



ps - The Devil is in the detail - the coalface and the noise are the place to be for good RR's - quick trades and believe it or not -



  • GU - 27214 - ONE MIN.JPG
    GU - 27214 - ONE MIN.JPG
    126.2 KB · Views: 912
Honestly, Tim, your post shows a complete disconnect with what goes on here.
That assumes you have the first idea what goes on here. I can see what gets deleted and why - you can't. If you genuinely believe in all this conspiracy theory nonsense (and I seriously doubt that you do), then I really only have two things to say to you Peter:
1. How sad.
2. It's probably best that you say your goodbyes and take your unique brand of trading wit and wisdom to another forum.
Hopefully, your post was just another shining example of 'lulz' and you'll PM me or rep' this post with a comment along the lines of 'just pulling your leg Tim!'

PS. Apologies to Forexmospherian for the off-topic posts. Perhaps the Mods will have a clean up in a day or two when those that want to will have had an opportunity to read these comments.
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You are corect. I have no idea what goes on over there. I can only see the effects of it over here and what it's perceived to be.

You said:
Timsk said:
What I can say is that any deletions will, almost certainly, have been made by the Mods for a breach of the site guidelines

Timsk said:
To the best of my knowledge, the only posts deleted by admin' (for reasons other than a breach of site guidelines) are ones that are subject to legal action.

So how do supposedly off-topis posts fit into either of those categories? "Off topic" is very subjective. There have been many posts in many threads that were removed due to being off-topic (??) that many of us feel certainly were not. And I don't mean the lulz posts or the t2w bashing.

I'm not sure how you translated my critical post into me being a conspiracy advocate? That's not the case. IMO, from where I sit in front of my computer screen it appears to me that you guys just don't have all your ducks in order. In any event, perhaps I should heed your advice to me:
Timsk said:
2. It's probably best that you say your goodbyes and take your unique brand of trading wit and wisdom to another forum.

That assumes you have the first idea what goes on here. I can see what gets deleted and why - you can't. If you genuinely believe in all this conspiracy theory nonsense (and I seriously doubt that you do), then I really only have two things to say to you Peter:
1. How sad.
2. It's probably best that you say your goodbyes and take your unique brand of trading wit and wisdom to another forum.
Hopefully, your post was just another shining example of 'lulz' and you'll PM me or rep' this post with a comment along the lines of 'just pulling your leg Tim!'

PS. Apologies to Forexmospherian for the off-topic posts. Perhaps the Mods will have a clean up in a day or two when those that want to will have had an opportunity to read these comments.

That's pretty harsh, Tim. Wacky's one of the good guys and entitled to say his piece when what you said was at variance with what had happened.

Shame that only three posts before yours ffsear had explained why the posts were removed, which was not for offending site guidelines that you were "almost certain" about.

I, for one, hope Wacky ignores your invitation.
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No problem at all Timsk
Will explain the charts more tomorrow when i have some more time rather than rush through tonight


Thanks Forexmospherian that will be help a lot for me and other I think!!

very exiting to see as you explain your trading style in detail.

best regards
Hi Peter,
So how do supposedly off-topis posts fit into either of those categories? "Off topic" is very subjective. There have been many posts in many threads that were removed due to being off-topic (??) that many of us feel certainly were not. And I don't mean the lulz posts or the t2w bashing.
99% of posts that are deleted are done so by the Mods. They do it in the interests of the community as a whole and base their decisions on the site guidelines. But modding is an art, not a science. Consequently, they delete posts that some members have no issues with and, conversely, leave content that some members think breaches site guidelines and ought to be deleted. That's always been the case and probably always will be.

The 1% minority of posts deleted by 'admin' (i.e. Steve or Paul) are ones that we face legal action over. The point I made to L v is that we simply don't (ever - to the best of my knowledge) delete posts on the grounds that they're bad for site traffic. Before anyone asks me where the 99% and 1% stats came from - I made them up. They're merely to illustrate a point and not meant to be taken literally. That said, I'd be extremely surprised if the ratio was even close to 95% Mods : 5% admin'.

As I said in my post to L v, if anyone has issues with any post that's deleted (be it their own or someone else's), just PM the Mods and ask then why. It really is that simple. You won't always agree with their reasons (I often don't) - but please respect them.

I'm not sure how you translated my critical post into me being a conspiracy advocate? That's not the case. IMO, from where I sit in front of my computer screen it appears to me that you guys just don't have all your ducks in order. In any event, perhaps I should heed your advice to me
The ducks will never be in order in your eyes for the reasons given above. If you were a Mod, you'd delete some posts and leave others. You'd upset someone with your actions sooner or later - because what you view as being 'off-topic' - they'd view as being highly insightful and relevant. Funnily enough, most people think their own posts fall into the latter category! Granted, it's a far from perfect system and if you have a way of tightening it up to make it more consistent across the board - lets hear it! As for the conspiracy theory comment, I thought from your previous post you were lending credence to the idea that admin' delete stuff that may have an adverse effect on site traffic. If I misunderstood you - I apologize.

Lastly, like barjon, I don't want to see you go either, Peter. But I said what I did because it appears to me that you have such low regard for admin' and Mods that I can't imagine why you'd want to say. If there's anything I can do to help restore your faith - I'll gladly do it if I can.
Hi Jon,
That's pretty harsh, Tim. Wacky's one of the good guys and entitled to say his piece when what you said was at variance with what had happened.
Yes, it was harsh. And yes, Peter is very much entitled to have his say. No argument there. That said, I don't accept that my comments are in any way 'at variance' with what happened.

Mods delete stuff for whatever reason - you know more about that than anyone. I was upset because I thought this chapter in T2Ws history was well and truly over. Sure, there are still problems yet to be resolved but, broadly speaking, the site has been a much friendlier and more civil environment in recent months.

Shame that only three posts before yours ffsear had explained why the posts were removed, which was not for offending site guidelines that you were "almost certain" about.
I'm genuinely surprised by this comment Jon. Of all people, you know better than most that site guidelines are open to interpretation. (The clue is in the title, lol!) The 'almost certain' comment related to the Mods deleting the post(s) rather than admin'. Without checking, I can't be absolutely certain, obviously.

When you were a Mod, I reported stuff that I felt was unacceptable and you decided to leave it be. Conversely, you deleted stuff I had no issues with. I accepted it from you then and I accept it from the current Mods now - for the reasons given in my reply to Peter, above. The key point is that it's the Mods who are doing the deleting - not admin' for reasons to do with site traffic.

I, for one, hope Wacky ignores your invitation.
Agreed, I hope he does too.
......................That said, I don't accept that my comments are in any way 'at variance' with what happened.......................

.................The 'almost certain' comment related to the Mods deleting the post(s) rather than admin'. Without checking, I can't be absolutely certain, obviously.................


In this post ffsear said:

I did a large clean up on the thread so it would read easier for newcomers (including my own). That's not for breaches of site guidelines.

Three post later you said I've not seen the post(s) you're referring to - so I don't know why they've been deleted. What I can say is that any deletions will, almost certainly, have been made by the Mods for a breach of the site guidelines.

It seems you had missed ffsears post, which is easy enough to do, but I doubt you would have made your comments as you did if you had seen it.

I think the way you treated Wacky in the circumstances was not on, uncharacteristic too, which is why I chose to post.

We have disrupted fxmo's thread enough, but I hope the exchanges stay for a few hours before the mods clear the decks.
Hi guys

I have no problem with the other comments going on today or over the weekend etc

i am sure after they finish - the admins will clean up etc - - so no worry

I also think it would be a shame to lose any T2W member of standing who as contributed to the forum

However - i do understand the other side of the fence and its a shame the mods and admin get all the flack on basically a "free site" - that like trading - needs rules and guidelines

I just hope LV and wacky will stay and Random one day will come back and wind me up rotten

I miss him and he was a great contributor



In this post ffsear said:

I did a large clean up on the thread so it would read easier for newcomers (including my own). That's not for breaches of site guidelines.

Three post later you said I've not seen the post(s) you're referring to - so I don't know why they've been deleted. What I can say is that any deletions will, almost certainly, have been made by the Mods for a breach of the site guidelines.

It seems you had missed ffsears post, which is easy enough to do, but I doubt you would have made your comments as you did if you had seen it.
Hi Jon,
Thanks for the clarification.

I accept that the wording of my post implies that Mods only delete stuff that is contrary to site guidelines which may or may not be applicable in this particular case. With the benefit of hindsight, I should have said something along the lines of 'What I can say is that any deletions will, almost certainly, have been made by the Mods. In the majority of instances, this will be for breaches of the site guidelines.' Apologies for the misleading comment, I shall try (even) harder in future!

The key point of my comments to L v was that posts are deleted by two groups of people: Mods and admin'. The former delete the majority (95% plus at a guess), usually for breaches of site guidelines, while the latter only delete stuff that's gone legal and not for the reasons concerning site traffic that L v alluded to. I hope everyone is now clear about the purpose of my post and why the mistake occurred!

PS. Re-reading ffsear's post, he doesn't actually say that he's deleted posts for reasons other than a breach of the site guidelines. As I understand it, the deleted posts were accusations that Forexmospherian is actually Mr. SB. This is clearly off-topic and a breach of this guideline:
1.7 Keep your posts related to the topic of the thread. Irrelevant posts, particularly those which are intended to take the thread completely off topic, will be moved to a new thread, or may be removed altogether.
Therefore, tidying up a thread in the way that ffsear did strikes me as being perfectly reasonable and well within the Mod remit. Then again, I'm not a Mod, so this is just a personal view.
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OK - this is the last chart on GU a one min

Will go through them a bit later

Probably look at 30 min then 10 mins first

Then at the 4 mins and tick charts before this last one - the one min

The GU was one of 4 pairs I traded today - also did UJ which is unusual for me

What we got up to his on the other thread with the key buy at the 11 21 am to 12 pm time

Will copy some of the post over

They were all posted before the action - even the scalp buys and sells

Back a bit later



ps - The Devil is in the detail - the coalface and the noise are the place to be for good RR's - quick trades and believe it or not -


looks interesting....will take a look when i get more time .........

Hi N

GU - I have had fun on this pair - trading it and with another old member who as decided after LV and all have had a go - Its time for them to try and get me annoyed or so peed off that I would leave etc etc

Funny enough he said it in a comment to LV - be patient - hang on longer etc

I now know why he said that - it was his turn to come on the other thread and have a go and try and pull it apart

A typical "disser or spoiler" I think they might be known as :)

Well according to him I have had 13 losers and down at least 30 pips on the GU today

I am now up at approx 114 pips on GU in total

On buys and sells

This does not count other pairs

Am I going to prove it ?

Very tempted - but always told to keep my powder dry - so will stay with my gut feeling of not printing any statements from my main account - why should I ???

Oh yes - I forgot to provide entertainment

Instead heres some calls from today - in advance of the movements as well - but for trader looking at day or weekly charts they cannot see it

If you are having a rough time at work - I will tell you - there is a section of old members here who really want me to go (n)

Amazing the effect I have had on this forum

Its great - I reckon it needed a shake up (y)

All the best




  • GU comments after 3 pm on 28214.JPG
    GU comments after 3 pm on 28214.JPG
    69.8 KB · Views: 413
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Hi N

GU - I have had fun on this pair - trading it and with another old member who as decided after LV and all have had a go - Its time for them to try and get my annoyed or so peed off that I would leave etc etc

Funny enough he said it in a comment to LV - be patient - hang on longer etc

I now know why he said that - it was his turn to come on the other thread and have a go and try and pull it apart

A typical "disser or spoiler" I think they might be known as :)

Well according to him I have had 13 lossers and down at least 30 pips on the GU today

I am now up at approx 114 pips on GU in total

On buys and sells

This does not count other pairs

Am I going to prove it ?

Very tempted - but always told to keep my powder dry - so will stay with my gut feeling of not printing any statements from my main account - why should I ???

Oh yes - I forgot to provide entertainment

Instead heres some calls from today - in advance of the movements as well - but for trader looking at day or weekly charts they cannot see it

If you are having a rough time at work - I will tell you - there is a section of old members here who really want me to go (n)

Amazing the effect I have had on this forum

Its great - I reckon it needed a shake up (y)

All the best



So now you have your own highs and lows :LOL: , think again mate ...


  • high.jpg
    78 KB · Views: 331
I am now up at approx 114 pips on GU in total

On buys and sells

This does not count other pairs

Am I going to prove it ?

Very tempted - but always told to keep my powder dry - so will stay with my gut feeling of not printing any statements from my main account -

forexmos. I am a very patient person but this really is bad cricket. This is all very childish. You are up +114 pips on cable alone which is very very very good with tight stops. Now is the time to play your ace and show us the fills.

why should I ???

because quite frankly you have come on this site and come out with some outrageous boasts that we have all tolerated for a long time. Everyone here thinks you are scammer with zero credibility, just be a man and post the fills FFS. stop posting previous forum entries, this is not playschool. man up.

This is the time to play your ace if you have it. If you post it and we see you have made all those pips then you will have so much more respect from everyone here. Your thread will have like 50 followers on Monday. hell we might all club together and send a hooker round for you.
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