Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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line in the sand price - approx 7125

Above 7125 - price might try up and test 7144 again

Under 7125 - ie 23 and 20 - then back to scalp sells and test of 7111 and 7105

not in any scalp buy - came out too early - now seeing next R at 138 41 -45 area - and price currently at 138 37

next hr we might be able to get some scalp sells on euro pairs

Approx one hour ago this comment posted at 8 57 am

Well I hope you have made a few pips on scalp sells from the 9 00 am TW

I have just worked out on EA / EU / EJ - if you had scalp sold all - then total pip count would be so far between 27 and 35 pips depending on your entries

I am only in 2 pairs and now down to 30% stakes and will review this TW for supports and any change

I think now any bounces up to 7131 - sell again = but we need under 7110 and really 7105 to hold scalp sells on

To scalp buy again above 33 and 40
I think because the GU caught me out twice this morning with small losses - it stopped me jumping in at 9 30 am time on the sells

See I have got feelings and emotions - now and again lol
10 09 am - end of hour change TW

Now need to see whats next - or is it a case we get the BTTZ's next and a sleep?

Been a busy Monday am session for last 2 hrs - so thats been good

Will review again now
GU review

When you look back last 12 hrs or so - supports at 7110 - 15 seem to be holding many times

that 7106 low might mean we get a HL now - and then another try up

For now not enough clues for me to say 7115/6 is the HL

Now at 3622 and still in scalp sell on 30% stake

Supports are here now and movement as slowed right down again

Need really over 3630 to be scalp buying or holding any on

as now breached out of its 11 pip range and fell under 0739 down to 0734

would need under 0726 to hold scalp sells on longer - otherwise we might get a bounce up again and turn above 30 or 33
EA and EJ - both still scalp sells for now - with supports and new TW in next 4 mins

Got the feeling it might get boring soon - shame
GU at 10 30 am

If it pull back now its only got say 5 -9 mins to go under 7115

So any pullbacks to say 7120 or 7118 - should be scalp buys again
EA and EJ - both still scalp sells for now - with supports and new TW in next 4 mins

Got the feeling it might get boring soon - shame

Comment from over 15 mins ago

Looks like it a slowed down

It might last just 15 - 30 mins - it could last 2 or 3 hrs

Will try and check every new TW - but now taking breaks

Gu still a scalp buy for me above 7118/20 - but that would change after the next hr change and then if 7116 is breached - look for scalp sells under 13 and under 10 and 04
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