Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Hey F: Did you forget about us on the other thread?


No not at all - in fact we have had a member ask today how's it going

I know you are still working on it - but have you sent me more questions etc - as last time I looked - I thought I was up to date with the queries etc - whilst you needed to look at different time zones for S & R's etc

Please remind me on what you need next and I can get on it later on tonight - no problem


4 32 PM


3594/5 could not hold the fall and price as dropped again to 3586 - with supports at 85 -80 and then the important 3550 -70 area

Any scalp buys now need over 3605 to hold on for a turn

Looking at the bigger picture - I reckon we need the EU to stay above 3572-75 to have a chance of keeping the bullish structure since the original posting of the 3503 low.

Will check at 5 00 pm TW and and then every 30 mins or so depending on PA

3 48 - 3 50 pm was the low at 9370 and then we had a 8 min scalp buy up to 9383 - before another fall - which as still stayed above the low for nearly the hr now

We had the HL at 9372 from 9370 and now we need a HH above 84

Present price 81/2 and still a scalp buy atm

Really does need to breach 85 and 90 to have a try higher to 139 00

Under 74 and 69 is scalp sells

EA - now above 4500 and still scalp bullish

Would need under 4500 and 93 to be taking new scalp sells

EA comment from early on this afternoon - before a LH at 4510.

Price dropped under 4500 and 93 and now down at 85 after a 4481 low

we are still in a scalp sell but need to breach the 75-80 support area - otherwise a bounce at the 5 00 pm hr change

at the end of the 5 00 pm TW the low as now held for over 30 minutes at 3583

We do need now over 92 and 95 for holding scalp buys longer

PA very slow now and so we might just be drifting for now unless we try over 3595
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Wednesday 25th June 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning Intraday FX traders

Middle of the week and lets start off before a quick review and update on any pairs in nice action over the last 15 or 60 mins that have already enticed me into scalps


From 5 00 am ( too early for me) and from 6 21/6 30 am the EU as been in scalp buys - rising from 3602 up to now 3610.

The main LH is at 3628 - then another at 20 - so will we test both or stop prior again for another LH

In terms of support 3601 and 3595/6 are the first 2 for me

Ok - review and updates on other main pairs I plan to trade - and will even look at the GJ as well today

Have a good day



well at 6 49 am - we had the first spike of the morning - with the EU dropping from 3609 to 04 and then bouncing back up.

That is liquidity providers manipulation to to take out scalpers like me - lol - deliberate - with no excuse,

The bias is still scalp bullish above 3601 and 04 and 07 - but now interim barriers down from 10 and 08/9

Yes great range of at least 5 pips ( lol) - need to wait for next clues now and whilst we are doing that review other pairs

Under 9365 - still session bearish with supports at 9355 area.


With AU session bearish for now - the EA is like other euro pairs and is trying to rise with present high at 4545 with interim supports at 32 -35 area

Will be looking at trading both these pairs maybe next hr after EO as just atm - nothing really happening other than teasing

Was a scalp sell from 6 30 am with low atm at 6961 and 6960 area being a support - resulting in bouncing now back up to 6972

This is also happening whilst the euro pairs bounce up - with the EU now back above 3610 at 3614

Remember on EU - 2 LH's at 3628 and 3620 - so will we test them - or stop just below ?

We can scalp sell the GU under 6975 again - but if it breaches above 78 - don't for now as could be in a manipulated turn going on with euro pairs

Under 173 10 - still in a down session mode

We had a low in last hr at 172 77 - which became a scalp buy with price currently at 95

Like the GU will look to scalp sell it again and would only hold any scalp buys above 173 07 and above 10

Whether supports at 172 - 75 -80 will be tested again - too early to say - but general morning bias is still down

As we know that could now all change at London Open in 35+ mins - so be aware ;-)

First red news at lunchtime - 1 30 pm UK

We do have minor news at 9 am and 11 am - so just be aware in case any excuses are used for quick spikes etc
7 27am

GU - now testing 75 again - and cannot scalp sell just atm - whereas at 72 before was ok for 5 + pips

As I am typing - still trying up so will wait over TW for now
EU at end of TW at 7 39am

price could not breach under 3609 for now and so turned again to become another scalp buy - but its only going to be any good it it not can breach above 16
7 49 am

Euro pairs still bullish with the EJ stronger than the EU atm

As I type another new high on EJ at 138 82 and still trying with 2 mins to new TW

similar to EJ - made another morning high at 3619 - 1 pip below last LH

Still a scalp buy above 14 /15 for now - with new TW 1 min away
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