Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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3552 is the interim high for now and 50 was scalp sell - but above 3544 - still in scalp buy mode

So what do you do ?

That all depends on how you play your game - ie carry on taking scalps or say no - above 44 will just hold a buy on ??

GU - is easy - I have exited to 30% at 7009 now - as maximised my profit and can scalp buy again later if we try over 7013 and 15

EU - exited 30% scalp buy at 47 - but have not taken scalp sell
GU - Scalp Buy in the 7 00 am Time Window


1 Min LR chart with candlesticks - so they show clearer - with scalp buy and exit shown



  • GU - 16614.JPG
    GU - 16614.JPG
    94.3 KB · Views: 345
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8 33 AM - Back now for 40 mins or so

Before I review some other key pairs back to the EU and GU

EU - now down under 3520 at 3513 and bouncing. I don't trust this pair one bit - with the manipulation going on.

If I was a Player - I would want to try under 3503 - to get more bears in again - before another 50 -100 pip turn up to stop hunt the again. Of course under 3502 and 3498 I will be scalp selling - BUT - ready to pull on any low holding and turning to a scalp buy and then not breaching that low for 30 mins.

I will watch to see if 3513 holds for 30 mins now

Scalp buys are OK - but we need over 26 to hold on longer

GU - made its new high of 7011 - and then dropped over 40 pips. Not in scalp buy above 72 atm - but will consider in next 15 mins
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Not taken a scalp on it so far this morning - as EU and GU been more entertaining

EJ currently at 137 83. We had high so far this morning of 91 and a low of 71

We are in bearish mode under 138 00 - but with supports at 70 -75 - so unless we break them by at least 5 + pips then we could try a turn up and test 91 and then 138 00

Watch to see if 71 low hold 30 mins from when posted
AU and EA

Still going nowhere new atm

AU presently just under 9400 at 9392 - and EA just under 4400 at 4395

On the surface AU looks bullish still and EA looks bearish

But is this false sentiment - jury still out for me atm - but every 30 mins more clues will appear

Not a pair I normally trade - but will update

For me under 102 25 its in a down mode - BUT - above 101 50 -55 - its still bullish - so really its a 70 -100 pip BTTZ and could be just teasing for now

Its OK to scalp but for larger directional moves - don't get tricked yet - just wait for more clues rather than going with any fortune tellers on the weeklies and monthlies

still not jumped in a scalp buy - but low held 30+ mins

Above 72 it is a scalp buy and need under 70 and 67 to take more scalp sells or hold any you are already in
Just popping out to 9 30 am

GU need still under 70 and 67 to hold on any scalp sells

EU - need now 32 and 36 to hold scalp buys on longer

Leaving stop now at 22 - but think might be taken out - but still have 6 pip net profit on 30% part if its taken

See you in a bit
F are you on the game ??? -------- you are in and out like an old t-rt

Monday morning - and need pips on the board lol

Above 6976 - GU is another scalp buy and on EU - yes its taken my 22 stop - but still think its nor ready for another try under 13 quite yet
hey all ..........ive been in game for last hour or so ............absolute nada............missed a couple of earlier calls before I warmed up which was frustrating ...............

Ive been chasing USD sells on my thread but nothing juicy appeared ........

gotta scoot ..................later
10 00 am

Monday morning - and we had an hr or two of great scalp action - but now its still boring - teasing time - manufactured to take your money

Will just check every 30 mins and If I miss any moves - so be it.

I just feel its a false sentiment game and the market wants you selling the GU and EU and others more - but really the players want to buy.

Will scalp both ways when required and have no problem scalping selling the GU again - if it does drop under 70 and 67 - but even then I might be looking at more scalp buys then above 6950 / 60 area

EU - need under 3503 and 3497 to make me think it falling further

Above 13 for now - still trying to turn up again

See you a bit later and GL on any trades
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