Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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3 mins to news and EU still falling although slowly. under 3600 still a scalp sell - but whether you leave it on - is up to you - as it could be another total reverse set up - or even a 2 way spike.

I as normal will play safe and wait - and if I miss a big move - so be it

There will be another one at sometime ;-)

still did not do another low under 3584

Just dont trust the set up and will wait for the dust to settle
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The buys have started on EU

Above 3603 still scalp bullish

As far as I am concerned - every trading trick in the book is being played here as the buying power is not continuing the rise - and its being held atm

All this does it encourages buyers to exit and more seller to enter under 3600

I will just have to carry on waiting - as we are just now in a BTTZ on the EU

we need back over 3608 and really 16 to have any confidence it will try higher again

check out 10 09 am and 10 21 am on the EU for scalp sell - and then scalp buy

like EU - been playing - but still in a scalp buy mode above 139 26.

Now trying 41 and high so far 43.

Having a break for now as moves slow and have got a NPGT on both EU and EJ with tight stops in profit again

If I get stopped no problem - if not then will be very pleased

Back later on prior to lunch



EJ chart


This chart was the EJ prior to 1 00 pm UK time

I will now post at 1 15 pm - showing a nice 20+ pip rise



  • EJ - 36142.JPG
    EJ - 36142.JPG
    119.4 KB · Views: 1,513
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above 3603 and since Midday the EU as been a scalp buy and as now gone up over 40 pips

3650 will always be a strong barrier and so far we have made 47 /50

If we stay above 3633 on any pullback - we should try up again

Under 3630 back to more scalp sells or hold any you are in
3 11 pm UK

EU - I think now we need to stay above 3618 -20 area for another chance of higher and having a proper go at breaching 3650 and 60.

Going to have a look after 3 30 time window whether we can scalp buy again and whether these next interim supports can hold

high so far 139 75 - we need to stay above 60 -62 area to have another try up

GU - not done much on this pair this afternoon - not liked the PA

6740 -45 is the main support and we would need a proper breach lower to take or hold any scalp sells

AU - dropped over 40 pips last 5 hrs or so- whilst EA as risen over 80 pips - caught some - but had concentrated on EJ and EU

Will update later on


GU - not done much on this pair this afternoon - not liked the PA

6740 -45 is the main support and we would need a proper breach lower to take or hold any scalp sells


Now under 45 and 40 but not cleared support area at 38 - we need really under 36 and 34 to confirm - otherwise we might get a 3 30 pm TW bounce
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