Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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watchin au. why do i feel this is a bear trap and 9350 is possible.
i am short tho
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EU - Catching Interim Highs and lows





Will be back Trading from Home again Tomorrow - and today have been travelling back from a few days Sailing

However was still able to catch the EU low today along with a few scalp buys and sells courtesy of a laptop.

I am posting a few chart sets ups catching the EU through out most of the day


  • EU - 29514 Interim Low.JPG
    EU - 29514 Interim Low.JPG
    126.9 KB · Views: 552
  • EU - 29514 High and Interim Low.JPG
    EU - 29514 High and Interim Low.JPG
    153.2 KB · Views: 565
  • EU - 29514 High and Low 2 for 1pm.JPG
    EU - 29514 High and Low 2 for 1pm.JPG
    138.8 KB · Views: 570
  • EU - 29514 High and Low for 4 pm.JPG
    EU - 29514 High and Low for 4 pm.JPG
    166 KB · Views: 575
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welcome back F ...........

Thanks N (y)

Looking forward to June's movements - however big or small

I hope all is well with you and things are going well

Last trading day of the month tomorrow and I hope I will be able to find lots of pips from it :)


Friday 30th May 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning Intraday FX traders

First day of trading back at my desk today - and its also the last trading day of the month of May.

Normal stuff - will be covering from now until approx 5 -6 pm - ie 10 -12 hrs with normally updates 1 to 3 times an hour along with planned scalps at certain levels etc.

I will not be calling every scalp - as there can be 5 -10 per hr and some might only last 1 -3 minutes - so by the time I have entered and even exited - you might only just have seen the comment on the thread - saying that in busy times - refresh the thread every 30 seconds or so - to make sure you receive all the comments.

If you dont do that - you might not see the comment on here for 3- 5 minutes - and then it can be missed if there as been multi comments and a change of page.

All entries have to be within a maximum of 7 pips for me - with the majority in the 3- 5 pip rang as long as the spread on the pair is under 1 pip.

Targets normally 7 -25+ pips - within 30 mins max were possible - but will take 1 or 3 pips if it starts to go against me - rather than wait for it to go 5 pips against me and take a loss.

For me it is far easier to re enter and exit with a small profit - than stay in a trade at 100% stake and be up 9 pips - only to see it 5 mins later go 4 pips into my stop and become a loss

Stops are controlled and fixed with the help of one click in and out with a hard stop 20 -25 pips away - that should not be used - but just as safety - fail safe purposes - targets are flexible - although I will drop from 100% stake size to 30% stakes with then stop in profit if the move seems to have greater possibilities

I am also sorry to say this thread is not for newbie traders - ie traders just starting or without a year or two behind them - as it too complex and should only be followed on demo - until you understand how it works etc.

I imagine a semi experienced trader can learn my way of Intraday short term trading within 6 -9 months - but it not a simple strategy that can be implemented all within a few weeks or months.

Normally i will take 10 - 20 trades over the 10 -12 hr European - US session - and my daily target is 50 pips

Some days its easy - other days even with 14+ trades I might struggle - especially if I have 3 or 4 losses on the way.

My pairs I cover are - EU - EJ - GU - AU - EA - Swissy - along with occasional UJ - GJ etc

All questions are welcome

Have a good day



i will start with this pair at approx 7 00 am UK time

Price is at 3605

Low yesterday 3585 and high 3627 area - range is tight and from the 8th of May we have droped approx 400 pips in total

Above 3595 and 3600 - my intraday session bias is still scalp bullish - even though we are in a down trend

To take mores scalp sells I need under 3598 and 94 - and then its a case will we test lower than 3580

For more scalp buys back over 3607 and 3612 to test then 25 -30 range

The EU is no longer my favourite to scalp as it is legally manipulated far too much by players and liquidity suppliers etc - but I will still trade it when I see proper moves etc

As i type in this trade window we have dropped under 3605 and atm its saying scalp sell

That can change within then next 9 mins as we are in the hr time window

Updates to follow

My present favourite pair for intraday scalping and I am lucky to have a 0 4 pip spread whilst scalp selling it under 138 20 at the 6 30 am frame change

Low so far 13 and whilst under 19 still a scalp sell

I will look at dropping to 30% stakes after end of time window - unless we drop below 08
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GU - AU - EA etc reviews to follow after 7 30 am - as out for 30 mins near 8 00 am - but back that hr

Normally I will take - 3-5 breaks over the day of 15 -40 mins depending on market activity etc etc

Also an update on calender to follow

EJ manged 11 and I exited 100% sell stake at 138 137
7 25 am and as said EJ was a scalp sell under 19 - but above 20 /21 it became a scalp buy

We need to see above 33 to hold - otherwise range for a start might only be 138 -30 to 138 10.

Ok on to some other pairs with updates now

Last 12 hours or so the GU as risen from 6706 to 6745 - approx 40 pip rise

For the half hr it might pullback - but over 36 its still in a scalp buy mode and would need under 34 and 30 to take scalp sells

Looking to see where next interim R's now
Morning F

I bet it wasnt lain sailing with the weather we've been having over the past few days? Any news to be aware of this morning?

AU and EA

Opposite correlations normally with the EA the larger mover having dropped over 1000 pips since early March

Will update more later on - as at present both pairs are retracing after AU as been bullish and EA bearish

Last 12 hours or so the GU as risen from 6706 to 6745 - approx 40 pip rise

For the half hr it might pullback - but over 36 its still in a scalp buy mode and would need under 34 and 30 to take scalp sells

Looking to see where next interim R's now

GU now 7 mins later made so far 6757 - and the R area is 55 -65.

Taking all off scalp buy as out in next 10 minutes and will update next hour
Taken out EJ 30% stake at 23

EU - just teasing atm range so far 98 to 3612 - but proper range 3630 to 3580 - ie 50 pips if we do get out of the immediate 15 pips of BTTZ zone
Morning F

I bet it wasnt lain sailing with the weather we've been having over the past few days? Any news to be aware of this morning?


Morning Derolo

No not from Portsmouth - lol - in the Med on a friends 40 ft sailing boat - relaxing and fun - out again over the summer

Main news today at 1 30 pm - but lots of non red news items that might have an effect - if used as an excuse

one at 8 00 am - but out now until about 8 25 am

Have a good day Derolo


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