Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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The LH was not at 4 13 pm though = on your chart it was 4 20 /21 ??

So when you entered not gone 30 mins ?

Also so many other clues for the price not going under 84 and then doing a HL again

Will have to explain more - sorry - but what you have showed me - is wrong on time and lh ??


the high at 16.20 was only a pip higher, which as you have said is only tease material. essentially, to be not black and white about it, the high has held from 4.13 ?
GU - 3 Key Time Windows for Price Change today


GU - I Min LR chart featuring 3 key time windows today - 10 00 am - 1 00 pm and 3 30 pm - all UK times - total of 3 scalp trades there - easy 60 + pip - but even if you got 40 pips of those waves - well done


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EJ - needs to stay above 83 -85 to scalp buy again

Under 82 and 80 - more scalp sells

Notice GU now made under 15 now - might have known it would trick me ;-(

From 30 mins ago

EJ turned at 86 - but no new high or 139 00

So now we need a breach under 85 and then 82 - and I reckon any bounce will stay under 95 - allowing another test on supports - and if they go then hold scalp sells under 80 for the 60 area
EJ at 7 30 pm time window close

We did not fall under 85 and 82 - only teased to 84 and the turned back up - again

Still not made over 139 00 - so you could say in a BTTZ

one will have to go soon - ie above 139 00 and 04 - or under 83 and 80

which ever goes allow a few extra pips to clear - as today the market as been up to all its normal tricks of trying to catch traders out - and generally it does first class job;-)
EJ - 1 Min LR chart for today


EJ chart showing price structure changes


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EJ - near US close at 10 pm UK time


Check the up arrow on previous chart nearly 2 hrs ago


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Tuesday 20th May 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning Intraday Traders

Earlier than normal this morning - as out for a few hours and not back until after 11 00 am UK time

Main news this morning at 9 30 am UK is on the UK and the Pound - GU

Overnight - the Aussie news dropped the AU down over 50 pips to 9290 and sent the EA up 70+ pips to the 4755 area. Will be keeping an eye on those two today in case we get pullbacks


Stuck in its range still - chose - either 3700 up to 3727 - or the bigger one 3690 to 3740 - ie 50 pips - Ok to scalp in but we need a proper break out for a bigger move either way. LR structure on EU atm is bearish under 3718


With news in 3 hrs - this pair should be moving and under 6830 the GU is bearish

Above 6830 and 50 - yes then we would be looking at scalp buys for a go at 6900 + again


Bullish above 139 00 and 139 05. Only look at holding scalp sells under 04 and 138 94 for now and will review later on again

Have a good day - and will see you sometime later on this morning


11 36 am UK time - just got back at desk and around for a couple of hrs

Will update in next 5 mins after end of this half hr time window
Good Morning Intraday Traders


Stuck in its range still - chose - either 3700 up to 3727 - or the bigger one 3690 to 3740 - ie 50 pips - Ok to scalp in but we need a proper break out for a bigger move either way. LR structure on EU atm is bearish under 3718

Comment on EU from approx 5 hrs ago

Since then the EU as fallen to 3678 - a HL still from the low of last week

Range now 3720 to 3670 - ie 50 pips for 2 way moves until one price is properly breached

Under 3718 and 3707 still have EU bearish and so would look as selling thi bounce again - unless it can carry on up over 3720

Price atm 3697 and a scalp sell under 3702 and needing under 92 and 88 to hold scalp sell on

After the news at 9 30 am - price went up to 6865 and above 6830 and 40 is still bullish

price atm at 6830 and so right on the edge - but a scalp sell under 37 and a scalp buy again if 6818 -22 area holds
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Bullish above 139 00 and 139 05. Only look at holding scalp sells under 04 and 138 94 for now and will review later on again

Comment on EJ over 5 hrs ago

Well price did drop under 139 04 and 138 94 and went down to 138 55 - an approx 45 -50 pip drop.

Since then price as bounced / retraced but still under 138 90 and now range really 139 10 down to 138 50 - 60 pips that might see 2 way movements for now - until we get a clear breach of range prices

Supports 138 -65/70 and R's at 138 95 to 139 07

Still scalp buy above 71

After the news at 9 30 am - price went up to 6865 and above 6830 and 40 is still bullish

price atm at 6830 and so right on the edge - but a scalp sell under 37 and a scalp buy again if 6818 -22 area holds

We like news... ;)

Edit: Joking aside, this wasn't the easiest news to trade. Some of the news was priced in, and in the low vol environment, the mean reversion move post-news wasn't entirely surprising. My point being, use caution in these situations. Good luck.


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2 00 pm UK time

So far high 139 01 - and LH at 138 98 and now a LL at 87

Intial scalp sell over as we need under 84 and then 80 and 77 for a larger drop

Any bounces should stay under 97 now - so a quick scalp buy might be possible from say above 83 to 95 - but as long as we stay under 97 then we should try under 80 and 77
2 30 pm

GU still teasing up - need to breach above 6840+ to hold scalp buys on longer with any pullback staying above 31

AU and EA

As before - AU falling and EA rising and now at 4800 levels
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