Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EJ - sods law - 26 held and now testing 34 again - not in now - but white Lrs still saying higher above 29 - but end of time window - and so will have to just ignore and see if we carry on up - or stall again
Even the UJ as moved up over 15 pips - not a pair i would normally trade - as too slow and prefer the EJ or even the GJ instead

Price currently at 6790 area

Yesterday we had a low of approx 6731 - and then a rise to 6806 ish

Today we need to see back over 6800 and a test above 6810+ or for 6780 and 60 to let go for further drops.

We know under 60 - we have supports at 42-45 area - and then approx 30 -35

Presently a scalp sell from 6794 and 7 00 am time window

in the end made 139 -35/6 at 7 13am - outside time window - need to check the 14 -16 times and 44 -46 as well today.

From 139 32 - was a scalp sell and will show both these scalp moves on the EJ chart when I post it

Need under 18 to hold scalp sell on for a longer fall

made 3718 - I had wanted to scalp sell 15 -17 as mentioned- and as now fallen to 12 - but stalling

3704 to 3721 - say approx 17 pips is now a BTTZ until we get a proper breach - then above 21+ scalp buy - or under 3704 and 3700 - scalp sell
AU and EA

Both got ugly PA atm with AU bias looking still lower last 3 hrs - and EA bias still trying to rise again

Not looking at trading atm - might change after LO or in next few hrs - and then will review more

In at 8 00 am - out at 8 15 am for 30 mins and then hope to be around for a few hours

back to scalp buy at the end of the half hr time window at 6790 and 7 39 am

Now the GU is also in a BTTZ - from 6780 to 6800 - approx 20 pips

Need a proper breach to be scalp buying more above 6800 and 6810 - or under 6780 - scalp selling down to supports at 60 -65

in the end made 139 -35/6 at 7 13am - outside time window - need to check the 14 -16 times and 44 -46 as well today.

From 139 32 - was a scalp sell and will show both these scalp moves on the EJ chart when I post it

Need under 18 to hold scalp sell on for a longer fall

EJ - now at 139 187 - will take 70% off scalp sell now and stick stop in profit at 26

back to scalp buy at the end of the half hr time window at 6790 and 7 39 am

Now the GU is also in a BTTZ - from 6780 to 6800 - approx 20 pips

Need a proper breach to be scalp buying more above 6800 and 6810 - or under 6780 - scalp selling down to supports at 60 -65

GU - comment from earlier - got caught on scalp buy - as we did not go over 95 and I needed that to stay with scalp buys - out at 90 - so just a part pip loss - and now will wait until next hr

Popping out in approx 10 -15 mins - but will just see if any quick scalps first
Will have to post my EJ chart a bit later

Shows 3 great scalp trades so far over last 90 mins

Back before end of this hr

GL guys
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