Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Tuesday 13th May 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning Interday Traders

Its seems as though the FX market was different to other markets yesterday - and its seems as though we had the short straw - ending up with a very boring lack luster day - not helped being a Monday with no real news.;-(

Lets hope today and the rest of the week is better .

Normal stuff - quick update and review of the key pairs I plan to intraday trade.

As a reminder - All stops are somewhere between 3 -7 pips - ( mental stops not hard - they are further away as only used in emergencies ) - I use one click in and out a trade - that might last as a scalp from say 30 seconds to 30 mins - and then as a NPGT on 30% stakes ( 70% stake taken off) with a stop then in profit from 1- 10 pips and adjusted as move increases.

NPGT's ( No Pain Gain Trades) can then last from say 15 mins to 15 hr to even 15 days + ie like Eur / Aud from March 12th from approx 5500 - but I will also add or scalp against them as well.

Also in busy periods - refresh this threads pages at least every 30 secs - as if 2 or 3 traders all typing in comments - then with no refresh - it can be 3- 5 mins plus before you will see them on your screen.

Have a good day


OK - today - at least we have some red news Items through out the day - on the EU - AU ( yes Au ) and of course the dollar - so hopefully that's saying movements should be better than yesterday's sleep mode ( I hope)
EU - at the EO

Price approx 3761 - as yesterday atm - above 50 and 60 - price is scalp bullish - under 60 and 50 then price favours lower - with supports from the big fall from last Thursday being at the 3745-50 area

In last 3 hrs - price as moved up from 54 to 61 - yes 3 hrs plus to do 7 pips - normally a 60 -240 seconds scalp - that slow.

Swissy - Price at 8875 - and also asleep atm. We need over 81 and 85 to look at scalp buys and to stay under 8878 and 73 to hold scalp sells from a try lower - ie under 60 - as supports at 55-65.

No plans to trade either atm - but hopefully after London Open and German news at 10 00 am UK time - things might change
AU - and EA

AU fell during Asian session from 9360 area to 9341 - and is still in a scalp sell under say 48 and 53 area on any pullbacks

EA - nice rise during last night - from under 4690 up to present price at 4731 - and atm I am in from 4716 - at the end of the 6 30 am time window ( yes 6 39 am ) and still on 100% scalp stake

Notice R area at 4742 to 50 ish and price now made 4742 - so will take 70% stake off scalp buy and keep 30% stake on with that stop in profit at 4725

AU not in that scalp sell - was too focused on the EA scalp buy

All Euro pairs have been slowly rising this morning - and after the EA - next pair to keep an eye on is the EJ

From LO - price as made over 140 75 - a R area and tested 81/2

I think over 73 - still a scalp buy - although not in it atm

Would need price to drop under 71 and 67 for scalp sells

Like AU - price as been falling - a nice scalp sell from the 6 30 am time window and currently at 6866 - with supports from 6850 to 60 area.

Would need back over 73 and 76 to be scalp buying for testing 80 -85 and then if that breached - 6904+ area

Under 6660 and 50 - favours scalp sells for lower - but all depends on strength of the supports area

No main GU news today - so might stay in the 6840 - 6890 area - but that's just guessing - and i could be totally wrong - so instead will be following GU price every 30 and 60 mins - and more than likely both scalp buying and selling during the day
Not here for 8 00 am - and only about for approx an hr this morning - so will be trading more US session today - purely due to family commitments.

Stay focused - watch for time window changes - and take or lock in profits

Have a good session


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