Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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AU - after Midday on Friday 11th

Interim LH now posted at 9427 - nearly half way between the critical 9420 - 40 area,

Price since as dropped under 9420 and 9400 and down to 9387 - a nice scalp sell with supports now again at 9375-80 and under there 9360 -65

EA - bounced from supports at 4735 and now at 4780 - nice scalp buy - with R's now at 88 - 4800 and 4805
EU update

Now under 3895 - EU is a scalp sell with supports at 3880 and also at 3870

EJ still a scalp sell under 35 on any bounces back up

From nearly 3 hrs ago

EU now around the 3870 support area

EJ - fell from under 141 35 to 140 65 ish and now in scalp buy above 69 and so far made 84. Need above 90 and 95 to hold any scalp buys on - and back under 62 and 57 for more scalp sells
Comment on GU from over 90 mins away

It bounced up to 74 and then 69 -70 was scalp sell again - confirmed then under 64 and as since made 32

Presently at 34 - so moved stop more in profit at 51

Comment on GU from approx an hr ago

GU made 6720 and i have taken scalp sells profit at 26 - as its now a scalp buy above 24.

Would only look at more scalp sells now under 6717 and 6710
Two RED news announcements in 15 mins at 1 30 pm and then at 2 55 pm ( crafty time)

Just be aware in case they are used as excuses - or even used properly as fundamental moves ;-)
4 00 pm UK time

AU - in a BTTZ for me - between 9440 and 9360 - 80 pips that is scalpable - but really can be played with to just trick bulls and bears

We had the LH but need under 80 and 60 to make a LL.

Above 9420 - 30 and 40 favours higher - and under 9400 and 9380 favours lower

Similar with EA - under 4790 is bearish still but needs another try of today's low at 4735

Above 4800 and 4820 back to scalp buys
EU - another pair in a BTTZ - 3850 to 3900 sums it up. Can be scalped both ways in the range but needs above 3900 to hold on to the scalp buys and under 3875 and 65 to take or hold onto scalp sells

GU still bearish under 6735- but need to breach under supports at 6715 and then 6700 for lower
EJ fell from under 141 35 to 140 65 ish and now in scalp buy above 69 and so far made 84. Need above 90 and 95 to hold any scalp buys on - and back under 62 and 57 for more scalp sells

Comment on EJ from over 3 hrs ago

EJ now at 141 20 with present high from this run at 30.

Holding scalp buy above 141 05 for now - with stop in profit
EJ - taken scalp buy off at 141 17 - not waiting for it to pullback further

Over 40 pips profit on a 30% NPGT with 11 pips of that on full 100% scalp - so not to bad on that one

Finishing now for day but will be popping back in later to check on some other NPGT's

Have a great weekend


Morning N

Last week for me was an unusual one - far from my best - with one day when I did not make my daily target and another day when I did - but by only counting the additional gains off my 30% stakes longer term trades of which 2 of them on the EA I still have on.

I am sure my brain is already on the beach - and I need some long relaxing liquid lunches in the sun admiring top less girls to recharge my trading "mojo". Funny enough I have never read about that in "Trading in the Zone" ;-)

Have a great weekend and Monday is my last day for bit - so will be trying for a good one


Morning N

Last week for me was an unusual one - far from my best - with one day when I did not make my daily target and another day when I did - but by only counting the additional gains off my 30% stakes longer term trades of which 2 of them on the EA I still have on.

I am sure my brain is already on the beach - and I need some long relaxing liquid lunches in the sun admiring top less girls to recharge my trading "mojo". Funny enough I have never read about that in "Trading in the Zone" ;-)

Have a great weekend and Monday is my last day for bit - so will be trying for a good one



enjoy tomorrow ...and then your well earned break (y)

Monday 14th April 2014 - Pre Opens

Good Morning Intraday FX Traders

I am away this week and am only trading today. I will be back sometime around the middle of next week - so meanwhile welcome any other FX Intraday traders commenting with their trading calls and thoughts.

A quick update and review on the main pairs I will be looking at today to follow

Have a great week - ( i will :) )


EU and Swissy

EU - Price at 3851 - after making 3906 on Friday. Still in a bullish structure even after posting LH's and LL at 3842 compared to previous of 3880 - 3862 and 3855 ish.

I have already seen over the weekend some pattern traders recommending sells now due to many reasons - I look upon it that the market is too clever now a days and therefore before any large move - it will try and fry both bulls and bears - ie double whammies - not just stop hunting one way.

i will therefore scalping the EU both ways today looking for more clues

For now the EU is a scalp sell under 53 - but above 3842 - still in the session bullish structure

Meanwhile the Swissy as risen over 30+ pips to 8772 but needs over 77 and 8780 to take or hold more scalp buys

Been a scalp sell since the 6 00 am and the 6 30 am time window from 140 84 and also from 140 81 and now as I am typing falling to 140 62 and still a scalp sell under 71

Supports at 140 50 -55 area first
I am not around for 8 00 am but back during that hour and will then do reviews on the GU / AU / EA in more detail.

So far 3 trades - 2 scalp sells and a scalp buy on 2 pairs the EU and EJ

The Swissy i have ignored for now as still not made over 80
EJ - had to take scalp buy off at 58/9 after it topped at 62/3

Not in either scalp sell again on EU and EJ - as EU took my 30% out at 44 - before falling to 35/6
8 45 am UK time

EU and EJ both turned over the LO with the EJ up over 30+ pips

Missed both being out - but still think they are in BTTZ 's with no clear direction for now
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