Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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EJ - low so far 71 and would need now over 85 and 88 to be holding scalp buys above 71

Still think this might be more teasing or holding going on as proper supports 6 -10 pips lower
EA - stuck in a BTTZ between 5085 and 5112 area - say approx 28 -30 pips

Until we break either way will leave for now

Going to have another break as a school run at 3 pm

I think we should get some more action over the next 2hrs - but might not be here to take advantage

GL guys and watch the clock and the levels
Just popped back to have a look etc - and looks very boring and slow atm

EU - is scalp bullish still above 3782 and I would need under 74 and 70 to be scalp selling for lower

EJ - similar scalp bullish above 87 - but needs over 141 00 to hold on and for a move higher

Would not scalp sell on EJ until price dropped under 78 and 73

EA - still in its BTTZ - needs over 5121 and 24 for holdng or taking more scalp buys and under 85 and 78 for scalp sells for a try lower

GU and AU - - jsut stuck in tight ranges and would not bother at all atm

Will have another look in next hr time window

A very slow afternoon session - so might be more action tonight or in Asian session


Just popped back to have a look etc - and looks very boring and slow atm

EU - is scalp bullish still above 3782 and I would need under 74 and 70 to be scalp selling for lower

EJ - similar scalp bullish above 87 - but needs over 141 00 to hold on and for a move higher

Would not scalp sell on EJ until price dropped under 78 and 73

EA - still in its BTTZ - needs over 5121 and 24 for holdng or taking more scalp buys and under 85 and 78 for scalp sells for a try lower

GU and AU - - jsut stuck in tight ranges and would not bother at all atm

Will have another look in next hr time window

A very slow afternoon session - so might be more action tonight or in Asian session



This comment is from approximately 1 hr ago now

EU - now made 3798 - so some scalp buy profit there

EJ - now made 141 02 - so scalp buy profit from 87 - but not convinced to hold ant more on atm

EA - now made 5129 - but similar to EJ - dont know whether to take all of scalp buy profits off or hold 30% on with stop at 20 ?

Had enough now for a Monday - off for tea and see you later on


This comment is from approximately 1 hr ago now

EU - now made 3798 - so some scalp buy profit there

EJ - now made 141 02 - so scalp buy profit from 87 - but not convinced to hold ant more on atm

EA - now made 5129 - but similar to EJ - dont know whether to take all of scalp buy profits off or hold 30% on with stop at 20 ?

Had enough now for a Monday - off for tea and see you later on



From over 4 hrs ago - only got more pips off one of those pairs I had been scalp buying and that was in a now called "No Pain Gain Trade" ( NPGT ) instead of using the "free trade" concept - still the same though and in my case 30% of winning left on with stop in profit already

Brilliant "gameplay" - ie catch out the enemy at an unexpected time - ie after London close and over the US lunch period - see I had made over my daily targets and was no longer properly focused etc after 5 pm UK time ( wanted my tea) - and then the markets "come to life" - after a boring early US am session - and so failed to add another 100 + pips to my tally in less than what would have been another hour

Shame - but that's trading and as we now being advised by other FX experts ( lol) -:)

" this game as no secrets - all is played openly - there is no manipulations - no game plays - no psychological "war" - all participants are total honorable gentleman - no large player would ever think of doing something unscrupulous - they really are there to help you do well on your trading journey "


Yes and the world is flat - pigs can fly and there are no multi nic blogging on this site tonight ........... if only :D

Here's to a great Tuesday


Tuesday 25th March 2014 - Pre EO and LO

Morning Traders

This morning we have some EU news an hr after the London Open and then at 9 30 am UK time more news on the Pound and the UK

So I will be looking at the GU after the Opens - today - after ignoring it yesterday and not even taking one trade on it.

AU and EA already been interesting with decent movements over the Asian Session

The EU and UChf - both in tight ranges atm so will wait until after I am back at my desk after 8 30 am on study those pairs more

Meanwhile - EJ - a scalp sell at the end of the 6 30 am time window from 141 47

Would need under 33 and 30 to hold it on longer for a further drop so will probably take some profit prior to that level - to be safe

Have a great trading Tuesday

More to follow after the EO


EJ - 2 attempts at trying under 38 and no luck - so out scalp sell but not taken scalp buy at 42 - as instead would prefer to scalp sell again under 54 if the opportunity arises and all lines up in a time window
EJ - price now at 53 and although a scalp sell now there are supports forming above 38 and a HH and HL now taking shape on the 1 min frames

If we stay above 39 - might be able to scalp buy now for an attempt over 54 and 60
7 30 am time window and EJ

Still in scalp sell from 53 and confirmed with a LH at 51

Expect 38 /9 to hold for a scalp buy then - BUT if 37 lets go - a different scenario

Out in 10 mins approx so from now no under 38 will take scalp sell profit

See you in the next hr

Morning Guys

Back earlier than normal this morning and missed the main traffic

Well done MM if you took another scalp sell under 54 / 51 / under 49

The EJ - I should do a case study on from say 6 00 am this morning - as its been great for scalpers

Will it now break the low again at 141 25 - or stop above 30 and change the bias pattern again

2 mins in 8 30 am frame changes - hopefully we get more clues in next 9 -11 mins
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