Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Seems i have you rattled Tar

That's good

Also you are giving yourself away so easily as a hater or disser with that comment

ie - Retail is for suckers" Kramer .

May I suggest that you are just a failed retail trader - and after seeing now some of your trades on the other blog - that confirms it

I suggest you give up mate

Or even better - leave ;-))


Seems i have you rattled Tar

That's good

Also you are giving yourself away so easily as a hater or disser with that comment

ie - Retail is for suckers" Kramer .

May I suggest that you are just a failed retail trader - and after seeing now some of your trades on the other blog - that confirms it

I suggest you give up mate

Or even better - leave ;-))



"Retail is for suckers" Kramer , its just a joke :LOL:
tar are you suggesting forexmasphallian isnt actually making these trades? i gotta admit its tough trying to follow entries and exist as their not very clear so it makes following this thread confusing but it hadnt occured he was just blogging for self stimulation rather than actually trading

Hi Ballard

Yes I do trade for self satisfaction - ie money does make me happy

Why not ask the guy I have assisted for 4 months on scalping - ie Major Magnum

He posts his results -

And although he has been testing various brokers for choosing the right one for a larger live account - he actually takes more trades than me

I normally take 10 -20 trades a day - sometimes as low as 8 and up to 23 -25 if Its a great day or I am struggling to get over daily target of 50 pips if I have had say 4 or 5 bad trades

To follow on this thread - you need to refresh at least every 30 seconds to catch all the comments

I can actually type as quick as a trade - yet again loads of practice :)

Hope that explains things more - but even if you go through my method / strategy - it will still take you 6 - 12 months to really be good at it

i have haters from the day I joined T2W

Saying that - you might if you rub up the old members and all those hidden commercial plants you find here

Still its fun - and I only blog and trade to get be focused and also for interaction

I have had a lot of interaction today - off one character - although the other 30 + who have been watching in between and the hared core of 5 or 10 who follow every day - would not have helped take this thread up to 115k reads in 4 months

5th month starts next week - and it it really annoy many that I have not had a losing day in those 4 months - although I believe 9 days when I have not hit my daily target


no you miss my point i find it impossible to follow your posts not because they are too numerous which tey are but they dont carry sufficient information for me to understand what youre doing for me it reall yis just a jumble

my response to tar was to query if he really thought you were an out and out charlatan or merely someone who is lonely that blogs incessantly as a means to avoid teh crushing boredom of their empty life

i was told major gangnam was one of your many multinicks but thats none of my business

no,i am me.
no you miss my point i find it impossible to follow your posts not because they are too numerous which tey are but they dont carry sufficient information for me to understand what youre doing for me it reall yis just a jumble

my response to tar was to query if he really thought you were an out and out charlatan or merely someone who is lonely that blogs incessantly as a means to avoid teh crushing boredom of their empty life

i was told major gangnam was one of your many multinicks but thats none of my business

Sorry to have to inform you


Yes you must be a multi nic then???? - who are you then ???

I am not Major Magnum

i am only me here blooging as Forexmospherian

I suggest you read the first say 3 pages - then pick say 10 pages over every month

You would need to understand about time windows and LRs to have a clue on reading PA at the coalface

Until then - it will be all mumble jumble -

Still - I have only been blogging and scalping for 3 yrs now - and I do enjoy it and it does help me focus when you have similar like minded free thinking traders - who understand your set up

When you get traders pop in who dont know my methods - and dont scalp at all - or work on 30 and 60 min time windows etc etc - and think 5 pip stops are just in their dreams - you do get problems

I think this is the first time I have had a real hater on this thread for a few weeks or more

They must be getting fed up - or all leaving lol


cos the first one only gave you 8 pips incluing spread from entry to lowest possible low before youwould have got stopped and the 2nd one gave you a whopping 24 pips

are you guys actually calling the real price at the actual time your posting here? there seems to be a lot of confusion and some genuine cause for concern that your not playing with a straight bat

yes, i noticed that difference when looking at each swing once they had played out. Thanks for reaffirming it.
With ref to other question, care to share pearls of wisdom on how you did those ace calls yesterday?
yeah im sure i mean you would be whoever you are right? but im not taking a view hear just saying what i heard

Unfortunately - you will read loads of rubbish on most forums

But there is an old breed here - who don't like the new boys ( or girls ) in town

I wish you well and you would have to go through a lot of stuff to pick up on my scalping and free trade methods

FX trading is just not simple or easy

its complex and full of gameplays as well as retailer thinking they can all fortune tell - ie read 4 hrs or 1 week into the future - with the same high probability of trading in the "now"

I blame all the commercial guys and institutions - misleading etc and trying to get retail traders trading like Jessie Livermore in the modern 21st century

Am i big headed with an attitude problem

No - an easy going nice ( fairly rich) guy - who is now in his 60th year of life - having fun

I do have great patience, determination and worked under pressure for most of my working life

Also - i am not lazy - like so many retail traders that just do not put the effort and study into finding their "edge"


cos the first one only gave you 8 pips incluing spread from entry to lowest possible low before youwould have got stopped and the 2nd one gave you a whopping 24 pips

are you guys actually calling the real price at the actual time your posting here? there seems to be a lot of confusion and some genuine cause for concern that your not playing with a straight bat

The problem is the time lags

You cannot post within 30 seconds a second post yourself

We should be on Skype or instant chat - I tried it 2 years ago - but did not like reviewing a voice recording

I prefer to review written type

Originally other members were not seeing my post for sat 3-10 mins if they did not refresh ever 30 seconds

All the regulars know what to do now

Yes all brokers charts have a few pips difference - normally 1 to 4 pips - due to time lags etc etc

That does not help

I trade the price of the broker i pick on the day

Sometimes I will have 3- even 6 pips difference

i only can report my price

Others might be seeing this difference according to who their broker is

Thats why you have to trade live yourself and not just copy

All the old timers said you are not posting live

So to get over that - i make price comments in advance of intentions

Ie I plan to scalp buy about this price if its stops there in time window

Then I can go back to comment and re comment it in anew message as proof of intentions

This still annoys them - as you know if you have haters / spoilers or dissers - you cannot really win with them at all

All i can do is just wind them up more as I am full time - have been for over 6 yrs now - so have time on my side to trade and comment
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thats the thing sir it always looks good inretrospect and some peeps it would seem are accusing you and your buddy of doin that a whole heap

time for you to put the record straight and give the doubters what they want which is clear precise timely and verifiable data of your trading actions otherwise whats the point of posting?

Why in earth should I make other traders money - when they post cr*p like - retail trading is for suckers

i like a joke and a laugh - but certain types are just jealous - or have had a bad day themselves - so they want revenge - if not in the market - with anyone who might be able to do - what they can't

I could not care a damn about anyone who is not genuine and just wants to try and find fault etc all the while

I have really spent enough time - non trading today - but cannot complain - still done triple my daily target - even with all the interruptions

Now that takes some doing :D
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PS - Glad we have made over 3800 again on EU

Even though I have no real bias - its so frustrating to read so many analysis type traders saying that the EU can only go down and 3000 is next month etc etc

All guessers - and probably - most of them all losers
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