Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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Coming up to 2 00 pm

EU not tested any interim supports and bounce from 3711

Now above 3716 on any pullbacks - another scalp buy
EU - low now 05 - bounces need to stay under 13 and 15 now and then test under 3700

Otherwise - might be another reversal in next half hr window
Another scalp buy above 06 now - needs 15 and 17 to hold it on - if not take what you can

Only scalp sell again now under 3701 and 3697 - for what 3680 or 90 ??
Taken all of 2 scalp sells at 93 and 94

Out in 20 mins again - might try trading again in another hr or so

See you later guys
EU - cannot seem to get under 3660 for now and its bounced a few times at 63 /64

Under 69 still scalp bearish for me - but will need to break under 60 and 55 to hold sells on

Need 69 and 72 to be scalp buying
Swissy still scalp bullish above 8916 - - needs over 8930 and 34 to hold on with scalp buys
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Back now for an hr or so

Hows it going MM - have you reviewed your morning again ?

have been reviewing whole journey all day. fear panic plus total snow crash. I think this is about being stuck at a plateau.
i need to drop back in line and follow your comments more
we aRE in a range between 550 and 651 with no clear direction for last hour. this time has allowed many lr get under price, suggesting o/s, but i know os can go on indefinitely
pa will be my guide
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price holding at 65, but i have decent movement in last few minutesoff a known support line so holdng long
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