Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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GU - a bt tease zone in between 6440 and 6463 - ie 23 -25 pips - ok for scalping - but any move in here could be false needs clear break above say 67 and 73 for holding scalp buys and below 37 and 33 and then 25 to hold scalp sells
EU - should carry on falling under 40 - last few days 34 -38 as been the no mans land or the line in the sand - but still a tease zone from 25 to say 45 - 20 pips that can be scalped - but with no real direction

Ideally set up for intraday false sentiment - and to have your money ;-)

Scalp for 2- 7 pips or just wait
EJ - a bit better over last hr with some nice scalp waves without the bitty spiking - currently scalp sell under 81 but now need 69 then 64 to look at holding any part stake
EJ - a bit better over last hr with some nice scalp waves without the bitty spiking - currently scalp sell under 81 but now need 69 then 64 to look at holding any part stake

EJ stopped at 70

72 is a scalp buy for aggressive scalpers - but we would need 78 and 80 to look at holding any scalp buy on

Under 68 and 64 more scalp sells
As EJ tried up on a scalp buy - so as EU

Remember the EU is in a bt tease zone but a clear scalp buy from 34/35 needing 41 and 44 to hold any part of the scalp buy on
GU also breaking up above 57 - scalp buy - but in 2 already so not taking this atm

Still in a tease zone so be careful
EU - my free trade scalp buy 30% stake stop is in profit set at 36 - if I get stopped no problem as my 70% made over 5 pips

EJ - 30% stop at 74 ( in profit) and my 70% made me 8 pips as entered before EU and it notmally moves quicker
If I dont see another interim high on EU and EJ in next 9 mins - I will just pull the free trade buys and not wait to be stopped out
Looks like both EU and EJ have fooled me by showing false LH's and getting me out my buys

Both trying up again - but will only reneter on EJ for now
Why do I bother with "bermuda triangle tease zones" ?? - well starting to read the manipulation better - you can see the false moves made in many cases - but I chose the EJ for another scalp buy rather then the EU and in the end it would have been the EU which would have offered me another 3 pips - whilst EJ as been played with more and as not been as easy as I thought
They fooled a lot of people there F. not only you I reckon.

Hi klw

Yes agree - I know moves will not be easy - but sometimes the extra manipulation can really frustrate you - all part of the game I suppose #

Because we are in tease zones - I should just take 2- 7 pip scalps and not try and stay in - but at least if stop is in profit you are covered

Have a good day and lets hope next hr improves
AU - at end of half hr time window - stuck in a bt tease zone for me

Above 9070 and 75 - yes more scalp buys - under 47 scalp sells - but in the 28 pips in between - its scalping with no real clues on a proper direction next - and more than likely the moves will be false

Will check some other pairs now

AU at the point now 47/48 - as we just enter time window - is it bounce time first ??
EJ - not made 86 and out scalp buy - under 83 now a scalp sell - but will need 75 and 72 to hold part or all of scalp sell on
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