Intraday Live short term trading calls from an Expert Retail Forex Trader

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im good whatever happens. happy with learning today

After 2 00 pm we should be able to trade back on the technicals - but watch in case a big dump at say 2.01 pm or 2 31 pm - within the next hr hopefully it will be all settled down - hopefully

Will be out for a bit in 15 mins but back then later on

If I spot something in next 5 mins will comment
Well an interesting NFP... to be honest I expected more movement on the majors, still made a few hundred bucks so it'll do :)

Edit: Will post trades on my thread in a while.
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ok got to go out. hope next week will be better for me. ty for all help its very much appreciated!!! will try harder next week to apply what i learn.
NFP day

Hi all,

hope all has make green pips

because of leak of the nfp I got some good $$, because after the first up I follow :)

now I wish all a nice weekend!

hope see you all next week

Hi all,

hope all has make green pips

because of leak of the nfp I got some good $$, because after the first up I follow :)

now I wish all a nice weekend!

hope see you all next week


Cheers fx - Have a good weekend

Back for a couple of hrs - to see if I can make some more good pips
AU - peaked now just under 9000 at 8998 would like to scalp buy again above 40 and looking to see a suitable entry
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